An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. (FINISHED)

Cormac sighed. "I hope so. I just don't get why she brought it up all of a sudden. I mean, yeah she's menstruating, but it shouldn't have that big of an impact on her mood, right?"

Wyn was out in one of the gardens, practicing her sword play. Rather than being her usual graceful, form she was rather fierce and violent as she was piercing the air with her rapier.

Astien felt himself growing nervous. Telling Cormac about Wyn's scare would answer his questions, and allow him to address the problem, but he had promised Wyn he wouldn't. What should he do? "I'll have a talk with Wyn later, see if I can convince her to open up." He would just have to convince her to confess herself.

Seroteth approached Wyn. "Hello, Wynnora. May I speak to you for a moment?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"Thanks, Astien. I should see if Kell needs help with chores or something." He waved and left the room.
Marius chuckled. "Nothing like young love, eh?"

Wyn relaxed her form and transformed her rapier back into her hair pin. "Of course," she said as she stuck the pin into her bun. "What is it that you want to talk about?"

Astien chuckled. I wouldn't really know. "I never had time for it. I was too busy studying." He thought a moment. "There was a fellow I was smitten for, but that never went anywhere. I was far too shy."

"If you and my grandson are going to marry, I'd like to get to know you." Seroteth stated. "Make sure you're good enough for my grandbaby."

I'm just here for a laugh

"I find that hard to believe," Marius chuckled. "You don't seem all that shy."

Wyn nodded. "What would you like to know?" she asked with a smile.

Astien blushed. "When it comes to matters of the heart..."

Seroteth rubbed his chin. "Well lets see...Whoareyourparents whereareyoufromh owdoyouknowhim whatusyourbackground areyouaserialkiller areyouaserialrapist haveyoueverstolenanationaltreasure areyouscaredofdrakesandordragons areyouagolddigger haveyoueverbeenconvictedofmurder."

I'm just here for a laugh

"Seems common these days," Marius shrugged. "I tend to be too up front with people and I scare them off."

"Cormac and I grew up together in a small town in the Green Valley. My father was the self appointed mayor up until his death a few years ago and my mother died during giving birth to me. I have five older brothers all who are married except for my eldest brother Brent, who has been looking after me since my birth. He arranged for me to marry a duke and I nearly did until Cormac returned to the village. I took it as a sign from the gods that I should leave or be stuck with a man I barely knew, let alone loved. I have never ventured outside of my town since my father was fairly protective of me." She smiled. "I'm nothing special really. Just a former noble-woman who ran off with a rogue."

"You seem like a nice fellow. I don't see why anyone would be particularly put off." Astien leaned over and began using some healing magic over Marius' chest. "Siran said that if you're lucky, you'll be able to get out of bed tomorrow. He wants to get a sense of how much more recovery time you'll need."

"Very noble. Very romantic." Seroteth said. "But you still haven't tok me I you're a serial killer, serial rapist, how many languages you speak, I you've ever been convicted of murder, if you've ever stolen a national treasure, if you can count to forty two, and if the two of you have ever had sex."

I'm just here for a laugh

"Ah, well not many people find a big, burly man shouting his affections at them all that attractive or sexy," Marius chuckled.

"I'm not a serial killer or rapist. I speak Elven and a bit of Dwarvish as well as the common tongue. I've never been convicted of murder nor have I stolen anything besides Cormac's heart. Though I suppose that one is mutual." She blushed deeply as she came upon Seroteth's last question. "As for sex...We have had relations a few times."

Astien shrugged. "I don't know, I like men who are larger than me." He blushed. "They can envelope me in hugs and make me feel safe in their big, strong arms."

Seroteth's eyes went wide. "How dare you deflower my special flower." He said. "He's too young for that!"

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius raised an eyebrow and smiled slyly as he raised his hand and gently touched Astien's face. "Is that so?"

"Well, you asked." Wyn adjusted the sash around her hips. "If it make you feel any better, I'm the one who initiated it."

Astien's entire face went red, and he found himself at a complete loss for words. He had just been talking about his preferences, he hadn't intended this! But... It felt nice. Did Marius really find him attractive? Or was he just messing with him as he had been previously? Still, the thought that anyone could find him attractive, especially as large and round as he was, was a rather nice thought. "Aaaaaaahhh......" Shit, what constituted speech again?

Seroteth narrowed his eyes. At least this girl was being upfront. She deserved credit for that. "Hmmm. Okay, so you seduced him?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"You know, my arms aren't the only thing that's big on me," Marius whispered seductively.

Wyn chuckled. "I guess you can say that, though Cormac has never really shown interest in anybody besides me." She blushed lightly. "We just got caught up in the moment I suppose. He snuck into the estate, like he did when we were children, and he climbed up to my bedroom window. I'm sure he wasn't expecting for me to be awake, but there I was in my night-gown and there he was. I never thought he would come back. I hoped he would but I worried that he had forgotten about me or even died. He never sent letters or gifts or anything so I just tried to assume the worse. But, I knew deep down that he was still alive even if I wanted to think differently."

It seemed impossible for Astien's face to turn redder, but somehow it did. His baby began to kick and squirm inside of him something fierce, clearly aware of how his mother was feeling. But this couldn't be real. No, it wasn't real. This was some dream. Astien was having a dream and he had created a ridiculously attractive man in his mind who was coming onto him because he is feeling sexually frustrated. That, or somehow, somehow I'Karis was messing with him, as usual. Yes, that must be it. This was some complex disguise that I'Karis has donned to harass him, or maybe he was feeling extra dickish and had hired him to say these things. There is no Marius, only I'Karis and his irrational need to embarrass him.

"I suppose I can understand that, young love being as it is. But have you at least been using protection? So help me if you haven't."

I'm just here for a laugh

"Are you feeling alright?"

Wyn messed with her sash. There was no point in hiding it, not from a drake. She avoided Seroteth's gaze. "We haven't. But nothing has come of it."

"Oh, aaahhh, I um, uh..." Astien's head was a jumbled mess. Between a handsome man coming onto him from nowhere and his baby causing a riot inside him, he couldn't think straight. Somehow, he managed to force a coherent thought out of his mouth. "What are you saying?" He asked.

Red flags went off in Seroteth's mind. "No no no no no. This is why I said you're too young. You don't grasp just how heavy sex is and how heavy the consequences can be. You're still children, wether you want to admit it or not."

I'm just here for a laugh

"That I'd like to get to know you better," Marius said. He chuckled. "I guess you're not used to being flirted with. It's sort of cute."

"I know that!" Wyn shouted. She clasped a hand over her mouth. "I'm...I'm sorry I didn't mean to..." She wiped tears from her eyes.

"Not really... I'm a rather plain man." Astien said. His mouth was running on auto-pilot while his brain tried to sort everything out. He rubbed his belly soothingly, in part to calm little Aiden, and to try to calm himself.

Seroteth sighed. He hadn't meant to make her cry. "I didn't mean to upset you. It's just, you and Cormac are NOT in the right place where you can be risky with sex. The results could shape the rest of your lives, and to see two fine young people sacrifice their futures for a stupid mistake is... I can't stand it."

I'm just here for a laugh

"It's not fair to judge a book by the cover," Marius said.

Wyn nodded. "I realized that... I had a scare..." she sputtered. "Cormac doesn't even wants kids and...We almost..."

"I guess not. But do you really find me attractive? I'm not exactly... I mean..." He patted his large tummy for emphasis.

"You were lucky. To have a child when you can't even agree on wether to have one... Terrible." Seroteth placed a hand on Wyn's shoulder. "But this is an opportunity to learn. Actually, I have a suggestion for you."

I'm just here for a laugh

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