Season of the Hunt (Closed with star478, Possibly NSFW)

(Congrats on the internship! I should be getting an internship myself either next summer or the summer after. Maybe depending on my credit situation and what not.)

"It's okay Trevor," Leo says trying to remain calm as Trevor sprang up so fast he practically startled Leo causing Leo's heartbeat to increase, which isn't very good for the baby/babies he's carrying. "I have no idea what you went through out there, but you're safe now. We both are.

"Listen, we are both in the hospital, recovering from the injuries we received in the crash," Leo knew he was lying to his best friend, but he didn't want to freak Trevor out more than what he already is. "Some stranger found our car in a ditch upside down and magled after we hit a tree. He called 911 and they brought us to the hospital. We'll survive. If it wasn't for the stranger, we both would have died from hypothermia."

Leo hoped it calmed Trevor down and relegated whatever it was he was dreaming about to just that: a dream.

Please don't be mad at me when I tell you the truth when you're ready to hear it, Leo thought to himself. For now, Leo wanted to be the only one that had an inkling of what the truth was.

((Thanks! Hopefully everything goes well then ^_^))

Trevor began to calm down the second he noticed Leo. The dazed male fell back on the bed with a ditzy smile. "Just a car accident?"

He rubbed his wrapped head, hoping that his mind just had a weird way of telling him bad news while he slept. "I suppose that makes sense..." his words slurred slightly from the drugs, his green eyes scanning around the room

"Your parents aren't pissed are they?" He tried to sit up a bit in am effort to see Leo better, his hand attempting to reach out to him. "I know my mom's gonna freak"

For some reason, he found humor in his words, making him smile and laugh as best he could, but it faded. Not even Morphine could make him dream something like that. "The dream felt so real though. Not like last time." He had parts of the dream earlier, but maybe the wounds from the accident made him feel the pain as he slept.

"How're you holding up?"

(Welcome. Yeah, hopefully)

Leo felt a pang of guilt at having to lie to Trevor and how easily he accepted the lie, but lying was better than telling him the truth at this point. From what Leo could tell, the werewolves that attacked Trevor were more viscious than what Brayden was to him. Leo taking Brayden's girlfriend's place most likely had something to do with it.

"They're upset," Leo said and took Trevor's hand. He also gently laid Trevor back down to prevent his injuries from getting ripped back open. "They have yet to come by and check up on us though.

"I'm doing fine. The worst of the impact was on the driver's side, so that's why you have the more serious injuries and my injuries aren't nearly as bad." Leo gestured to his bandages as he said that.

Trevor didn't want to lay back down, but he really wasn't in a position to "fight" back. Instead, he was back to a resting position.

"I don't want to stay in this thing all day. I don't feel different. Just a few minor aches, especially in the back...and head..." he rubbed it lightly, a revelation coming to mind. "Wait...I thought the weather got a little bad last night."

Of course it made sense in his head that it would be impossible to drive during a snowstorm. That was if he was dreaming it all. He was wrapped in bandages so maybe Leo's story did check out. "Still...why a dream like that of all things..."He rubbed his itching neck a bit, noticing it was wrapped up as well.

"I guess I can't check though...Hey! Was there a mark on my neck?" Maybe Leo saw him.before they were admitted. Upon asking the question however, a knock came to the door. Shortly after opening, Leo's parents walked in, both with grim looks on their faces. Trevor, a bit high from the drugs, smiled widely.


Brayden's morning was mostly spent on covering up three accidents along with Damian. They were easy to place the blame on in terms of Lions escaping the zoo, a guilt he would feel later for having some innocent creatures -In this case, they were innocent- be put to sleep. For Leo and his friend's problem, that was a bit tricky. When arrived to the house, there was a scent that made him sick to his stomach sp much that he was on the verge of vomiting. The Hunters were beomg clever in using the scent of a flower that could poison them. The next issue came in hotwiring the car to prevent the alarm from going off.

With the crashed car successfully pulled, he went back to the alley to examine the scene thoroughly. It wasn't the fact that the incident happened, it was the fact that the blood was too fresh. To him, it was apparent that Trevor had not been out in the cold long contrary to what he thought earlier. There were also multiple scents, making it hard for him to decipher, especially with the human's blood ringing out to his nose. Trevor had not been out in the cold for long.

e human's blood ringing out. he

Leo shrugged his shoulders.

"I couldn't see anything," he said. It was true. He never really paid much attention to Trevor's neck. He was too concerned about Trevor's well-being as a whole to notice anything else. "They to you into surgery before I could see anything. I wasn't hurt badly enough to warrant any surgery thankfully. As for the dream, maybe it was just your brain implanting a false memory in order to prevent you from being guilty about what actually happened."

Leo then turned at the sound of the door opening, and his heart plummeted down into his stomach. His parents weren't happy, which meant he and Trevor were in for some rather harsh punishments when they are released from the hospital. Whenever that will be.

"Hey mom. Hey dad," Leo said with a small smile and small wave at his parents.

Trevor dropped the question as Leo's parents poured in, closing the door behind him. Leo's mother took a seat, a small smile on her face as she glanced at Trevor. "John. Check on Trevor some. I need to talk to Leo."

It was obvious the male was too drugged to get what was going on. Instead, Leo's mother would talk to the one with the most sense. She pinched the bridge of her nose a bit as she waited on the male, her heels clicking on the floor as she paced a bit.

Leo gulped nervously, not liking the tone of his mother's voice. He looked at Trevor and gave him a reassuring smile before going over to his mother.

"Yes mom?" Leo said as his heart raced, thoughts of what she what she might ask him to say racing through his head. "What do you need to talk to me about?"

Please tell me she doesn't know what really happened, Leo thought to himself as he waited for his mother to reply.

She wanted to hurt him. Slap him every direction up and down the halls of the hospital and then the streets if she had to. Her hand however stopped in midair as she rubbed the side of his face. "How're you feeling?" It was a simple way to break the ice of an incoming storm of rage he was about to receive.

"I mean why should I worry right? Two kids driving out in a snowstorm, one we're looking after for the holidays, another one my son. Both wind up in a ditch with a turned over and totaled rental car..." A sigh escaped her lips as a smile formed. "Well you've done it this time Leo Gatherly. As soon as you both are discharged, you're both confined to those rooms until the trip is over with. I doubt Trevor would argue anyways. Poor thing looks like he's gonna be on crutches or something for a while."

Her eyes went from sincere and hard to a look of fear as if her eyes were piercing his soul. "You're gonna tell me what you were doing out in a car late at night."

"I'm fine mother," Leo said as he realized she wouldn't slap/hurt him. He was about to flinch so he'd be able to absorb the majority of the impact and make it not hurt as much. His shoulders then slumped with guilt. "I'm sorry mother. We didn't have a choice. We were caught in the snowstorm as we were driving home from the arcade in town. We tried leaving in plenty of time to beat it before it hit, but, obviously, we didn't leave soon enough."

The lie he told his mother was semi true. He and Trevor did go to the arcade in the mall, but it was earlier. Much earlier. His mother knew they had visited the mall earlier during the stay, and she knew they weren't too intrigued to just remain in the cabins. Leo just hoped that she didn't catch on to his lie. At least, not yet.

"I accept the punishment," Leo said dejectedly. It was more out of guilt for putting Trevor on crutches than anything else. "Besides, I think I'll want to remain inside the rest of the time anyhow."

(I kinda didn't want Leo to tell his mother the truth just yet. We all tell our parents the occassional lie, don't we? ;) )

His mother sighed a bit as she shook her head a bit. She did not get why they would attempt to race against mother nature, but if he was bored, then she could understand some of it. Driving with severe weather in bound still left a question in her head.

"The great thing is that you're both alright. There's no telling what else could have happened."

It was obvious they were not going to be discharged soon, at least not within the day, but she still had other things to attend to.

"Your father and I will have a few errands to run to make sure everything is covered. I'll try to be back up here as soon as possible. Stay safe."

Her eyes cut him a fierce glare as she meant every word. She did not want to hear about another accident. Upon turning the corner to go back in Trevor's room, the sound of the elevator chimed a few feet away as Brayden rushed out. He quickly walked towards the Nurse's station upon smelling Leo's parents. He would rather avoid a confrontation with them, hostile or not. Any moment could ruin the scene they were elaborately painting.

"I will mother. I promise," Leo said as she glared at him before turning away and leaving. Against his better judgement, he fell down the wall and sat there in the hallway, cursing himself for not only lying to his mother but lying to Trevor as well. Out of all of them, Leo was the only one who knew the truth.

He was so caught up cursing himself, he didn't even notice Brayden's arrival. That is until Brayden's scent reached Leo's nose causing Leo to open his eyes and watch as Brayden made his way to the nurses station.

As the doors closed and his parents were well behind the closing elevator doors, Brayden ended the idle conversation with the young female nurse behind the desk. He walked down the hall, nearing Leo's scent until the male was in his sights.

"What are you doing out the bed so early?" It was a bit protective as his eyes glanced the place over a bit before letting his guard drop a bit before focusing on Leo. "We need to talk in your"

His hand twisted the handle a bit as he stormed in the room, leaving Leo to close the door behind him. "Your he safe?"

"I wanted to see Trevor. Is that a problem?" Leo said as he followed Brayden back to the room Leo was staying in. He then sighed and made his way to his bed. "Trevor is safe. He...was having a nightmare when I got over there. I-I had to lie to him about what happened."

Leo then looked up at Brayden.

"I hope you don't mind me lying to Trevor," Leo said. "Lying to my parents was obvious. Who knows what would have happened if I would have told them the truth."

Brayden shook his head a bit, but the tension of worry still lingering around him as he opened the window's curtains.

"Of course not. It's just..." a soft sigh escaped his lips as he closed the curtains turning to look at Leo. He took to the chair, motioning for Leo to draw near. "I looked back at the scene to cover our tracks. Other than reminding me of my dead fianceƩ, something else didn't check out after looking it over."

The words of Leo assured him that his friend was alright, but a bit loopy, probably from lack of blood and the drugs. "Your friend wasn't out there long. The blood was not well on its way to crystalizing or freezing for that matter. Chances are he knows who his attackers are unless he was blindfolded or something. Then there's another issue. Your cabins. Something there is making me sick to my stomach." Perhaps Leo could see where he was going with it. There were little things that made him sick and whatever did cause it would affect Leo as well. It was a chance though as the male smelled mostly human.

"I want to see something. Lift up your gown."

Leo listened to Brayden intently. Of course, guilt over killing Brayden's fiancee gripped Leo like a vice, but he just had to put it behind him somehow. For both his sake and the babies' sake. Sure he wanted to have a significant other of his own and having what happened with Brayden prevented that from ever happening (most likely), but there's no reason to dwell on that. Maybe Brayden and Leo will remain together. Or maybe they won't (most likely the case). Whatever happens, Leo can only take it one day at a time really. Hopefully things will be clearer once these babies are born.

Upon concluding demand, Leo involuntarily to lift up his gown. It was most likely the submissive nature of his "relationship" with Brayden that caused Leo to automatically obey. Whatever it was, it didn't matter. It'll most likely be over once the babies are born anyhow.

"What are you looking for?" Leo asked as he lifted up his gown.

Brayden stared at Leo's belly a bit, his hand roaming around to feel it a bit.

"Looks a bit bloated, though I can't be certain on all of that."

He pulled the gown back down, standing up a bit. "Do you feel any different?"

It was a bit bizarre for Brayden. Not only could he barely smell a wolf like scent on Leo, but it was a bit strange to see the male be a bit more receptive to him. There was one scent on him however and it was a smell that reeked of his pregnancy.

"I'm a bit worried for not just you, but for those you're carrying going back to your house. Surely they would notice you growing a belly too fast and there's also the fever of both the pregnancy and you turning."

A hand was placed on Leo's cheeks and forehead.

"Which looks like they're slowly setting in."

Leo blushed as Brayden felt his belly.

"Other than the injuries from our 'accident,' I feel perfectly fine," Leo said. Brayden was concerned for the babies Leo was carrying, not Leo himself. He could tell...somehow. But that's okay though. This wasn't supposed to happen. This was supposed to have been Brayden's fiacee and not Leo. There are times; however, that one thought enters Leo's mind: did his family know this would happen and used him to get to the werewolves in order to kill them easier? Leo didn't want to believe that his family would do such a thing, but knew that they would go to such an extant to rid the world of these "monsters." From what Leo has seen so far, the werewolves of Brayden's pack are not the "monsters" depicted in movies, novels, and the like, but rather....human. Well, as human as a werewolf can get.

Brayden's hand on Leo's cheeks and forehead brought Leo out of his revery.

"What's slowly setting in?" Leo asked since he was completely paying attention, which he probably should have. He then sighed. "Well, whatever it is, I could probably pass it off to my parents as some new sickness or whatever. At least, I hope they'd accept my explanation. If they don't, well, I'll have some explaining to do and I'll be in some deep shit with them too. That is if they don't toss my out of the house before I can even explain myself."

Brayden patted the belly lightly as he pulled the gown back down. "Yea, everything's great. Your scent is beginning to blossom out well."

He rose from kneeling, a hidden smile on his face. Out of the entire grief he faced, he was going to be a father. The male meant every word of what he said in intending to marry the mother of his kids. Leo was a male, which meant another father...he would just have to adjust to it a bit more.

"The pregnancy and your turning....both are seemingly setting in at the same time." He supposed it made sense too. "There's a reason why I told you our mates are vulnerable during this time. They can't change into their other form. The babies themselves have to transition from human to wolf and back and forth as they develop inside until you can, which is mostly when..."

The thought had barely crossed his mind until now. Leo was going back to the cabins with all the hunters. No doubt they were converting the other younger members to their cause.

"You'd be stuck giving birth at the cabins. A place I can't get into."

Whatever was the cause of his sickness would have to be eliminated soon.

"Great," Leo said with a sigh. "Just what I needed."

He really didn't want to give birth in the cabins with his family there with him. With that bit of info, Leo kinda hoped his family would kick him out of the cabins so he could go find Brayden and his pack so he could help give birth to his children. Brayden's pack mates woud know what to do with the birth as well. Much more so than Leo and his family. But knowing Leo's luck, that probaby won't happen.

Leo looked at Brayden.

"What do I do now?" Leo asked. "You can't get to where I will be to help with the birth. Will we even be able to see each other after the children are born? I would like to have to you and me in their lives, but with my family and the way they are, I doubt they'd let me leave quietly. Hell, I doubt they'd let me leave the 'safety' of the cabins at all."

Brayden let the thoughts play over in his head a few. He was he going to get in the cabin to check on Leo from time to time? If he had his way, he was staying with him without question and they would eventually leave the town. That was Leo's family though and his friend was suffering from last night's epidemic, something that would get worse each night if gone unchecked.

"What's your love life looking like?"

The thought came to mind a bit briefly. The hunters had never seen Brayden fully. He slipped into the kitchen when they had arrived, leaving his girlfriend to deal with them. The idea fitted perfectly. Without their gear, they couldn't tell if he was a werewolf either.

"The idea is a bit far fetched, but we're boyfriends! We've been seeing each other in college and it's the real reason why you snuck out at night. To see me."

It made a bit of sense in his head at the time as he began to explain it further.

"You told me about the trip and I surprised you by showing up at a nearby hotel to cure your boredom. You and Trevor got into an argument about it, really causing the accident. They can't kick you out and you're certainly old enough to make your own decisions."

Now came the hard part. He had to know what they were using to ward the werewolves away.

"Has anyone been using flowers, incense or anything around the cabins?"

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