An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. (FINISHED)

"Well shit," Cormac muttered. "This one's my fault, Astien." He grabbed the matching dagger from his feet and held up his hands. "That's right! I killed him!" He nodded his head towards Astien. "He had nothing to do with it so let him go and you can have me."

If the harpies had been angry before, now they were outright furious. "We only wanted food! We only wanted food, and you killed him!" Screamed the bandaged harpy. "Murder! Murder!" The other harpies joined in the chanting.


The chief harpy spoke up. "You killed one of ours! He was someone's child! And now he's dead! He's dead!" The other harpies chanted.

"He's dead!"
"He's dead!"

I'm just here for a laugh

"The merman is somebody's child, as am I," Cormac retorted. "My mother is waiting for me and for this man as she is very ill and needs his expertise. I did not mean to murder your friend, I just meant to save mine."

"That's no excuse!" The chief bellowed. "We don't even have his body to commit to the earth! Because of you! You spilled his blood, so now we spill yours! Blood for blood! Blood for blood!" The harpies chanted.

"Blood for blood!"
"Blood for blood!"

I'm just here for a laugh

"What excuse do you have for eating the merfolk?! They have families and homes as well! How are they any different than you?!"

Astien stepped forward and whispered to Cormac. "Let me handle this." He turned to the chief and spoke. "Sir, I implore you, this is all a tragic accident."

"Accident?! It was murder!" The chief cried. The harpies chanted.

"Blood for blood!"
"Blood for blood!"

"Sir, when my assistant here saw a merman being attacked, he simply reacted and did what he thought was right."

"How is it right to kill one of us?! They only wanted food!" The chief turned to Cormac. "We eat merfolk as you eat fish and cows! Do they not have families?! Do they not live?!"

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac stood beside his employer, trying not to show his nervousness. While he had gotten out of scrapes before, it was only himself at stake.

Astien continued. "It wasn't intentional, sir! If you saw two humans attacking a centaur, wouldn't your instinct be to help the centaur? He only wanted to help the merman!"

The chief and the other harpies were quiet for a moment. What he was thinking was anyone's guess. Finally, he spoke. "You killed Fevan and injured Maer. We can't let that go unanswered for."

Again, the chief was silent in thought.

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac gripped his dagger. "You can draw my blood," Cormac offered. "Leave a scar as a message to those I meet not to cross you."

The chief looked back and forth between Astien and Cormac. It seemed like an eternity before he spoke again. "You say he is your assistant?"

"Yes, he is." Astien said.
"He works for you?"
"He does..." Astien didn't like where this was going.

The chief shook with rage. "Then he carries out your will! You commanded him!"


"You try to trick us, saying it was an accident! You commanded him to kill Fevan! He's only an instrument! It was you!"

I'm just here for a laugh

"NO!" Cormac shouted. "He was asleep! What I did was of my own will!" Cormac stood before Astien with his dagger at the ready. "You will not lay a claw on him!"

The harpies began screaming and bouncing in rage. "See how eager he is to protect his boss?! Surely he is only the tool! He was told to do it! Made to kill Fevan!"
The harpies chanted.

"Blood for blood!"
"Blood for blood!"

Astien stepped back. "Please! No!" He clutched at his belly protectively. "Please don't hurt me!"
"The fat one killed our child, so we'll take his! Let him know the pain! His egg is in his belly! Rip it open and tear it out!" The harpies chanted.

"Rip it open and tear it out!"
"Rip it open and tear it out!"

I'm just here for a laugh

"No! Stop!" The ring of flame flared out as if it was reacting to Cormac's emotions. "Don't you dare touch him!"

Harpies flew out and hovered over the fiery ring.

Tears streamed down Astien's face. "Not my baby!" He fell to his knees, clutching his belly.

"Rip it open and tear it out!"
"Rip it open and tear it out!"

"Please no! I'll do anything! Don't hurt my baby!"

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac threw himself over Astien, making himself a human shield. "I'm so sorry...I'm sorry..."

"Not my baby! Not my baby!"

And then the strangest thing happened. A glow began emanating from Astien's belly. It was faint, but quickly grew brighter and brighter. Within a moment it was blinding. The light was everywhere and could not be turned away from. Accompanying it was a deafening sound, so loud it left one's ears ringing.

And yet there was no sound.

When the light faded, the ring of fire was gone from around Astien and Cormac, yet the other torches were still lit, providing them with light. And the harpies, all of them, lay dead. All that was left of them was charred, unrecognizable bodies.

And yet, Astien and Cormac were both unscathed. The carriage was undamaged, and the horses, hidden in a pen behind some trees, were perfectly fine.

Cormac's missing dagger lay on the ground, also unharmed, but in the hand of a burned harpy corpse.

Astien remained on his knees, arms wrapped around his midsection, crying. He don't look up.

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac blinked as he looked around the camp. He nudged Astien. "A...Astien...They...They're dead. They're all... dead..."

(Would it be possible that Cormac's estranged father would be a drake?)

(Ooh, that would be interesting. I already have a set history for the drakes, but I'm pretty sure I can work that in.)

Astien looked up slowly, still crying. "Wha... What... Huh?"

I'm just here for a laugh

(Ok. :D)

Cormac retrieved his dagger and went to fetch the horses. They were spooked, but otherwise they were fine.

( I love how into this you're getting. Heart)

Astien slowly looked around, trying to take in what had happened. He looked down at his belly in amazement. Had his baby been aware of what was going on? Did it just use it tremendous power for self defense while still in utero? He remembered the creature saying he wouldn't have anything to worry about back when he could still talk to it, before it became his child, but this... This was not what he had thought that meant.

I'm just here for a laugh

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