College Surrogates (Closed RP)

Location: Providence College Rhode Island.
Name: Dylan Novak
22 year old Architecture student. With brown hair and eyes.
6 feet tall, kinda in shape but not totally. Became a surrogate to help pay tuition and residency fees are less for students in the surrogacy program.
Currently two months along.

Location: Providence College Rhode Island
Name: Christian "Chris" Keller
22 year old nursing student. Dirty blonde hair, blue eyes
6 feet 3 inches tall. Slightly muscled,
Joined the surrogacy program to help pay for tuition and help with classes.
Currently 2 months along

It was two months into the fall semester and I found myself walking to my new residency hall. I was impregnated a week before classes started and now that I was two months along I was ready to move into the medical dorms for the remainder of my pregnancy. Walking into the building I nervously placed a hand on the tiny bump on my abdomen. I hadn't met my new roomate yet and I was nervous. I've never lived with anyone else before let alone another pregnant guy.
Looking down at the card in my hand I made sure the room number was right. "Huh", I chucked a little. My new roomate was a med student. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad. I raised a hand nervously and knocked.

Hearing a knock at the door I moved off the bed from where I had been watching tv before going to open it.
I had moved into the dorm room about 2 days ago, medical students were allowed to select their rooms and go ahead and move in and I already had everything set up, the bed on the other side of the room still bare.

The door opened to reveal a tall blond. I could hear a television going in the background. "Uh hey." I stood out my hand to shake. "I guess I'm your new roomate, my name's Dylan."

"Chris" I shake your hand before stepping back to allow you inside.

I step inside and take a look around. It was pretty decently sized, meant for at least three people. Perks of being a med student I guess. I dump my backpack on the side of the room that doesn't look taken. "My stuff is supposed to be moved here later today. They don't want us moving big stuff with... ya know." I take off my jacket and you can see the slight bump in my tee-shirt. "You're two months like me right?" I ask trying to make some conversation.

"Yeah, we were impregnanted at the same time, you were a few chairs down from me in the waiting room, or at least I think it was you"

"Oh yeah, that was you. Thought you looked familiar." I leaned on my desk for a few minutes and watched the TV. My stomach growled and I chuckled a little embarrassed. "So you wanna grab a bite to eat? My stuff should be here by the time we get back."

"Yeah, sure" I grab my jacket as we head out the door. "Anywhere in particular you want to go?"

"Figured we'd just head over to the dinning hall." We made the walk over and, after grabbing some food, we found a place to sit and eat. After chowing down we finished up and headed back to the dorm. When we got inside all my boxes were there. "Ah sweet." I tossed off my jacket and went over to one of the boxes, hauling my TV and x box out and setting them up. "I don't know about you but I'm all set now. Haha."

I chuckle softly before going over to one of the containers under my bed before pulling it out and opening it up. "Figured somebody around here would have one of those" I pull out a few games before laying them out on the floor, the box filled with even more games.

I let out a low whistle. "Nice collection man. I think we're gonna get along just fine." I pop in a disc and wait as The Witcher 3 starts up. "We got that checkup tomorrow man almost forgot. I'm actually pretty nervous, I want everything to be going alright for the kiddo here." I say as I pat my stomach. "Is this your first time?"

"Yeah, but I've seen a few deliveries, it's actually pretty wicked"

"Wicked? It just looks painful man. But then again I guess u med students are into that stuff."
(Wanna jump ahead another month?)

(Fine with me, or a few whichever you want)
I chuckle softly "It's worth it when you finally get to see them"

"Yeah Yeah I suppose you're right. It'll be good to know that they're going to a good family and all that." I smile before turning back to my game.
A month later you walk into our room after lunch to find me in front of a full length mirror. My shirt was off and on the bed as I ran my hands over my bump.
I noticed you enter and jump a bit. It looked like I was developing a gut now with the baby growing at three months now. "Uh hey man, how's it going?"
Both you and I have become comfortable around each other over the month.

"Good, Everything alright?" I come into the room before putting my bag down on my bed before laying down and looking over at you as my hands run over my own slightly extended stomach.

"Yeah, everything is fine. It's just so weird that my body is changing you know?" I chuckled a little before coming over and leaning on your bed. "You look even farther along man cause you're actually in shape." I glance down at your belly. "May I?"

I shrug "Go ahead, I don't mind" I lay back and close my eyes as you touch my bump.

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