Alien Neighbour (closed)

"That's normal," she says smiling. "Oh, you expected a human child? Well, they're half human. You thought humans had figured out male pregnancy? Ha!" She wraps the baby and places her in the cradle beside the bed. Shemops Ryne's brow. "Back to work, you've got two more," she says, moving back between his legs.

Ryne panted at this revelation. "What do you mean half-human? I want answers!" He demanded.

"I'm not human, honey. That's how we had the technology to do this. The baby is half yours half mine." She sees his belly contract again. "You need to push," she instructs.

"Why?! Why are you doing this?! I'm not pushing until I get some answers!" Ryne yelled as he tried to hold the other babies in.

"I needed a surrogate for my young. You were willing. I was unable to carry myself, since my accident.." she trails off. She shook her head, clearing her thoughts. "You need to push," she says, placing her hands on his knees.

Ryne panted heavily. He moaned as he felt two babies descended. "I can feel two of them!" He exclaimed.

Amanda inserts two fingers. "You can't deliver two at once. You are going to have to push, and I will be pushing the second baby back. I've done this before, it always works." She gets in a better position, "PUSH," she instructs.

Ryne pushed hard as he felt the baby descended.

Amanda got the third baby in it's position. "Ok, everything's right now," she says, withdrawing her fingers."Keep pushing, the second baby is coming."

Ryne moaned as the second baby started to emerge. The third baby started to come along, making his pelvis heavy.

"Ryne, PUSH," she instructs. "You need to get this baby out." Dr. Anderson checks the baby's heartbeat.

Ryne nodded as he pushed very hard as the baby finally slides out.

"A boy," Amanda smiles, drying the newborn. Dr. Anderson comes over, as the baby has not cried yet. Amanda cuts the cord, and he takes the baby over to a cradle in the corner, and begins giving it oxygen.

Ryne looked at his son. "Is he okay?" He asked.

"Some babies take a little bit to adjust to the world," she says, trying to keep him calm. "Ok, focus, you're almost done. I know you're tired. This baby is a bit larger, I need you to push." Amanda watches out of the corner of her rye as Dr. Anderson inserts a tiny breathing tube.

"I can't! I need to know my son is okay." Ryne stated.

Dr. Anderson quickly says, "he's going to be ok. He's having some trouble breathing, but everything else is fine. His heartbeat is amazingly strong."

"Ryne, you need to focus on this baby," she pats his belly. "Dr. Anderson is the best person to be taking care of him right now. Come on, PUSH."

Ryne nodded as he pushed hard, freeing the baby's head and nearly getting it out. Then he felt something kick. "Oh god! I feel another one!" He exclaimed.

Amanda looks nervously at Dr. Anderson. He doesn't notice; he's still working on the baby. "Uh ok, we'll get through this. I can see the top of the baby's head. You need to push now."

Ryne nodded as he pushed. He took deep breathes, rubbing his large belly.

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