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There's an agency that specializes in fertility as well as it captures people from around the world at a high price. That's why only the rich can truly afford this. The fertility drugs can be customized in any way necessary. In this particular case, a client asks for this drug and a person out of boredom and also just because he has a deadline to meet in terms of receiving a fortune. Unfortunately, he gets more than he bargained for.
Name: Emory Malik
Age: 24
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 154 lbs
Description: Sun-touched brown olive skin. Muscular in frame, mesomorphic. Of African descent. Black curly hair styled in the latest trend of being short yet puffy, sides shaved. Sports facial hair, but it's not extremely thick. Septum is pierced.
The getaway to the man made island was just the opportunity he needed. It gave him privacy he didn't otherwise get when around his people. His father sent him there in hopes he would fare well with the aid of some female company. Emory lied, but he found a way to loophole the situation.
He sought after a famous, but hidden agency. Some celebrities, like Cristiano Ronaldo, had gone through such a place when needing to have a child to call their own. He was seeking to do just that for him to take over the empire as his and of course make some new rules once he came into power. For now, he had to be discreet and the figure for this procedure was brought over, whisked away into the night. The man should very well be awake by the time he arrived, but he was on an island with crocodiles roaming outside the gated area and large water surrounding the place.
The helicopter began to descend unto the rooftop. It was time to meet his "purchased" item.
((Writer's block a bit. It will get better as we continue.))
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11-13-2016, 03:05 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-20-2016, 03:42 AM by
Name: Steven Smith
Age: 22
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 183 lbs
Description: Tan skin from hours of playing and practicing baseball on the field. He was fit and muscular, with strong arms, thin stomach and strong legs.His light brown hair was cut "Crew cut" style, but other was clean in features and looks, with no beard in sight.
Steve was quite popular with scouts and other schools who were all impressed with his ball playing skills, so it did not come as a surprise for Steve to be bombarded with questions as he left the field. It would not be surprising for his name to be talked about in quite a few different discussions and be pretty well known. After a large victory against his colleges rival he wiped his brow and walked back to the dugout where he bumped into a strange man, tall and muscular in a suit at the door to the locker room. "Hey there, can I help you?" he asked as the strange man nodded, "Yes, I am Matthew Dejano from Baseball Scouts, a popular website that looks into new baseball prospects, and you have piqued our interest for sure. I was wondering if you would be interested in conducting an interview with us, as a few different teams have asked for you." Steve smiled and agreed and quickly jumped into the showers and got out dressed and hopped into the limo where he was asked a plethora of different questions until a strange man from behind him pushed a chloroform rag into Steve's face and Steve passed out as the limo whisked away to the airport. When he awoke, the helicopter was beginning it's decent onto the strange island. "Huh? Where am I?" He asked groggily, his head killing him as if he was hung over.
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The guards aboard Steve's helicopter didn't say much really. They simply ignored what he had said and when they finally landed, the guns they carried clearly meant he clearly should follow them. While he was an athlete, they looked buffer in frame compared to him. Four against one was not a good combination. The scenery was nice forests for miles. The mansion itself was made out of a stone with an ivory color to it, but not the exact sleek polish that otherwise would state it was made from that. Most likely just regular concrete, but it resembled a bit of the medieval castles. There were two helipads, separated by the large square mansion in the center by two large walk way bridges that led directly into the prince's room. When Steven was sent in, he was thrown on the large bed and the guards closed the doors behind him.
It was minutes to an hour later when he finally arrived. The male entered as lovely as could be in the situation, smiles that clearly painted he was insisting the situation be otherwise friendly.
"Welcome" his African accent was there, but the male spoke quite clear, perhaps from proper education. "I'm sure you have a lot of questions, but first, may I get you some water or something? I'm sure the ride has been a bit tiring and that chloroform has to have that mouth of yours dry and tasting like copper."
He pointed towards a small bar inside the room, filled with various beverages, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. None of them were opened, so Steven surely didn't have to worry about them being spiked. As an act of good faith, Emory picked up a bottle of Vodka, pouring himself a glass after adding ice to it and drinking on it casually.
"My name is Emory Malik. Prince Emory Malik and who might you be?"
Of course he knew the male's name as he was the person he bought. There was no need to be hostile however though.
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11-14-2016, 05:31 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-14-2016, 06:15 AM by
Edit Reason: I fucked up
Steve's head was still spinning and aching; one moment leaving the ball field, the next, some weird palace in the middle of nowhere. "Um, uh, yeah. A beer would be good, thanks." Unbeknownst to him that this would be one of his last tastes of alcohol for a long while. The prince walked over to the bar and grabbed a bottle and handed it to his guest of honor who quickly opened it and took a swig of the cool beverage. "I'm Steve Smith, regular old Steve Smith. Nice to, uh, meet you Prince", he smiled weakly, "Quite a place you got here, very impressive". Steve looked around the room, at the fancy accents of gold and red that were placed on the walls and different paintings that looked quite expensive that dotted the large and expansive room. After nearly chugging half the bottle of his beer, he sighed, "So, let's cut to the chase, can we? Why the hell did you pass me out and drag me into the middle of goddamn no where?" Steve asked, the alcohol in his blood helping him build his courage and suppressing the ache in his head.
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That was what he needed, for the male to have a sense of security for the current moment. He handed him the beer, but unknown to him was that it was laced with the drug and the alcohol would certainly make it active faster. Emory knew which objects were and weren't drugged, but that was because he had time to prepare months ago before Steven was actually captured.
"Straight to the chase" he said, detecting the anger in the man, which made him chuckle. "I like that a lot! Well if you must know."
He told it to him flat out: He was looking to lay with him and have this random stranger bear his children.
"I would have tried with a woman by now, but you know, I just can't seem to get the idea of being with a woman out the head to actually commit the deed" he chuckled. "But you, now that's something different."
He of course would wait to see how he would respond. He was knocked out, taken overseas almost like he was trafficked and was now being told it was scientifically possible to make a person conceive. He hadn't even told him the kicker yet.
"Call me a bit old fashioned, but I intend to have the person who sired my children as my husband. That is once I get into proper rule after all."
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The drug pulsed through Steve's body, culminating into a deep, warm feeling deep in his abdomen right beneath his navel. But since he had no reason to suspect anything from his drink, he figured it was a mixture of the beer and being insanely mad. He sat silently on the bed, trying to comprehend everything that the prince was telling him, instead of jumping up and straight up strangling Emory. "Okay. So let me try and understand all this. You kidnap me and drag me out here to knock me up? I'm a guy though, it's impossible. And even if it wasn't doesn't mean I would. And secondly if I did, you're telling me you'd make me a king? Just for carrying a couple of your babies?" He asked. The idea didn't seem to terrible if the prince wasn't totally batshit-insane. Carry a bastard for the Prince and anything he could ever want was his for his taking. He could even "deal" with the prince after this whole ordeal was over, if he wanted and go home. This might be the ticket out of here.
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Emory chuckled. He knew the male would say no. That was why he made sure the drinks were laced ahead of time, especially with the pregnancy concoction. In this particular case, Emory asked for something that would loosen the male's desires. Make him a bit more open minded so to say, able to be able to hear the words and begin to think it could happen. Judging from the way Steven was acting a bit, he knew it was already beginning to take hold. He must have thought it was just the alcohol working in his system.
"Oh, I get it" he chuckled. "It doesn't make much sense. A man can't have a child and I'm some random whack that whisked you away from some important contract."
The contract was never there, sad to say. Steven had the potential, but for the time presently, it wasn't looking so great. He probably would have been recruited a year later than he was intending. Plenty of time for him to settle down.
"The way I see it, it's very possible, especially for someone as strong as you. I mean" he chuckled as he sat down on the couch near Steven. "Look at the way those biceps bulge, the way your chest is solid and round. That rear of yours."
Of course he was buttering him to let the drug take effect in making him lose a bit of his perception.
"Don't you think carrying another man's child is something wonderful? I mean did you see yourself with any of those women who hit on you back home being a wife?"
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Steven's head began to cloud as he listened to the prince. He had to admit, what Emory was saying was pretty true, if there was ever to be a pregnant man, he was a good a candidate as anyone else. "Well, you're right.." He trailed as he though of all the past women he had been with in college and all the women that he caught the eye of, and no really had that "wife material" as he often put it to his friends. "...None of those women really were set out to be a good wife for me. Plus, I mean, no one else could carry better then me. And it's only for nine months, that's not to terrible." He sighed as he sat on the edge of the bed, deep in thought. What he was about to say was going to change his life forever and he swallowed hard before beginning. "Well Emory, if I can call you by your first name, you do bring up a fine argument. I think...I think..." He paused, even with the medication pulsing through him it was hard to say, "I think I'll help you out."
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Emory feigned interest in him watching as Steven began to go against the very things he once stood for and got suckered very easily into thinking this was something he actually wanted to do.
"I'm very glad you think so" he chuckled as he went from his part of the couch, moving in a bit closely. "You can call me whatever you prefer, Steven. After all. we're going to be together for quite some time."
He placed his firm hand on the athlete's thick, but muscled thigh, being casual in the front that they actually were lovers.
"I spoke with some of the doctors" he continued. "They made sure that you're going to be a very fertile man as well as the fact that I'm going to be a very healthy producer if you catch my drift."
He brought his hand up to Steven's chin as he leaned in closely. He gave the other male a kiss for the time being, but soon he left from the place of which they were sitting and went back towards the bar. He grabbed another bottle of beer as Steven probably wanted another, grabbing another spiked one while he fixed himself a larger glass of Vodka on the rocks. He came back over to Steven, offering him another beer.
"I find it fun when the both of us can get into the mood a bit more. Maybe I'm a sap to a bit of romantics that way. Why don't I show you a good time around here before we get to having a good time?"
He had to let it set inside of Steven for close to an hour before commencing. The way Steven was now in compliance, Emory detecting him struggling not to say things at times, it was only a matter of time before he fully succumbed and this second beer was just the thing to do it. He smiled faintly, moving to the side to show a door with window frames. Outside of it was a round pool, emerald water rushing through it as if it had come directly from the Nile itself.
"It's actually one of those public baths believe it or not, but since it's a mansion for a family, it's just for us. I think you'll come to love it here. It's a bit isolated and of course when you start to round out, you'll have it's comfort to keep you out of sight if in case you get a bit embarrassed at the weight you're putting on."
He wasn't going to the bath though as that would be for later. He walked towards the room's actual door instead and opened it.
"Let's go for a walk. I'm certain you'd like to learn of this elusive stranger."
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The drug and alcohol were following freely in Steven's well built body, as he followed the more and more handsome prince throughout the palace. Room after room of intricate designs and architecture Steven had not even conceived of before. "Wow, Emory. This palace is amazing. I have never seen anything is amazing before. And I can't believe just had frickin' big it is either." He laughed as they walked the grounds, beautiful gardens and trees, some of which he had never seen before. And something happened in the straight jocks brain as they walked, he kept looking at the handsome prince, though he tried to keep it to himself. He had to admit that the prince was handsome, and sexual thoughts began following through his head and try as he may, he couldn't stop them. It had happened, he was in dire need of the Prince and was ready to become the big pregnant wife to the prince. "Um, Emory, can we had back to the bedroom? My legs are kind of sore, I haven't walked this much in ages." Steve smiled, and conveyed the message that he wasn't just heady to go back to heal hs sore legs.
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Emory led the male around the place, like he was on an actual tour, Steven expressing his awe at the sights. Emory was about to lead him down to the first floor by way of the stairs until the baseball player stopped. The male stated he was tired and curiously, Emory turned around to see that the male was meaning more. He could see it clear across the other's face. The drug was now at its peak thanks to the slight alcohol speeding up the process.
"Tired, you say?" He walked towards Steven and smirked. "I may know a few personal massages for my client."
Of course he referred to Steven as a client as if he were the athlete's manager. He would be now in a way. He ran a hand down the male's buff biceps and arms until it met Steven's hand. He held on to it and began to lead him back.
"I've prepared for this night personally." He opened the door, leading them back to the room, Emory locking the door behind him. He pressed a button and the curtains and blinds closed, yellow lights remaining on to help shed light in the otherwise dark room. "Ordered some things like exotic oils and...lubricants."
He grabbed the male and eased him down on the bed, taking Steven's belt off from his jeans before leaning in to kiss him and then draw back.
"And you're positive you want this? Once it happens, you're not going to be able to reverse the process."
Why was he asking this? So that when Steven finally did come back to his senses, hours from now, he would think he agreed to it all rather than being some random stranger.
"This will be our first time together, so tell me how you want it and I'll be sure to make it worth your while."
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12-05-2016, 02:02 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-05-2016, 02:02 AM by
(Hey, I'm feeling better, I hope you want to continue)
"I am very positive" Steve smiled and nodded as he awkwardly fondled with the Prince's belt, finally unlatching it and let his pants fall to the ground. He smiled at the large bulge forming in Emory's underwear that was tantalizingly close, but so far. "I don't want anything more then your cock and your babies in me, Emory. I have never been so sure of anything in my life." Steve said matter-of-factaly, nodding. "I want to try some of those lubricants and oils, tonight too babe. Now, fuck me, please"
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(That's great. I hope everything will continue to get better.)
He brought this on himself and Emory could not feel guilty about the situation. His pants were undone and Steve was greeted by the large bulge tenting out the dark emerald green boxer briefs that Emory wore. He unbuttoned the shirt, revealing a well built body.
"Very well" the male stated while rubbing Steve's chin. "I will happily oblige to your request."
He walked over to a cabinet and pulled two medium sized bottles off from the shelf, walking back over to Steve. He opened one and brought it over to the male's nose.
"Lavender" he stated. "Should keep you a bit relaxed for your first time."
He closed the bottle for now, wanting to savor the effort of disrobing Steve. He brought his hand around the male's shirt, tugging up on it while his other hand reached to unbutton and unzip his pants.
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Steve smiled as Emory began undressing him, both men now stark naked. Steve had to admit, Emory did look amazing. His muscles glinting as the sun begins it's downward decent, coating the sky in a deep red. "You look really handsome Emory, you know that? For my first time, I don't think I could have picked anyone better then you..." He said as he voice trailed off and he was pushed onto the bed, different smells whiffing in the air, sending his already melted brain spinning once more. "Mhmm.. it smells good in here." Steve said as he felt himself getting harder and harder by the minute. "I'm ready, fuck me Prince, make me huge with your babies"
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It was music to his ears to see the male willingly comply to wanting to bear children. Thanks to he drugs, he was heavily fertile and clearly horny. Why keep his future "Queen" waiting? He eased out of his own clothes in the fullest and pulled Steve over to the large comfortable flat bed. He put the oil to use, running his firm hands around every inch of his body to rub it down, even near his entrance. All that was left was his own body, his large erect member especially. When it entered inside of Steve, there was no pain; it was with relative ease. He pulled out and entered forth again, gripping the athlete's body as their mating process now began.
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Steve's eyes rolled back in his head as the prince pushed his large, thick member into his velvet and wet tunnel. It felt so right, like this was what he w as meant to do. It was like he was made to be bred by Emory. "Oh God! Yes!" The athlete moaned through a tightened jaw as he gripped the bed and moan out, filling the room with sound. "Come in me, please" he begged.
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The sounds of Steve moaning filled his ears and riled him all the more. Emory got excited further and further and therefore rougher, but it wasn't nothing that Steve could handle. They both were men of a great physique, Emory a prince that was basically a soldier and Steve an athlete. When his partner loaned deeply and begged for him to release inside of him, he moved faster with a very fluid rhythm. He did everything however, to hold out. He wanted to enjoy this moment as well. When five minutes had come and gone, he could hold it no more. The pressure had built up too much and his sweet release was let out all into Steve. Remained inside the male however, before reaching to grab something, a syringe to be exact. He stuck Steve in the rear with it and it's purpose? To prevent any of his seed from falling out whilst allowing the male's natural body functions to still work. He finally pulled out and laughed tiredly.
"You were the first, but certainly the best. Come."
He motioned for the other to follow him. "We should wash off while the sheets are changed. Tomorrow is a big day ahead of us."
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Steve smiled and nodded, jumping out of bed and into the shower. Soon enough, he'll need help just sitting up, but for now he still had his athletic ability. He showered, changed into a t-shirt and a pair of boxers that hugged his round ass perfectly and headed into bed where the Prince was waiting. He snuggled into him, being the large spoon and hugging him as they drifted off to sleep.
A loud, annoying sound blazed into Steve's dream and woke him up, his head heavy and groggy. "Ugh, what happen last night?" His ass was hurting and his head was a whirl. He looked over and saw a shirtless man next to him, a name was just out of reach though. "What, what the hell? Where am I?"
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It was done. Everything Emory planned out would ensure him the pregnancy would be successful. He sought after someone that was truly healthy, the drugs that were fueled by the alcohol ensured that fertility would be high and the last incident ensured none of his seed got out from the male. Just to be certain that the births were also healthy, he asked for the drugs to genetically enhance the seed to produce very much healthy children. Now, here the athlete was, resting with Emory like it was just a casual night.
When morning had arrived, it was to panic. Emory suspected as much, given the drugs made them aware of their actions, but it still made them drugged all the same. He needed to remind him of the situation. Steve was clearly back to his normal, straight conscience.
"Relax," he said hopping from the bed, bringing his hands up as if to halt the angry figure. "Just calm down and remember, alright? I brought you over to Africa to discuss a possibility into having my children. I asked you repeatedly if you were alright with it and you said yes. We were just resting from you consenting last night is all."
He had no reason to lie. Emory covered everything to be sure the male would remember it just like that. After all, he did not bear ill-intent, save for kidnapping him of course. If it got hostile, Emory would show why his own muscles weren't just for show. He hoped it did not come to that though.