A Kingdom forged in labour (closed with Lovebite)
Queen Aravis had apotted the castle from miles away and every step thr horses took bringing her closer to her home just increased her anxiousness to see her husband after a week away in diplomatic business, she had gone alone as it was not wise to have him make long journeys when he was expecting their first litter of pups. The gates opened to let the carriage in along with the sokdiers that escolted her, she had to contain herself to not run down from thr carriage and rather exit with the conposure pertinent to a queen.

As she entered she was received by her councelours and other members of thr curt wanting to know all about her negotiations "Later, Sir Dagwood, at thr moment I wish to see my Lord husband" she said letting a servant take her cape away as she started to go up the staircase on her way to their private quarters if he was not there, she would have to look for him in thr olaces she knew he liked best.
King Reyes was once a servant before he had caught the Princess's attention, the omega son of a maid who worked under Aravis's parents. He had always been more into art than his own duties, that's what had caught the young alpha girl's attention in the first place. That's where she could find him no less, in the castle den with a paintbrush in his hand and a palette resting on his belly, this was a dream to him. He had never been rich enough to own his own paint or an easel, but being loved by the now Queen had it's award.

Not that he didn't love her back, he adored her just as much as she adored him, though he had been too engrossed in the painting he was doing of one of his guards to notice the commotion downstairs. He looked up slightly when the door opened and grinned brightly at the sight of his wife, Ara!"He put down the brush and palette, wiping his hands on his apron before trying to push himself up out of his stool.
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For Aravis it had only been natural to be drawn to Reyes. That at he was the son of a servant had always been an insignificant detail for her. They had almost grown together and his natural easy going nature did wonders to her more strict and rushed character. He always made her pause and see her mistakes or the better paths she should take as a Queen. It was not only his art that made her fall in love with him, even if she couldn't spend hours and hours admiring his work. It was his smile, his kind smile that made her feel at home, no matter where she was.

Aravis 's heart raced at seeing him, she had felt it had been a month rather than a week away from him, she was so used to have him beside her at nigjts thay she had barely gotten any real sleep "Its okay, don't strian yourself. I know our pups are placing a strian on you these days" she said coming to him on his stool smiling as she bent doen to kiss him gently in his lips "I missed you" she whispered as she was silently apreciating his eork in progress.
Reyes shook his head quickly,"Nonsense, I have to give you a proper embrace."He smiled and continued pushing himself up to his feet with a huff, removing his apron and tossing it over the stool,"You've been gone so long, I was missing you terribly."He lifted his arms to wrap them around her, closing his eyes as they kissed for a moment" before he remembered. Pulling away slightly and waving the guard off,"Go stand at the door."He told him and then looked back to Aravis, leaning up and kissing her deeply this time,"I missed you too."He said, looking at her,"I think the pups did too."He mentioned and stroked her hair back behind her ear,"You've gotten a tan!"He chuckled and took her hands, kissing her fingers and then going to head towards the couch near the window, they had much to talk about. "How was your journey? Nice I hope."He went to take a slow, careful seat, holding his belly.
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Aravis helped him stand up "you are so stubborn" she said lovingly placing her hands at his sides as he embraced her with such warmth she might never had thr heart to leave him again. Much less now that he was more into his pregnancy and it wouldn't be that of a long wait for their pups to arrive.
Aravis smiled at how careful Reyes was at not showing too mucj affection infront of the guards "How can you tell if they missed me? Have you been well and healthy? " she asked not bealiving him that much, as she smiled at his tenderness "They have a warmer climate in Edira, I thought I would die" she said being dramatic on ourpose as she sat by him "The trip was nice, yet thr negotiations didn't went to we'll, I'm afraid that we might be on the brink of a war" she said sighting
"That I am."He nodded in agreement, laughing softly as he sat back once more in a more comfortable seat, rubbing his belly with a tilt of his head,"Well, I can just tell really, I just have a sense for it."He smiled and folded his legs,"Yes, of course I have."He nodded quickly and reached to hold her hand again, placing it near his navel and laying his head against her shoulder. Laughing at the mention of their climate but covering his mouth slightly before kissing her on the lips again,"Oh shush. Don't talk like that."He patted her knee and pouted a bit at what she had said, brows furrowing slightly before he said,"Is there anything that can be done? I'm sure neither us nor the royals in Erida want a war on our hands."
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Aravis let herself feel at home with his atentions, she smiled as he placed her hand over his growing belly, and thought he was slighty bigger from when she left him, she could feel a gentle movement from within as thr pups moved slightly "Does it feel funny to you when they move like that?" she asked.
She closed her eyes as he kissed her, as she felt whole again to be at his side. "I don't know, I troed everything and with the upcoming birth of our children I really dont eant a war, it can place at risk their safety and yours, use you all to grt to me" she said scarwd that her position placed at such perils her family
Reyes shrugged a bit, looking down towards his belly and patting it fondly,"Just feels like when you drink too much champagne and your stomach gets all bubbly."He replied and chuckled, tilting his head back and turning to look at her softly with a smile. He had really missed her, every aspect of their relationship together. He nodded, putting his hand on hers and rubbing the back of her fingers with his thumb,"I know. I know... Sometimes things can't be helped."He sighed, closing his eyes a bit as he let her rub his belly then looked to her again,"Have you eaten? I'm sure you must be famished...because I am."He lightened up the conversation playfully, lifting her hand and kissing her knuckles before going to try and push himself up again. "Lunch should be ready, I'm sure. I've told them to keep snacks out on behalf of myself."He smiled.
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Aravis grinned gently, at his words "You really make it sound quite agreeable love" she said fondly bending doen to kiss his gravid belly just over his navel.
"I f I told you it was safest for yoy to leave the kingdom, would you go? "she asked, She wanted to make sure what he would do if it really came to that.
" I actually am quite hungry" she said helping him up and kissing his cheek "and has thr healer been able to determine how many pups we can expect with thos litter?"
Reyes though soon looked displeased at what she asked him, looking to her and tilting his head,"Ara, you can't expect me to do that. I'm the King of Thymes, just as much as you're the queen."He frowned slightly,"If you tell me to leave, then you have to tell the other alphas to have their omegas and children moved out of the city as well. But do you really think the war will come that close to home?"He asked softly as they stood together, starting on their way out of the study, glancing at her after she kissed his cheek. "Triplets."He said,"Three babies."He smiled softly.
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She knew he would react that way "Actually love if war comes here I will indeed have to send away the omegas and the pups, Its our job to keep them safe" I said sadly as I was really hoping that was a measure I wouldn't have to take.
Shw walked along him "¿Triplets? ¿Really? Im sorry I missed that checkup" the queen said looking weighted down by all thr problems that were coming their way, certainly she never imagined having her husband expecting at such perilous times.
He nodded, taking her hand as he waddled beside her, now smiling brightly as he nodded,"Yep, three healthy pups."He kissed her hand again, rubbing his belly and heading down to the first floor carefully. Holding onto the rail and soon reaching the flat floor again in his bare feet, the maids always kept the floor even cleaner when Reyes had gotten into his later stage of pregnancy. Since he just simply refused to wear shoes most days with how swollen and red his ankles and feet became lately. "What else have you missed? I'm sure me and the pups are only two of the things you hold dear."He smiled softly and glanced back at her over his shoulder.
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Aravis allowed him to gain estability as they ealked hand in had "Im sure they are taking after you in since dear" she said, for even if she an Alpha, she was in thr small and lean size, made for agility and speed and not strength.
"I really don't know how you do it"she said blushing as if she was an inexperienced woman when he kissed her. For God's sake! She had sired three pups, and she blushed like a virgin maid for a simple kiss oh her Wolf.
She chuckled at his question "I missed sleeping, seems I cant do that unless ypu are snoring at my side" she said playfully stucking out her tongue at him. "Hiw did the curt members took you ruling alone these days?" that my husband was not of royal blood had caused enough trouble and tension in the court in its days, and since our marriage it was his first time ruling alone, as I always preffered to travel with him.
Reyes wasn't built like most in his own chaste either, he was the opposite of Aravis, being still just as short as his wife but stockier. His folks had always thought he would be an alpha, but when he presented as omega, they seemed to be just as thrilled. "How do I do what?"He asked with a smile and headed into the dining hall with her at his side, walking straight to the end where a buffet laid out in await for them. He snorted, chuckling softly and shaking his head,"Can't argue with that. It gets lonely without you elbowing me in my side through the night."He grinned and shrugged at her own question, going to take a seat at the table, sighing,"Well I had to defend my ground a few times, but the King won."He smiled softly, looking up at her.
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"Don't play as if you don't know my king," she said eyeing him embarrassed "You very well know you can make me blush with a simple kiss. I think it's highly unfair" she said in a dramatic huff, as she pulled the chair for him to be able to be of some aid.
"I thought you didn't liked that " Aravis said knowing she was one to turn and kick throughout the night.

" Im glad, it's time they realise you hold as much authority as myself" she said smiling back at him as she served herself some fish and salad to have a light dinner.
He smiled softly,"No. I didn't know that I could."He laughed playfully,"It just may be."He agreed and thanked her as he took a seat, sitting back,"I don't... But then again, I do."He replied, reaching for the potatos and cheese, as well as some lamb for a hearty meal tonight as like every night. "I'm just glad that my emotions didn't get the best of me. It seems I'm more of an angry omega than a teary one."
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Aravis blushed at his words as she picked at her food, knowing he was teasing, he had to know with how bashful she got around him.
"you have always been a strong omega, I sometimes bealive you just turne into that chaste for the sake of us being together" she said smiling at the thought. There was no doubt their mechanics in their relationship were different, she was Alpha for sure, but she also releid a lot on Reyes, he was her rock, and without him she would be quite lost.

The Queen grew taciturn as she silently admired him, they had been married for almost two years, and she had been surprised when he told her he was with pups, "Do you know how long for the puos to be here?" I asked worried, if wqr broke over the few days I wanted to make sure I have time to plan and secure his safety.

(If you want anything to happennor feel it's going too slow just tell me :) )
((No. It's fine. This is the perfect way of going along with the timeline. Unless you didn't think so.))

Reyes shook his head, reaching and patting her free hand, wrapping his fingers around it and squeezing gently,"Don't give me all the credit... You're the one who noticed me first, a simple servant as I was."He then pulled away again, going to cut is lamb up into chewable pieces and cross his legs at the ankles,"You spoil me too much."He smiled softly, then checked his pocket watch curiously, reading the time and date,"Well, my due date was sort of a touchy subject... I thought you would miss it, but I still have a few more days to go."He tilted his head slightly and began eating.
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(I like how it's going but was afraid I might be boring you)

Aravis looked at their intertwined hands, hands that always gave her comfort "Don't be like that, I never saw you as a servant, you were always my best friend" she said grinning of all tjat they had achieved together, being a couple and being now married had not been easy at all and even now days they found trouble when they tried to place in question Reyes authority or his right to rule.

"few days? " she asked alarmed and even paling" I thought it was another month... "she said scared and feeling quite stupid for not knowing. He was right, she would had missed his delivery if she had not rushed home, due to her inability to be away from him another day. That worried her. What if thr city was taken in the next few days? Or if they trapped them within the city walls and took prisoners? A pregnant King woukd do a nice prisoner to negotiate with. Her instinct as his Alpha as a mother was telling him to just get Reyes away, somewhere safe and guarded, yet she had to really think of it and of course he would have a say, she never ordered him around like alphas did with their omegas.
((Nope. You're doing great.))

Reyes smiled at that and tilted his head slightly,"What-"He began, though nodded,"Yes. A few days, since I'm carrying multiples it would be more unlikely to actualy make it another month without being put on bedrest."He sighed, waving his hand,"You know how much I hate the thought of being so lazy."He complained, going silent after a moment and soon seeing the look in her eyes as he frowned slightly,"Ara, no. I'm not going anywhere."He said simply,"And you cannot make me."He smiled softly, reaching over and rubbing at the crease in her brow to make it flatten out,"Stop worrying yourself so much... We'll double guard patrol and have the civilians move into the city walls, while keeping the tunnels open for a easy retreat."He explained,"We're okay."
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

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