College, Lab Accidents and Cribs (Closed with SRuiz)

(Sorry for the romcom title. :P)

Anita stood next to her best friend...partner-in-crime, both of them were filming their final project in their university. it just so happened that it was Chemistry and biology combined, so now they were trying to come up with a formula that would change the if only it were easy enough. She was a bio whiz kid but not chem, if anything that was her most despised subject.

"Got any ideas on what we should do? Cause the camera's been rolling since an hour ago." She muttered as she ran a hand through her black hair, her brown eyes flashing in frustration.

He began to pop candy into his mouth. Eating and drinking was prohibited in the lab, but they had been in there for well over an hour, tinkering around with ideas that was either too bizarre too work or others that were partially tested that yielded to no effects at all. He began humming lightly while picking up various vials and spinning them around. He knew they were wasting time, but what could they do that honestly wasn't tried or would just epically fail?

"Mhm..." Federico lightly said in response to her. He waved at the camera before going back to the computer's screen in front of him. His eyes began searching through the Internet for several ideas that were seemingly bizarre. They were just college students by all accounts right? It was research other people could eventually use for their own works. Least the two would get if any of their results did not yield to a fruitful endeavor was a B because they tried their hardest, but the hispanic male kind of wanted to work for an "A." With that in mind, he began browsing through a bunch of other students failed research theories and at random selection, which was closing his eyes, pushing the up key on the keypad as well as the down to shuffle the page up, and clicking one of the links, he may have found something they could test out. "Male Pregnancy?" It was odd that anyone would go through the trouble to try and test a theory like that, but if Anita was out of ideas and he was too bored to think -the male literally made rock candy from the chemistry sets to ear-, something had to give.

Anita groaned, "And there we have it, we're flunking. The biology whiz kid is flunking and so is this guy." She mumbled as she got up and went over to where Federico was.

"Mind telling what failed tests you found that we could steal?" She askedwith desperate eyes.

"Au contrare..." He could not pull off even the decent of French accents when his Portuguese tongue clearly ladled it, but he wanted her to have a little faith in that something from the failed research studies would actually work. "Bingo!"

His random selection had landed on the topic labled "Male Pregnancy." He looked at it a bit bizarrely before chuckling, wondering who had even decided to try such an experiment. He got a bit more serious however as he pondered if it was actually doable. "Dunno...whaddya think? If we pull it off, we could score big. If not, maybe a C is not so bad...B maybe..."

Anita looked at the screen and frowned, "Could work, but who're we gonna test it on. I mean...god, the idea is amazing all on its own but we reallyneed to guarantee a success." She said as she read through the thesis of the failed eexperiment.

"But I think we have all that is needed here in the lab and in ourselves..." She added with a mischievous smirk. "You have your sperm cells and I have my egg cells...all that's left is a volunteer."

Federico could see where she was coming from. A surrogate would certainly be idea if the research and project could work at all.

"It's interesting to say the least, but I figure we would need to add more to the experiment. A male is not capable of housing a child within their body after all." Something would be needed to change the male's pelvic structure if it was coming out their rear, a way to salivate the penis and keep it fat yet long enough to push the child out if it was coming out that way. There were so many things to currently consider, but one thing was for certain; they had the means to make the drugs, but needed a willing person on who to conduct it on. "Well who could honestly be a willing subject? I mean there can't be men on this campus willing to say they would like to get pregnant. They have fits just hearing they could be the father of somebody else's..."

Already, Anita was typing away, researching on the drug, "We'll figure it out when we finish the drug. But first, we do some anatomical reconstructing..." She read through the thesis and nodded, "The thesis used two subjects one with anal and the other from the penis, it was confirmed that anal was a good choice. So let's reconstruct anatomy!" She yelled out as she got up and began checking out the different vials she had.

She turned to look at Federico and grinned, "Why don't you get started on the pill to change the bones. I'll be making the womb development pill. I figured out how." She said proudly, tapping the side of her head.

"Good, cause these other theories seem really terrible, especially the throat one..." His green eyes shifted away from possible end results and instead focused on the one that would likely work out of the two possible and more convenient choices. "Sure thing, boss" he chuckled as he was being a bit sarcastic, though for him, the procedure should be a bit simple.

He needed to change a male's bone structure and mass. He imagined that getting rid of certain bones through acid and enzymes would be too risky for the fetus, so perhaps the better way around it was to allow the stomach to become a bit flexible and elastic, especially around the male's testicles. The pelvic was something that needed to be stretched however, so he began pouring in various chemicals to make a supplement that would widen the size. He also poured in a few testosterone/estrogen formulas to ensure the male did not lose certain hormones their body naturally needed.

"Think I covered everything..." He said as the vials were beginning to spin around in the machine.

"Yeah, pretty sure I covered everything too." She said as she proudly showed him blue and black pills inside a zip lock bag with the label "womb development pills."

"Can't wait to see how this'll turn out." She said with a grin.

As the liquid began to take on a dry form, Federico pulled out casings for the pills. The process took several minutes, but he had his little experiment ready at last. He began placing them inside the bag carefully with gloves on. Afterwards, he set them down on the table next to Anita's.

"Now all that leaves is the other part..." Federico knew how to get his sperm out without having to go through surgical means and while he disliked doing said notion, they needed to test this fast. He grabbed a plastic container similar to the containers doctors used for urine tests. With that, he walked off into the darkness towards the private restrooms.

"Yeah, I might have call someone to harvest my egg cell so..." She bit her lip before shrugging, "I'll see you, midnight...ish." She mumbled, a bit awkward when she talked about her reproductive system.

She began backing away, hoping no one would be using the lab anytime soon. Turning on her heel, she sprinted off to a clinic that is willing toharvest an egg from her. Of course, she'll have to get that back to the lab as soon as possible.

Federico had returned minutes later to find that Anita had left as she said she would. He labeled the sperm and placed it inside the freezer to keep it all nice and secure as well as prevent it from dying out too soon. With it well preserved, the male left off to go take a shower and get ready for the rest of his usual routines. Taking both bags of pills with him so nobody else would try them. They had one too many cases of people breaking into the labs to make drugs or test other medicines to get a high from. When Tennis practice was over with, the Portuguese male had entered inside of the lab again close to midnight as he waited on his partner in crime.

Anita returned with a successful smile as she handed him a case. "Alright, ready." She said with a triumphant air.

"We now only need that volunteer." She added.

"Great" he said as he took the case and moved over to begin his other side of the work. That meant turning said egg and sperm into a pill variation safely. For that, he needed to get the sperm to take hold first and then encase it around a gel like pill. That would keep the fertilized egg preserved.

"Who would be willing to get pregnant?" Federico certainly wasn't and even then, he was the one working on the research. He was going to be needed to work on making sure the person was successfullly pregnant alongside ensuring no other issues had arised. There was also his scholarship though he was certain as a foreigner, he could get more opportunities. "Maybe we could slip in on a controlled experiment or something? Test the pill out on someone and if it takes hold within their body, go from there?" He was against being sneaky like that, but they needed a grade and who else could they possibly pull? At least that was his method of thinking. Anita may have had other plans.

Anita shook her head, "I am not going to allow that." She said as she paced the lab, chewing a lock of hair as she tried to think.

"Perhaps we could go clubbing for a while and think this through in the morning." She muttered as she looked at him with tired eyes.

**I have an idea where they go clubbing and Federico goes pretty much drunk that he realise that he drank the pills they made by accident and not the aspirin he was supposed to.**

Federico yawned a bit. It was beginning to near one in the morning, but that did not mean the rest of the campus was resting. One of the clubs nearby was booming loudly, even though they were well within the Math and Science Building on the fourth floor.

"Maybe partying and drinking to unwind isn't such a bade idea." He left from his seat, placing the pill in an empty Aspirin Case. "I'll meet you there in five minutes?" He placed the bottle in his book bag alongside the other pills they made.

**Sounds great!**

"Sure. But you better hurry, this girl changes clothes fast!" She said in an almost teasing manner before turning on her heel and running off.

Reaching her dorm room, she changed into a fitted black dress and heels, she then tied her hair into a bunbbefore running out her room withher ppurse.

Making her way to the bar, she then waited outside, whistling a tune.

Federico was not really a party goer. The clubs just did little for him in all honesty. He could drink with friends in private places and still have a great time, but here, where noise was abundant and smells of numerous smoke, from the usual cigarette to the pot and weed, he felt more annoyed than relaxed. This was going to require some drinking to relax however.

"Sup" He said to Anita as loud as he could when nearing the bar. He tried to dress a bit urban, thought he decided to stick with wearing a hoodie. He motioned for a shot of Gin as he sat down. "Place is pretty packed tonight."

"Well we can't complain, after all, clubs and bars are for mingling and socialising..." She paused and smirked, "Unless you're chicken aboutit." She added tauntingly.

"I mingle all the time..." he groaned a bit, in agony of what his eyes were going to have to lay witness to for the night more so than anything else. "Eu odeio o que vem depois..." (I hate what comes after).

Federico enjoyed drinking a lot on the occasions he was given the beverages. He was not by all accounts an alcoholic, but if he was going to enjoy himself, he genuinely believed he must have the full experience. As time rolled by, the male had already downed three red cups of Gin flavored with some Pineapple mix and like some of this teammates, he was on the floor, dancing a bit wildly, whether there was a female companion beside him or not. As a few more minutes passed, he came staggering himself back to bar, chuckling madly as he wondered where Anita had run off to. The sounds of the music and other voices were drowning out even his own voice.

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