Middle Ages (closed)

"I'm sorry if I woke you," she says quietly.

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"It is alright mother." Demetri smiled wider, walking over to the bed that his mother was laying upon and father was sitting behind her upon and sitting beside his mother. "Is that my sister?" He questioned softly.

"Meet Mariah," she smiles.

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The newborn that was Mariah remained asleep, nuzzling a side of her face against her mother's chest. Demetri gazed down at his young sister, smiling while he stroked her hair a few times ever so softly.

"Kodai?" She offered the newborn to him. "Are you sure we didn't wake you Demetri?"

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Kodai smiled while he offered his strong arms so that Anna could place their slumbering daughter in them. Demetri spoke softly to avoid waking his young sister. "I am sure. I slept very well."

Anna sits up a bit to embrace him. "I love you," she smiles, ruffling his hair as if he was a child.

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Demetri smiled wider, giggling as his hair was ruffled by his beloved mother. "I love you too mother. I hope that the birth was not too painful for you." Kodai kept his eyes down at Mariah, watching her tiny chest rise and fall as she slumbered.

"Well, it was, well..." she trails off, not wanting to lie, but not wanting to worry her son. "Would you like to hold her?"

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Demetri sat down beside his mother, wanting so very much to hold his newly born baby sister. "I would love to mother." Kodai handed Mariah to Demetri to hold for a while.

"What do you think?" She asked quietly.

Will be reducing my time on here in the next few weeks to explore other creative outlets.

Demetri smiled while baby Mariah began to awaken after a few hours of slumber. "She is perfect mother."

"I think so," she smiles weakly.

Will be reducing my time on here in the next few weeks to explore other creative outlets.

Kodai smiled as his beloved son and wife were both speaking to oneanother. Demetri played with Mariah, watching as she smiles and giggles.

"Kodai? Can you watch her for a bit? I need to sleep," she says, rubbing her sore belly.

Will be reducing my time on here in the next few weeks to explore other creative outlets.

When Kodai was spoken to he nodded his head, taking ahold of baby Mariah from his son's arms while letting Anna have a chance to sleep for a while. "I shall take care of her. Have a wonderful sleep."

Anna slept soundly for a few hours. She woke to an empty room. "Kodai?" She called softly in case he was near.

Will be reducing my time on here in the next few weeks to explore other creative outlets.

Kodai smiled down at his daughter Mariah, playing with her and tickling her while he smiled and she giggled. Soon he picked her up and into his arms, walking back into the room that his beloved Anna was sleeping in. "Yes Anna?" Kodai answered back softly as well.

"I need to feed her," she sighs quietly, happy to see her beloved husband once again.

Will be reducing my time on here in the next few weeks to explore other creative outlets.

Kodai nodded at Anna, walking over to the bed and placing Mariah against Anna's chest so that she could feed.

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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