An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. (FINISHED)

The masseuse fell onto his back, and Astien's masseuse covered his mouth in shock. Astien moved toward Cormac. "Cormac... Cormac, come here, let me look at you."

I'm just here for a laugh

"It hurts..." Cormac groaned as his wings folded up, dragging against he floor.

"Alright, alright, sh, sh sh ssssshhh. Everything's going to be fine. Give me your hands." Astien took Cormac's hands and looked at his new claws. "Claws and wings...? Alright, lets go back to our room, come on." Astien helped Cormac out of the bath, no small feat for him, and led him back to their suite. He had the masseuses bring up their clothes.

Astien sat Cormac on the bed, and began rummaging through his bag.
"Everything's going to be alright, Cormac. How did this happen?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"He just struck a nerve or something," Cormac huffed. "That spot has always been sensitive." His wings twitched and he hissed.

"Always been sensitive? Hmmm... Claws, wings, magic... Hmmm. I may have one theory. First," Astien pulled a small bottle and handed it to Cormac. "This should help with the pain. Now, let me examine your wings."

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac sipped the concoction and grimaced at the bitter taste. He took a few deep breaths and managed to get the claws to retract a bit. "What sort of theory?"

"Well, it's not so much a theory so much as an idea of what type of claws and wings, but first I need a closer look." Astien closely observed the wings. "Hmm.. The arch is... And this color... They might be..." Astien looked stunned. "These might be drake wings."

I'm just here for a laugh

"Drake...what? How...?" Cormac held his head and his wings twitched in Astien's hands.

"I don't have even the slightest... Why would... This is... This is incredible! This is unprecedented! This could be- ah, ah, ow ow ow..." Astien's face went from shining with glee and excitement to scrunched with pain as he slowly sank to the floor, clutching his belly.

I'm just here for a laugh

"Astien!" Cormac twisted around, his wings flared out and knocked over a few decorations. He grimaced as he knelt down beside his boss. "Do you need help?"

"It's ow, just a cramp, I'm sure of it, ow. Just get my notebook, ah, shit, a-and a pen. Oh gods, ow."

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac nodded and got the items Astien had requested, being careful not to knock anything else over. He took deep breaths, trying to get his wings to go back into hiding, but they weren't cooperating at the moment. "So much for you relaxing."

"Ha, ha ha, y-yeah, s-so much for- ah, SHIT! Oh, please don't tell me these are more Braxton hicks." Astien leaned on the bed to lift himself to his feet, and walked over to the table. "Where's a light? I might be up all night writing- Ah! Ow!" Astien looked down at his belly. "Will you please just settle down, little one? I have a lot of work now!"

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac managed to find a lantern that he hadn't damaged and set it by the table. He grabbed a robe and tied it around his waist. "What sort of work?"

Astien winced at his pain. "I have to make an account of everything! Everything about since I've met you. I have to write a timeline, theories, and- OW!" This one had Astien doubled over, and a single tear running down his face. "Ow..." He moaned.

I'm just here for a laugh

"I'm calling for a medic," Cormac stated as he ran over to the rope and yanked on it. Between Cormac and Astien, this was probably one of the most exciting nights the inn was going to have for a while.

"N-no! That's not necessary. I-I just need some rest. I just need a nice night's sleep, that's all. I j-just need my baby to settle down." He put his hands on his belly and looked at it, laughing nervously. "Hear that, little one? Mommy needs you to calm down. Ow! Ah, you're going to be one difficult kid."

I'm just here for a laugh

"Astien, I really think you should see a medic. This could be false labor or it could be the real thing, whichever it is I don't want anything going wrong. You hired me to help you, so that's what I'm going to do."

"Cormac, I'm a healer, I would know if this is labour, and the fact that these pains are not at a consistent interval and have come out of nowhere is proof that I am not in labor." Astien hissed. "Aaaaghh. I'm fine. I know it doesn't sound like it, but I'm fine. I promise you. Just, just help me to bed."

I'm just here for a laugh

"I'll just order tea when they get here then," Cormac sighed as he helped Astien to his bed. "It might help."

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