Obsession (closed with Missingyou)

Bad luck or bad things have a way of getting to you, generally based on actions or things you do or people you hang around with. But sadly, no matter how hard you try to avoid it, it will almost always creep on you and get you when you least expect it.

Name: Reiji
Age: 18
Description: Half japanese, half german man. Is short at about 5'2 and weighs just barely over 100 lbs. Has green eyes and black hair.

Reiji was bored, laying on his couch in his 2 room house in the middle of nowhere. He was a very young high school drop out and could not get into a college. While traveling homeless, he stumbled upon this abandoned house and lived there for about a month. He knew no one, and no civilaztion was around for thousands of kilometers.

Name: Kayo
Age: 28
Description: Tall muscular Italian man 6'4 230lbs Blue eyes and brunette hair

Kayo sneaks around the back of Reiji's house and finds an open window, slipping in and quietly maneuvering around the house

Reiji does not hear the man, and slowly falls asleep on the couch. He did not own a bed.

Kayo sees Reiji asleep on the couch and smirks "This will be easier than I thought" He whispers and grabs the sleeping boy carefully

After a few moments, Reiji woke up, seeing himself being held in the arms of a stranger. Confused, he stares at Kayo with a blank face.

Kayo stares straight ahead and tosses Reiji into his waiting van, locking him in the cage that is bracketed in the back.

Reiji bangs on the cage from the inside, screaming. Eventually, he stops, seeing that there is no use.

Kayo drives for a while then stops in front of a secluded shack with a bomb shelter on the side. he grabs Reiji and takes him down to the bomb shelter locking him in another cage

Reiji was handcuffed and had his mouth covered. He sat in his cage, in complete fear.

After a few hours Kayo comes back to the cage and enters it, taking off Reiji's gag and smirking at him

Reiji looked like a small child when compared to the much largerman that stood before him. He had tears in his eyes. "What are you doing with me...?" He said, his voice very soft and fearful.

Kayo lets out an almost evil laugh "You will see soon enough" He says walking closer to the younger boy and in one swift motion rips off his pants and pins him against the wall and forcefully thrusts into him

The actions were so fast it actually Reiji a few moments to realize he was being raped. This wa his first time. "NO! STOP!" He tried pushing Kayo off him and moving to get him out of his anus, but he was far too weak.

Kayo strongly pins Reilji as he thrusts harder and harder

The harder and deeper Kayo got, the more pain Reiji felt and the louder he screamed. He eventually just stopped fighting as it was no use and laid there with little emotion, but did have tears running down hus face

After a while Kayo cums, shooting his giant load inside Reiji, filling him to the brim

Reiji's widen as complete fear takes over, yet he makes no noise. He just hoped that Kayo was done now.

Kayo pulls out of the young boy and lets him drop to the ground, sitting down on the chair in the cell and waiting for the questions he know is about to come

Reiji felt a very strange sensation inside him that he was unsure of. "What did you do?" He asked. His voice was shaky.

"I put my seed in you." He smirks evilly

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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