An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. (FINISHED)

Seroteth smiled and returned the hug. Unfortunately, the hug became an unintentionally crushing squeeze as another contraction gripped Seroteth. He hissed in pain.

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac gave Seroteth his hand to hold.

Seroteth squeezed Cormac's hand as the contraction washed over him, taking deep breaths and rooting his claw into the ground. Finally, it was over, and he opened his eyes, panting. Astien took his place in front of Seroteth, and moved the mans legs into position.

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac smiled, glad to be around in his granfather's time of need.

"Not quite, but we're getting there." Astien said.

"Yes, I know." Seroteth groaned. His belly shifted with the baby's movements.

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius rubbed Astien's back. "You're doing great, Seroteth."

"Yes, yes, I know." He groaned.

"Marius, could you please mop the sweat off him?" Astien asked.

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius nodded. "Sure." He took a rag and began mopping up the sweat on Seroteth's forehead.

"Oh boy, I hope the baby decides to come out in its human form. This'll be much easier that way."

I'm just here for a laugh

"You can do this," Cormac said.

"Of course I can. Have you counted how many children I have? You haven't, because you can't. I have that many children." His chuckle turned in a groan as another contraction seized him. His toes curled and his claws tore the grass from the ground, and he squeezed Cormac's hand until it passed.

"Not yet, but they're definitely coming faster." Astien said.
"No shit, genius." Seroteth said, annoyed.

I'm just here for a laugh

"I think it'd be best to keep conversation on a different subject," Cormac suggested.

"And what subject could possibly distract me from the searing pain gripping my body regularly?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"Um..." Cormac wracked his brain. "How's the family?"

"About to expand. Isn't that what we're dealing with now?" Seroteth groaned.

I'm just here for a laugh

"Read any good books lately?" Marius asked. "I'm sure we could use some suggestions for when we're traveling."

"There's a new volume in the 'Shadow of the Homunculus' series. I like those books." He moaned.

"Me too!" Astien chirped.
"Shut up and keep watching my crotch!" Seroteth snapped. Astien simply sighed and did as he was told.

I'm just here for a laugh

"I've been studying Astien botany books," Cormac said.

"That's fine. You know, he also has books on healing, potion making, emergency medical treatments, history and lineage of us drakes, annnnn aaaaaarrggh!" Seroteth gasped and grunted through the contraction, gritting his teeth as pain crashed over his body like a waves breaking upon rocks. When it was finally done, he rolled his head back, panting heavily.

(Back on tomorrow, need sleepies)

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius dabbed the towel on Seroteth's forehead.
"I just hope I didn't set them on fire..." Cormac muttered.

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