A/B/O RP (closed to me and Shoo)
Waking up slowly until he realized he desperately needed to pee, Patrick tried to convince himself that he didn't need to leave the warm cocoon of blankets on their bed to go to the bathroom. His bladder won out and a few minutes later he emerged from the bathroom debating if he wanted to go back to bed or go start his day. The bed won out over productivity and he waddled back towards it, climbing in and snuggling up with his alpha once he had a few pillows to help keep his 7 months pregnant body comfortable. 

At 25, this was his first pregnancy and since the morning sickness had finally ended, he was enjoying it. His doctor was pleased with the weight he was gaining and how everything was progressing and while it was not without the occasional hiccup. being an omega meant that he was naturally suited to making babies and liking it. He was carrying big though, so his waddle was pronounced and only getting more so the further along. 

It helped that his co-omega was also pregnant. Sid had done this before and was a wonderful source of information. Plus, it was just better being pregnant together. He had no idea if Sid would have more babies after this, but he had already decided that he wanted as many as their alpha would give. After all, what was the point of an alpha having two omegas if he didn't want a large family? 
Sid walked back into the house after putting the kids on the bus, rubbing the small of his back. He could tell from the quiet in the house that no one else was up which was not surprising. Sid was an early riser naturally and now that their kids were school age, he enjoyed getting up and getting them ready.

Well maybe not so much right now as he rubbed his hugely pregnant belly. He was due any day now and going based on his first pregnancy he would be on time. Wandering back into the kitchen, he started a pot of coffee for their alpha, getting the tea pot out for himself and Patrick.

He smiled to himself as he thought about the younger omega. He had been thrilled when Patrick joined their family, even more so when Patrick had gotten pregnant not long after him. A house full of family was the best and they were lucky that their alpha agreed.
Unsurprisingly, a few minutes later their alpha began to stir, taking his morning wood and thrusting it without fanfare into Patrick. At first, he hadn't really liked that, but their alpha always started his day by draining his balls into one of his omegas. and now he liked starting his day like this as well Since Sid wasn't in bed, he was happy to help their alpha and soon they were both coming. Definitely a good way to begin the day. 

The smell of coffee prompted them to separate once they could and Patrick awkwardly pulled on a pair of loose pants and a tshirt, covering his rounded belly and newly enlarged nipples. Waddling out into the kitchen as their alpha took care of getting ready for work, he didn't worry about the come leaking from him as he rubbed Sid's belly and gave his co-husband a kiss. "Morning," he yawned with a smile, "How're you doing?" he asked, knowing how close the other was to having his baby. While Patrick considered his belly to be pretty big, he was still only 29 weeks pregnant compared to being full term. He couldn't see his feet anymore, but Sid was all baby and apparently, the more babies you had, the sooner you tended to show. Therefore, Sid really needed to take it easy. 
"I'm good, baby," Sid said, rubbing Patrick's belly comfortingly. He could smell their alpha on Patrick's skin and he wasn't even upset. When Patrick had first arrived there had definitely been some tension about the morning sex with their alpha. Sid was so pregnant though he didn't care.

Sid poured a cup of ginger tea for Patrick, knowing that even if the morning sickness was done, the ginger tea helped to settle Patrick's stomach. "What do you want for breakfast?"
(02-11-2017, 08:50 PM)shooshoo Wrote: "I'm good, baby," Sid said, rubbing Patrick's belly comfortingly. He could smell their alpha on Patrick's skin and he wasn't even upset. When Patrick had first arrived there had definitely been some tension about the morning sex with their alpha. Sid was so pregnant though he didn't care.

Sid poured a cup of ginger tea for Patrick, knowing that even if the morning sickness was done, the ginger tea helped to settle Patrick's stomach. "What do you want for breakfast?"

Patrick shrugged, "Whatever you want to make? Or I can make it?" he offered, taking the tea, but he didn't think Sid would let him cook. He liked it when Sid or their alpha rubbed his belly or their kids, but no one else. 

When they both had their babies the morning sex would have to end and their alpha would have to deal until they were cleared to have sex by their doctor. Of course, for Patrick, that would mean starting another baby, too. "You going to have more after this one?" he asked, nodding to Sid's middle. 
Sid shrugged and moved to the refrigerator to start getting breakfast ready for all of them. Their alpha liked eggs and so did Patrick. His belly tightened as he moved around the kitchen, nothing unusual. He had been having Braxton-hicks contractions for a few weeks now.

"Ask me again after our babies are old enough to sleep through the night," Sid said with a gentle smile. "I enjoy being pregnant but I miss sleeping.
"I already talked to alpha about knocking me up again as soon as possible," Patrick said, sipping more of his tea and settling the table before going to do the kids breakfast dishes so the kitchen wouldn't be messy while Sid was cooking, "I get what you mean about sleep but...I think being pregnant is awesome. And I'm an omega, we're meant to do this. Alpha has already agreed, he says he'll keep me pregnant until I want to stop." 

He ran a hand over his round middle with a smile. "You can sleep for me." 
Sid laughed at him gently, lovingly. "Oh to be young again. Alpha loves kids and will happily keep you pregnant as long as you want. Luckily he also listens when he says you don't want to be pregnant."

Sid rested a hand on his belly as he scrambled the eggs. "I'm lucky he understood that I wanted to wait until the kids were in school to have more. Not all alphas would."
(02-11-2017, 09:20 PM)shooshoo Wrote: Sid laughed at him gently, lovingly. "Oh to be young again. Alpha loves kids and will happily keep you pregnant as long as you want. Luckily he also listens when he says you don't want to be pregnant."

Sid rested a hand on his belly as he scrambled the eggs. "I'm lucky he understood that I wanted to wait until the kids were in school to have more. Not all alphas would."

That was true. A lot of Alpha's didn't listen to their omegas at all. "You're gonna take it easy after breakfast, right?" he asked, "Because you look like you're about to pop. And I'm too big to be helping carry you or whatever. I can't wait until I'm that big. I bet it feels so good," Patrick mused. "I figure, 10's a good number for me. At least, for now. It might change." 
"I will," Sid promised. "I'm definitely tired and aching right now. They kept me up most of the night."

Their alpha came in, dressed for work. He pressed kisses on Sid's lips as he took his breakfast, pausing to caress his full belly. Sid flushed deeply, his body humming happily being so close to their alpha. They sat to eat, Sid mostly pushing his food around the plate. He hadn't been very hungry lately with the babies so close to coming.

Alpha kissed them both goodbye, making Patrick promised to call if Sid went into labor. Especially since Sid hadn't the first time and he had come home to find surprise babies. Sid laughed it off, knowing the tease for what it was.

"Get to work, you," Sid said, laughing. "We'll see you tonight."
(02-11-2017, 09:38 PM)shooshoo Wrote: "I will," Sid promised. "I'm definitely tired and aching right now.  They kept me up most of the night."

Their alpha came in, dressed for work. He pressed kisses on Sid's lips as he took his breakfast, pausing to caress his full belly. Sid flushed deeply, his body humming happily being so close to their alpha. They sat to eat, Sid mostly pushing his food around the plate. He hadn't been very hungry lately with the babies so close to coming.

Alpha kissed them both goodbye, making Patrick promised to call if Sid went into labor. Especially since Sid hadn't the first time and he had come home to find surprise babies. Sid laughed it off, knowing the tease for what it was.

"Get to work, you," Sid said, laughing. "We'll see you tonight."

Very little felt better than being close to their Alpha and being touched by him, especially on their bellies. Sure, sex was awesome, but their connection to Alpha went beyond that. "I will, I will!" he laughed, thinking that there was no way Sid would go into labor today. He was very close to being due, but today did not feel like the right day to Patrick. They would have to see what happened. 

Once their alpha was gone and the breakfast dishes cleaned up, Patrick went to go shower and dress, pulling a pair of paternity jeans and a t-shirt that stretched over his rounded stomach. At this point, he doubted he would ever need non-paternity clothing for a long, long time. His shoes were slip ons because trying to bend to deal with socks and laces was not happening anymore. 
Sid was trying to decide whether he could get away with skipping putting away the kids laundry and just leaving it in the laundry basket as his belly tightened again. He rubbed at his mound, smiling fondly.

"Stay put. I'm not ready yet," Sid murmured as he got onto his knees to start emptying the laundry basket. He knew that if he just left it there it would be a bad precedent. Of course, once he finished with the drawers, he realized he g to need some help getting up.

"Patrick," he called out. "Can you come give me a hand?"
Coming into the room, Patrick carried a laundry basket full of sheets and towels that he had to set down, then offered Sid a hand up. "You know I can't do that for too much longer," he chided, picking the basket up again. The clothing was done from the day before, but the bedding still needed to be changed. It was never ending in a house as big as theirs. "I'm not that much further behind you," he rubbed his own belly with a smile. 
"I promise to help you when you can't get up any longer," Sid teased. "Did you strip our bed as well?"

Sid shifted his hips, trying to ease the ever present ache. A shower would help but a bath would be better. Patrick would help him out of the tub if he needed it.

"I might take a bath," Sid mused, rubbing his belly.
"Not yet, just the kids so far," he replied, "And I need to go back for their towels. I'll get our bed last," while the bedding was running through the machines they could both work together to get the beds remade before the kids came home. Then all chaos would break loose with snack time and homework.

"Sure," he nodded, "I should help you in and out," he added, patting Sid's middle, "but I bet it will help ease your muscles at least some." They both got pre-natal massages once a week, but that didn't seem like enough as he got bigger and bigger.
"I swear I spent the last month in the tub the first time," Sid said almost wistfully. "Only I would be so lucky to get pregnant with twins twice."

Sid put a hand on the small of Patrick's back, rubbing firmly. "Don't push yourself too hard. We have plenty of time to relax and get the house ready before the kids are done school." He felt Patrick press back against his hand. "Do you want me to rub your back before I get in the tub?"
Patrick suspected that he would be too, "You're just special," he joked, giving Sid a kiss, "And I'm jealous of your twins. I love that huge bump you have and would not mind one of my own with twins one day." He made no secret that he admired his co-husband's growing belly from the time it began to show and was as pleased as punch when he started to get one as well. 

"I know, but I want to get it all done so I can lay down," he explained, "And you're supposed to be taking it easy. Which means bath and then a nap." 
Sid pressed the side of his belly against Patrick's, kissing him again lightly. "I suspect you'll be nice and big with your one by the time you're as far along as I am." He rubbed Patrick's bump, sliding his hand under his t-shirt to touch bare skin.

"Look how big you are already. Alpha is so proud of you," Sid said, as Patrick flushed with pride. He was just as proud of Patrick too. "Taking such good care of our baby."
"I want to make good babies," he murmured, bestowing little butterfly kisses along Sid's jaw. "Make Alpha proud. Make you proud," he had both to please since he was the junior-husband, though Alpha was always first. "Gonna be amazing to have three babies at the same time. Too bad we aren't closer together." 

He guided Sid to the master bathroom to start the bath, knowing that Sid needed plenty of help. He would go back for the laundry later. "Want me to stay while you take your bath?" he offered, going to the drawer where they kept their toys to get Sid his favourite, "Or leave you in peace?" 
Sid got undressed, looking at his gravid form in the mirror for a long moment. He was bigger than he had been the first time, his body softer everywhere instead of just in his admittedly enormous belly. He gently cupped one pec, feeling the weight of it. His nipples were large and peaked, a deep brown as they readied for the babies. He saw Patrick moving in the background, going through their toys.

"I like having you around," Sid said easily before waddling to the toilet to relieve himself. "You smell so lovely and it's relaxing."

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