An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. (FINISHED)

The odd elf stood up from his pew, and slung the large bone-coffin onto his back. "I'll try. Reet says that the winged one is really hurting. He also says the baby is slowly turning." He stepped out of his pew and walked to the door of the temple.

I'm just here for a laugh

"Oh gods," Marius muttered as he followed the elf out of the temple. He lead him to the carriage and knocked on the door. "Delas, I found somebody who can help us." He opened the door and let the elf step in.
Cormac opened his eyes and looked at the strange elf with tired eyes.

"Might help." The elf chimed. "Reet, please be quiet! I have to think." He approached the bedside and looked at his patients. He looked at Astien. "I guess that's the baby. Wait, what? Reet, could you say that again? … well if its not a bay what is it? … I don't know. … okay." He turned to Marius, and pointed at Astien's belly. "Reet says the thing might have to be cut out to keep it from turning. He also says its not a baby. He doesn't know what it is, but it's not a baby, he says."

I'm just here for a laugh

"Of course it's a baby," Marius stated. "And we're not going to cut him out."
Cormac narrowed his eyes and let out a muffled growl.

The elf shrugged, and began digging through his pockets, eventually digging up a few runes. He placed one on each man's forehead, and one on Astien's belly. "Just in case." He began chanting some magic words.

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius held his breath and prayed to every god he could remember. Please. Please let this work. Oh gods please let this work.

The fur, the claws, the fangs, they all began to disappear on Cormac, until he was human once more. But on Astien, the fangs and claws shrank, and he grew shorter, closer to his original size. But that was it. The elf put away the runes. "That one's too far gone for my magic. You'll need a specialist."

I'm just here for a laugh

"Do you know where I can find one?" Marius asked as he untied Cormac.
Cormac groaned and withdrew his wings as he removed the ring and put it back in his pants pocket. His hands were still burnt, but where slowly recovering.

"Reet could find you one. Hold on a second."

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius wrapped a blanket around Cormac. "How are you feeling?"
"Like shit," Cormac groaned as he closed his eyes. His body was covered in sweat and he felt hot, but whatever he was fighting was gone now.
Marius gently stroked Astien's head. "Hang in there, Astien. We'll get you back to normal."

"Come on, Reet. … he's ayes there's a lady in the forest? In a house in the trees, apparently. Reet says she can help you. She wears tribal clothing, and her face is painted. Her hair is short and black. That's all Reet's telling me."

Behind the elf's back, Delas made a sign that he thought he was crazy.

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac's eyes snapped open. "I know her," he groaned as he got to his feet and grabbed some new clothes. "She helped a while ago. I'll go get her."
"Cormac you're too weak to fly," Marius said as he pushed Cormac back into the bed.
"It's not far," Cormac stated. "I can make it there and back in a matter of hours maximum. That potion you started could buy us some time. Just don't let Astien bite you." He got up and pushed past Marius and got out of the carriage. He sprouted his wings and slowly took the air. Once he got his bearings he took off towards the forest.
Marius sighed and looked to Astien. "That boy would go to hell and back for you."

Astien seemed to be calmer now. His eyes were darting around the room. And then he moved his mouth, trying to say something. His words couldn't be made out, but it was progress. He had regained at least a small piece of his mind.

The elf quietly left the carriage, saying only one thing before he left. "Reet still says that's not a baby."

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius ignored the elf and slowly removed Astien's muzzle. "You won't bite, right?" He stroked Astien's head and blinked back tears. "It's going to be Ok."

Cormac flew for a while before spotting the tree house from the air. He clumsily landed, smacking into the wall and then the deck. He groaned as he got back up and knocked on the door. "Miss...Forgive me if I can't recall your name, but I need your help. My father was bitten by wolfkin and he is in need of your help."

Astien tried to say something again, but his animalistic side came out again, and he snarled viciously at Marius.

"I remember you. The boy who searched for his father." The woman stood aside and beckoned Cormac inside. "A bite an be healed by anyone. Why do you come to me?"

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius loosely muzzled Astien again.

"He turned last night," Cormac said. "I nearly did as well...We found somebody to help me, but he...He needs an expert and they pointed me in your direction." He held his head and braced himself against a table as the room started spinning. His body trembled with exhaustion. "Can you help him?"

The woman walked into another room, and collected a few things in a satchel. She returned to the room Cormac was in. "You are in town, yes? I know where it is. Get yourself home and sleep, winged-boy, I will be there soon enough."

I'm just here for a laugh

"Thank you," Cormac said happily through his exhaustion. He left the tree house and made a labored flight back to the city.
"Did you get her?" Marius asked as he caught Cormac while he fell through the carriage door.
He withdrew his wings and gave a weak nod. "She's coming..." He wheezed.
"Gods, Kid, you sound horrible." He put Cormac in the top bunk and covered him with a thick blanket. "I gave some of that potion you mentioned to Astien, it seems to have calmed him down for now." Cormac slowly nodded and coughed violently. His lungs were burning from the cold air and the long flight. "Rest up." The young man didn't argue and fell asleep within minutes.

About ten minutes after Cormac fell asleep, the woman arrived. She entered the carriage and looked t Astien. "The winged boy did not mention he was heavy with child."

I'm just here for a laugh

"Is that an issue?" Marius asked worriedly.

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