Alien Neighbour (closed)

She nods, and keeps walking. "My parents are awesome, you'll love them," she says as they turn a corner.

Ryne nodded as he waddled. "Are we almost there? I'm getting kinda tired."

"Yep," she smiles, turning up the driveway to the third house. She takes his hand and softly knocks on the door.

Ryne waited with Amanda while rubbing his large belly.

Her mother opened the door and grabbed her tightly. "It's so good to see you!" She exclaims, as she releases her embrace. "Oh, and you've found a mate!!" She extends her hand to him. "I'm Emilee, Amanda's mother."

Ryne smiled. "I'm Ryne. Its nice to meet you Emilee. And these are our next group of babies."

"Well, come on in," she says, ushering them and their bags in. "Your father just went to the store," she tells Amanda. "You should get your feet up," she says to Ryne. "How far are you now?"

"Almost a week. Thank you so much. Want to feel the babies?" Ryne asked Emilee.

"Please," she smiles, joining him on the couch.

(How long are the pregnancies again?)

(6 months.)

Ryne lifted his shirt and smiled. "Let your grandchildren feel you." He said happily.

She places a hand on his taunt belly. "You said some were already born?"

Ryne nodded. "I gave birth to quadruplets the first time then I gave birth to twins. 4 girls and 2 boys." He said as he moaned when a baby kicked.

She smiles and rubs his belly as the baby kicked. "Why didn't you come see us before?" She turns to Amanda. She shrugged. "Happened faster than I expected."

Ryne smiled before he blushed at his belly as it gave a loud growl. Ryne's cheeks turned strawberry red in embarrassment.

"Let's get you something to eat," Emilee smiled, rising from the couch. "What do you like?"

Ryne rubbed his belly to calm his hunger. "Anything is fine. I could eat a horse." He joked.

"Amanda?" Emilee asks. "I'm fine with anything," she smiles as her father comes in the door. He sees her and grabs her in a tight, loving embrace. "Hey doll, how are you?" "Good," she replies, helping him with the groceries. "This is Ryne. Ryne, this is my dad John."

Ryne waved happily. "Pleased to meet you John. I would get up and shake your hand, but I'm kinda stuck for the moment." He said sheepishly.

"Well let me help you up then." He carefully helps him up and they all head into the kitchen. "I was thinking of grilling burgers. How does that sound to everyone?"

Ryne licked his lips at the mention of burgers. "Sounds great!"

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