The Deal (Closed with Dragon Knight)

Ryne returned the kiss as he held Ruby close.

Ginsu purred and kissed Ryne's belly gently

"If you take Ruby back to her room, we can have an hour to fill me up with more babies." Ryne said as lust filled his voice.

"Mmm..yes, I would like that". Ginsu purred rocking Ruby to sleep.

Ryne smiled before kissing Ginsu's cheek. "I'll be waiting. Come soon." He said in a sultry voice, heading to their bedroom.

"Of course, beautiful". Ginsu cooed out and carried their daughter to her crib. After making sure she was settled in. He returned to Ryne's side and crawled onto the bed with him.

Rune smiled as he nuzzled against Ginsu. "Make love to me all day and night. I want as many children as you can put into me." He begged sensually.

"As you wish my sweet wife". Ginsu cooed and returned the nuzzle

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Last Post by DragonKnight
11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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