An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. (FINISHED)

"Heceril," Cormac said as he came up to the man. He was somewhat relieved to see the elf, but somewhat disappointed. Was he hoping for that strange man that he met back on Dragonperch? Somebody to talk to? Or just some answers? Regardless, the elf brought some comfort to him since he could go to him for help with Astien's pregnancy. At least he hoped he could help. "What brings you here?"

"Work." The elf answered plainly. "Has Astien been feeling any better?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"He was doing well up until a few days ago. He overworked himself and got sick. He's doing better today, but his baby hasn't been all that active and he's lost a majority of his appetite." Cormac sighed and pulled up his hood. "I can tell he's worried and I've been trying to keep him calm, but I'm just not sure if it's enough or I'm doing the right thing. Do you have the time to go check on him?"

Heceril shook his head. "I am sorry, but I so not have the time. Do you still have the sheet I wrote out for you?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"I think so," Cormac said as he tried to recall all that he grabbed from the previous carriage. "Would it be too much to ask for another copy? Just in case?"

"I have no time to write you another. I am sorry."

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac nodded. "Fair enough. It was nice chatting with you. I'll let you get back your work." He waved and took a round-about route to the red-light district to see Thorne. While he had no interest in learning how to pole dance, he figured it would be polite to say good-bye since he had known his mother.

"There you are!" Thorne called as Cormac entered. "I was worried you wouldn't come. Now, let's get you on that pole."

I'm just here for a laugh

"I really just came by to say good-bye. We're leaving in the morning." Cormac said.

"But what if you ever have to start stripping and dancing again someday? I'll be honest, you're terrible on the pole. No one would hire you with such not-talent."

I'm just here for a laugh

"I really hope that I don't have to resort to pole dancing in the future." Cormac sighed. "I guess you have a point. A short lesson wouldn't hurt."

Thorne smiled. After the lesson was done and goodbyes were said, Cormac found walking back to the carriage difficult as there was a great commotion in the town square. In the center of the crowd, what everyone was staring at turned out to be a dead body.

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac ran to the crowd and pushed to the center to get a closer look.

It was the owner of the club Cormac had been working at. The arrow through his throat looked familiar. But where had Cormac seen it before? Who did he know who used bows?

I'm just here for a laugh

"Shit..." Cormac muttered to himself as he recognized Heceril's arrow. He got away from the crowd and ducked into a dark alley before extending his wings and flying back to the club. Once he arrived he folded his wings under his cloak and rushed into the building. "Thorne!?"

"Cormac! How nice to see you again! Can't get enough, can you? But then, who can?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"Thorne, I just saw your boss. In the square. With an arrow through his throat."

"Ugh, FINALLY! If that elf took any longer, I would've just blasted that ass myself!" He looked at Cormac. "Oh don't look so surprised. He's been screwing all of us."

(Hi ho hi ho of to work I go)

I'm just here for a laugh

Elf. It was definitely Heceril then. "Well...Um...Good luck with your future prospects and endeavors." Cormac backed out of the building and began running back to the carriage. The friction burns on his legs, from various instances where he slid on the pole, screamed at him, but he ignored it and made it to the carriage in very little time. He popped his head in the door. "Hey, change of plans. We're leaving now." He slammed the door shut and hopped up onto the seat and got the horses moving. He didn't want to risk anything as now he knew who did the hit as well as issued it.

"Wait what?" Astien sounded very confused, and he nearly fell out of his bed when the carriage lurched forward.

As the carriage rode forward, Cormac heard a voice next to him. "Hello again." When Cormac looked, he saw again the Strange Man, teapot in one hand and teacup in the other.

(Postin on mah break, so don't be surprised if I just disappear.)

I'm just here for a laugh

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