Islalabor (Open to all)

Dr. Keller continues to watch. Continuing to comfort Hitsugi through the labor.

It was clear it felt very good to push each egg out, as Hitsugi's moans only got more intense. As the last of his second dozen eggs popped free, he arched his back and cried out with his climax. He slumped into the soft nest, panting and trembling, but feeling relieved. Even despite how sore he felt. " it over?" He asked, looking at Dr. Keller with tired eyes.

Dr. Keller nods "Yes, it is" He glances over to the basket that now holds 24 medium to large eggs.

Hitsugi's tired eyes followed Dr. Keller's, going wide when he saw just how many eggs he laid. He would need to make a call for his colleagues to come pick them up for study while he recovered. He didn't realize that he would come back into season almost right away...

Dr. Keller drapes a blanket over the eggs to keep them warm while he goes about cleaning the room and replacing Hitsugi's pillows.

Hitsugi relaxed, drifting to sleep. His body recovering quickly from the ordeal while also preparing to go back into heat. He was still laying on his back with his legs spread, a faint scent wafting from his sex signalling he was fertile to any male of any species...

Liem had started to doze off at this point, resting on his side on the bed. His hand on his belly protectively as he rested. He hoped the doc hadnt forgotten about him, but for now he was just trying to catch up on rest he had lost from all the poking and prodding the other scientists had given him.

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Dr. Keller goes to check on Liem. He leaves Hitsugi alone in the room not noticing that the resident Dragon shifter was nearby. It isn't until Hitsugi begins to show again that he will find out about the pregnancy.

Liem was laying comfortably on his side when the doctor walked in, he jumped a little sensing him walk in and slowly shifted to a sitting position. "Mmmph, hey Doc, Everything ok?"

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Hitsugi was so comfortable and tired, he didn't wake up when the dragon shifter took him. He simply rolled onto his side after he left and curled into the nest of pillows, unaware of what happened.

(room for one more maybe?)


"I guess that would depend on you wouldn't it" He comes and checks Leim over.

Hitsugi was still sleeping, blissfully unaware of everything around him.

Liem let the doc poke and prod having gotten used to it by now. He was carrying arround 12 eggs but an ultrasound would confirm.
"How long do you think i have left till... you know...?" He asked looking down at his belly

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Goro arrived looking around with one hand resting on his belly. Goro dressed in a red T-shirt and blue jeans he had short black hair and looked like he should belong to a biker gang realy. Something in his genetics had caused him to be able to carry children and he was currently carrying large twins. He didn't realy look like the mothering type but then again, can't always judge on looks right?

Hitsugi eventually woke up, but he didn't seem aware of himself. Driven by instinct, he followed the scent of a virile male. It didn't take much to convince him to mate with him, Hitsugi's scent was a powerful aphrodisiac right now. When he finished with that male, he wandered off, mating with several more.

He paused near Goro, tail swaying as he looked at the pregnant man, eyes a bit dull and unfocused as he sniffed the air. He didn't seem to care that his loincloth was missing, showing the mess between his powerful reptilian legs. He just snorted and continued on. He eventually wandered into the room Leim and Dr. Keller were in, his strong aphrodisiac scent filling the space as he made a low rumbling purring noise....

Liem jumped a little as hitsugi walked in, a little surprised that he did and he instinctively placed his hands over his stomach protectively. They had just been about to start the ultrasound and he had chosen to take his ill fitting shirt off for the procedure.

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Goro's eyes widden at the sight of Hitsugi, he had no intention of getting to close to him.. Goro was not one that was easly freaked out but the sight had surprised him slightly.

Hitsugi was clearly not himself...or even very aware of what was going on. He stood there, watching the pair in the room, almost waiting for his scent to reach them.

(Im waiting for 018Luxio to respond :/ )

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(Is this still open because I want to join (

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