C College lovers (closed with bhdire8)

"Okay, sweetie, but please, come back quickly" Cody said. Alone in the room for a few minutes, he reminded himself of keep breathing in and out, despite the pain he was feeling. He was also really anxious to meet his babies and for the pain to be over. He enjoyed that few minutes alone to rub his belly and feel the bond between him and the babies

When Tristan got out he felt he got a tonne of things to take, water and ice, energy bar that Cody might wanna chew on, towels, the steriles etc etc. He ran like a headless chicken and got  his arms full. He was still gathering stuff when he heard Cody's large moan.


(Sorry for the late)

Cody breathed as the contraction got stronger, but managed to give Tristan a little smile as he came back, carrying many things "Thanks, sweety. I'm so glad you are here with me" he said, groaning as the contraction reached its peak and then was gone

"Good I am back to get through this with you too." Tristan quickly kissed Cody as he was released from.the contraction. "Here I got a mirror, now I could hold you from behind and we could monitor the progress together. But first do you wnat yo listen to the babies' heartbeats?" Tristan raised up the doppler, expecting a grin but was met with a grimace from Cody as another contraction came, he dropped the aparatus and went quick to hold Cody's hand.

(It's good as long as you come back ;))

Cody held his lover's hand as he pushed, feeling a strong contraction. He breathed through it and pushed, alternating it as a cycle. He was able to feel some movement, but it was so light that perhaps he was imagining it. He loked into Tristan's eyes and used the beautiful vision to get inspired and push again, wondering how the babies would look like

"Cody you are doing so great, keep pushing like this, you are doing it so right. Our babies will be here very quickly with how well you are pushing." Tristan continued to murmur encouragements to Cody. He wasn't sure how much Cody can take in with how concenteate he was, but he felt like he should continue with how Cody was looking at him, as if to look for direvtions some how.

"Okay, yeah, we can do this, we can..." Cody huffled with the effort he was doing. The first baby was moving very slowly, despite Cody's attempts to make it come out. Even after two hours of hard pushing, the laboring college student felt that no progress was being made, for he couldn't feel the baby's head on his birth canal nor see it on the mirror. Cody was now sweating, and his huge belly looked like an orb or a beach ball. He remained calm, though, for his babies, even though he was feeling a lot of pain, which he was trying to hide from Tristan, that would give him a guilty look every time Cody screamed. The pregnant guy could avoid screaming, but couldn't avoid moaning, specially when he was pushing.

"Nggggg... Nggggg..." he groaned with the effort to push "Gah... Oooooh, fuck"

Tristan was getting worried with how little progress Cody was making. There was progress, but that slight bulging didn't even qualify as the start of crowning as the tip of the head was still not visible. He helped Cody push forward his upper body as he pushed with this wave of contraction. After the contraction had subsided a bit, he asked "Cody do you think a change in position may help? Maybe we could use gravity to our advantage. How about changing to a squat see if we can get things moving a bit quicker?"

"No, it's okay, sweety, this position is fine" Cody said. He doubted any position would make it good or easy. He kept on controlling his breath and waiting patiently for the next contractions. While that, he rubbed his belly, talking to the babies on his mind, as if they could hear him, asking them to help him, to come out quickly, to let him push them out.

Tristan was feeling a bit helpless here, but he could see Cody was managing the situation. He wiped away his sweat and gave him ice chips to chew on, letting him rest on him a bit as he prepared to push again, with contraction strengthening again. He he could hear the distressed moan of Cody again.

(OMG, i'm so dumb, i'm so stupid, and i'm so sorry. I completely forgot about this again, i must have some problem)

"Tristan" Cody called his lover after an hour in contractions "I think i'm starting to feel the head" he said, smiling, because he finally could feel his birth canal stretching and something big and heavy starting to crown "Can you see it?" he asked

(Haha dorsnt matter i was about to bump myself. Good to see you back though!)

"I think I could see something when you pushed. A darker batch... Cody you are doing this right i think! Push hard as what you have done, we are going to meet our baby!" Tristan raised his head from between Cody's legs, holding his love's face in his hands and kissed his sweaty forehead. "Just a bit more. We are there now!" He cupped his face and looked straight into his beautiful eyes to encourage him.

Cody breathed like he was meant to "Hee hee hoo, hee hee hoo" until he felt another contraction. Then, with a hand on his belly and the other squeezing the sheets, he pushed again, hard, moaning loudly as he could feel his entrance stretching again. It was a mix of pain and pleasure, because he knew he was finally getting there, that he was about to meet his first baby

"Yes there you go, that's the tip of the head! Keep gping Cody you are doing this just right." Tristan watched in awe as the head started emerging. "Oh I think.our first baby dont have any hair on him yet, keep going Cody!"

Cody pushed again, stronger this time, until he was breathless. He waited for the next contraction, breathing slowly while it didn't came. The pain in his entrance was worse now, because the muscles were moving to allow the baby to come.. When the contraction started, Cody began to push, moaning louder as the pain intensified "Oooooow... Argh... damn it, this hurts" he said as he began to sweat

"yes baby but the baby's really coming now. Can you see that from the mirror? you will need to be careful now though, wouldnt want you to tear. if this gets too painful you pant, let the baby ease out himself ok?" tristan wiped Cody's flushed face with a cool towel and instructed him.

"Okay" Cody said, nodding. The pressure was increasing a bit, but he knew he'd have to wait if he wanted his little babies to come easily and with health. So he did wait a bt more, and, when another contraction started, he began to push, although a bit more slowly.

"Yea Cody you are doing so great. Keep going like this you are getting it." Tristan looked at the little head nervously, he could see it inching forward slowly. He would smile and look up at Cody from time to time to encourage him. He patted his widespread legs and encouraged him between contractions and also when reminding him to breath.

Cody moaned as he could feel the baby's head slowly making its way out of him. Despite the pain, he knew it was necessary, so he kept pushing as hard as he could. His belly was all sweaty now and he was feeling the heat spread through his body.

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