An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. (FINISHED)

A few cooks were in the kitchen, preparing breakfast for the early risers of the castle. Delas entered the kitchen, feeling hungry, and approached Cormac. "Cormac," he said sadly, "Astien's been lying to us about Aiden. And Marius is really upset."

I'm just here for a laugh

"I knew about Aiden," Cormac said simply as he buttered a fresh roll.

"Huh? Bu- wha? …" Delas looked surprised, them resigned. "I guess that only makes sense. You've been with him longer than either of us. But why'd he lie? You know, right? Right?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"I'd rather Astien tell you himself," Cormac said as he bit into his roll.

"Whatever the reason, Marius is really upset. It's kind of scaring me, actually." Delas face contorted into an expression of fear. "He's supposed to be a rock. A big rock that we can rely on, him and Astien. But he's not right now, an I can only imagine how Astien is right now. They're supposed to be the solid foundation, but…"

I'm just here for a laugh

"They'll work things out," Cormac assured Delas. "They probably need some space right now."

"They're gonna be okay, right? And we're still still gonna be a family, right? Cuz I don't wanna leave. I don't wanna go back to being on the streets."

I'm just here for a laugh

"You won't go back on the streets. Astien won't allow it."

"And neither would you or Marius, cuz you guys don't hate me, right? …right?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"Of course not. Living on the streets sucks. I won't let you go back to it."

"Good, cuz… well I guess Marius would be the one who hates me. But whatever. We need to get these two to make up, cuz I don't wanna think about them being apart. Do you know if they've uh, used the 'L' word yet?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"'Love'? Not that I'm aware of." Cormac sliced up an apple. "Don't think Marius is going to say it anytime soon either."

"I don't know about that. He's certainly mushy enough. From what we see, anyway."

I'm just here for a laugh

"He might have been close to saying it, but I think they took a few steps backward." He finished his breakfast. "I have to get to training. I'll see you later, Delas."

"Yeah, I guess I'd better get going too." Delas took a roll and shoved it in his mouth, scampering out of the kitchen.

Astien woke up a bit later, feeling groggy and nowhere close to awake. Even so, he dragged himself from bed and bathed, then went to the hall of records once more. On the way there, he ran into Loke. "Astien, I uderstand you and your beau are now in a bit of an awkward spot."

Astien sighed. "Yes. Yes we are. I know taking your story was wrong but-"
"I know all about it, your child being some god thing. I was something of a fly on the wall at the time."

Astien blinked and sighed. Of course he was. He was a shapeshifter after all. "Then what is it you want me to say? I'm sorry? Because I am sorry, and I never even meant to do it in the first place."

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius woke up and ate a small meal before heading to the training ground. His hang over had subsided finally.

Once more at the training ground, Aralith had Cormac running drills. Today, he was sparring against Anaru. "A warrior must be able to overcome a for of any size." Aralith called as Anaru held the boy in a nelson.

On the way to the castle, there were many warriors gathered, apparently trying to recruit people for something. A large man, burly and full of raw muscle, along with a smaller elven lady, both approached Marius. "You there!" The man called. "You look like an angry fellow. I bet you have so much rage that you just want to le out upon the world, don't you?"

"Yes, I realize you're sorry, Astien. I heard the whole thing." Loke said. "I suppose I can forgive you. It seems as though this little ordeal with your man is lesson enough."

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac struggled as he tried to get out of the hold.

"Not at the moment," Marius said. He looked at the crown of warriors. "And I'm not looking to get recruited."

Anaru held onto Cormac easily, saying nothing. "Come on! Use his strength against him!" Aralith shouted.

"Are you sure friend? You look like you could use an outlet, and why not turn that anger into something constructive, by turning it into something destructive!"

Loke gave Astien a hug, and then walked away. Astien released a quivering sigh as he settled in to begin his work.

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac grabbed onto Anaru's arms and flipped Anaru over him.

"I'm fine, thank you." Marius said flatly.

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