An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. (FINISHED)

Cormac adverted his eyes by pretending to be interested in a bird flying overhead.

While I'Karis had certainly been right about a pregnant person's increased libido, he was the absolute last person Astien would sleep with. He was aware that the elf was unable to say no to his urges, and that his list of sexual conquests often ventured into... Unsavory areas. His face remaining buried in his hands, he shook his head. "Please, I'Karis. Please just leave." Astien begged.

I'Karis grinned at how his proposition had managed to embarrass the three. It may not have gotten him laid, but it provided him with entertainment, so he couldn't really complain. "Alright then, off I go. Maybe we'll all see each other again someday." He turned to Cormac. "And if we do, and I'm not busy at the time, I'd be happy to give you a few proper, professional lessons with daggers, kid. For a fee, of course." The elf turned away. "Well, off I go then. Oh, and Astien? My offer still stands, if you're still pregnant next time I see you." And with that, I'Karis walked away, promptly disappearing into the crowd, laughing all the while.

(Off I go, gotta sleep for work. Be back on tomorrow after I get off. :heart: )

(P.S. I am perfectly aware that I suck. It's a fact that torturws me daily. :I )

I'm just here for a laugh

"He's an odd one," Cormac said.

"I think we can all agree that he was away with the faeries." Darol blushes (talking about I'Karis) whilst rubbing his own (pregnant) stomach.

(Darol does not yet need baby stuff. When he does, he'll make everything himself).

Valar Morghulis - All Men Must Die.

For those who want more mpreg stories from me, visit which is my new page and will be dedicated to mpreg (page currently inactive due to loss of inspiration).

Astien shuddered at the thought of faeries. "Let's not bring faeries into this." He said. " I'm terrified to think of what would happen if they found out about us, Darol."

I'm just here for a laugh

"It's something that the crew on the U.S.S. Jupiter would say if someone was getting carried away." Darol replies. "They won't find out."

Valar Morghulis - All Men Must Die.

For those who want more mpreg stories from me, visit which is my new page and will be dedicated to mpreg (page currently inactive due to loss of inspiration).

"Faeries have the most powerful magics in the while realm, Darol. And they make it their business to kidnap children, babies especially. They can take your child and leave no trace. And there are very few who could face one and survive, let alone treat the injuries they can inflict. Oh Darol, we need to be careful!" Astien began sweating nervously, and looked over his shoulder.

I'm just here for a laugh

"And they won't find out, because they are no match for me, and their magic is useless when I'm around. Trust me, as I was pre-loaded with facts about what the faeries you're on about can do and I was programmed to overcome that and be stronger than them." Darol replies.

(he's speaking the truth).

Valar Morghulis - All Men Must Die.

For those who want more mpreg stories from me, visit which is my new page and will be dedicated to mpreg (page currently inactive due to loss of inspiration).

(That's so broken. How can he be pre-loaded with information about a world he just entered?)

"Trust me, you don't want to run into a Fea." Cormac said with a shudder. "My homeland is filled with them. I was lucky enough not ot be taken."

(In olden times, we used to think of faeries as things that would take babies, so maybe he means that? But why would he be programmed to resist a creature that's only a myth in his world of origin? Same goes for magic. That's probably not real in his world either, and how does one program against that anyway?)

"No more talking about faeries! Talking about them summons them, supposedly. Let's get going. We still need to get you clothes, Cormac." Astien led the group to the West marketplace, and found the store I'Karis spoke of. Across the road from it was a bookshop. "Ooohh, a bookstore! Cormac, why don't you go and get your clothes and shoes while I browse here? Here's some money." Astien handed the young man a coinpurse, and said "Remember, drop I'Karis' name, he said it'll get you a discount."

I'm just here for a laugh

"Alright." Cormac said. He clung to the coin pouch and stepped into the store. He sighed when he saw the wide variety. Where would he even start?

A man stepped out from behind the counter. "Hullo son. What are you looking for?" He looked Cormac up and down, and exclaimed "Ye gads! Look at those rags! Well, you came to the right place, son; I can find you something much, much better. Where would you like to start?"

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac looked at his bare feet. Apparently Astien had thrown out what was left of his shoes. "Shoes?"

The man led Cormac over to the shoe section, pulled out a measuring tape, and promptly began measuring him. "Hmmmm... Alright, the shoes that could fit you are over here. Try on what you like." Before Cirmac could move, though, he was handed a cheap pair of socks. "But please, wear these while you try on our shoes. Your feet are a bit... Dirty."

There were many types of shoes, a lot of varieties for one store. Shoes for dancing, shoes for walking, shoes for hiking and hunting. Boots for bad weather, boots for long treks, and boots for being a stealthy. Sandals for the beach, sandals for walking and sports, some thicker, some thinner. And some shoes for the sole purpose of making your feet look pretty.

I'm just here for a laugh

(the Darol being used here is the same as the one in the other rps that he's featured in, and knows everything. The version here is the prequel version, and is still figuring things out about himself, so what he says about himself may not be true, though he is like Captain Jack from Torchwood in the fact that nothing can kill him).

Valar Morghulis - All Men Must Die.

For those who want more mpreg stories from me, visit which is my new page and will be dedicated to mpreg (page currently inactive due to loss of inspiration).

(What. What even. I've never seen that show.)

I'm just here for a laugh

(I still think it's broken. Plus Jack can be killed, he just comes back afterwards. There's a difference between not able to be killed adn being killed and coming back. Either way it's broken for this kind of RP.)

Cormac focused his attention on the hiking and hunting boot. Even if this job didn't last forever, he would need them for when he started traveling on his own again. He pulled on the socks and started trying on some of the boots. After a while he settled on a pair of sturdy, black leather boots. They were snug, but not too snug.

"A good choice, lad. Sure you don't need another pair? Or would you like to start looking at some pants?"

Meanwhile, Astien was browsing the bookstore's selection, idly rubbing his belly as he looked. He was in the baby section, looking for books on male pregnancies and birth. None of them seemed to be of any help, though. They seemed to mostly be about the history of the phenomenon, and how it was possible in the first place. In which case, they belonged with the history and folklore books. Astien made a note to mention this to the shopkeeper, and continued looking. In the shadows of the corner, someone observed.

I'm just here for a laugh

"I guess a second pair would be a good idea. But I think stickin' to basics would be best," Cormac stated.

"If that's what you think, son. Alright then, the men's pants are right over here." The man guided Cormac to the trousers section, and once more, the selection was very large. The various types of pants for sale was staggering, and alongside them was packs of underwear.

I'm just here for a laugh

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