An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. (FINISHED)

"I was just sleepy, that's all. Oh, how am I going to pick up my place now?"

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius chuckled and kissed Astien's neck.
"Delas, we should get started on dinner," Cormac said.

"Can we have those spicy meat pie things? I feel like having some of those."

"Sounds good to me." Astien said.

I'm just here for a laugh

"Alright," Cormac said. "I think I saw a recipe for that somewhere in the kitchen." He left the room with Delas.

Marius smiled and kissed Astien's neck. "I love you, Astien."

"I love you too. Now, lets see if I can find my place again..." In a second, Astien was once again playing and singing along with his music.

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius sat beside Astien on the piano bench and listened to him play.

Adrienne kept playing and singing until the song was done. "Ah, I love that song so much."

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius smiled. "It was a great song." He kissed Astien's lips and messaged his hips. "Did the bat help today?"

Astien nodded. "Yes, it was nice to hang on to it while everyone was shouting."

I'm just here for a laugh

"That's good." Marius kissed Astien's lips and gave him a long, firm hug.

Astien smiled, and started playing a few notes on his piano, and gently singing.

"I'm nt calling you a liar. Just don't lie to me.
I'm not calling you a thief. Just don't steal from me.
I'm not calling you a ghost. Just stop haunting me.
And I love you so much,
I'm gonna let you kill me."

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius smiled and nuzzled Astien. "I just want this hearing to be over. Then we can focus on the wedding."

Astien smiled as he kept singing.

"There's a ghost in my lungs and it sighs in my sleep.
Wraps itself around my tongue as it softly speaks.
And it walks, and it walks with my legs.
Just to fall, to fall, to fall
At your feet.
There but for the grace of god go I,
And when you kiss me I am happy enough,
To die."

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius hummed along.

Delas poked his head in. "Dinner's ready! And we have some guests, too!" He turned and walked away.

I'm just here for a laugh

"Guests?" Marius helped Astien up and to the kitchen.

In the kitchen stood Heceril, and in the dining room was I'Karis. "Hey!" The smaller elf greeted. "I figured, you know, since Heceril and I have been helping you out so much, you'd let us join you for dinner."

"With your permission, of course." Heceril said with a bow.

I'm just here for a laugh

"I don't see why not," Marius said as he pulled out a chair for Astien.

Astien eased himself down into his seat with a loud exhale. "I course you can stay." He said. "Friends are always welcome here."

Delas brought out the food, and soon everyone was eating together. "So you said we might be asked to join the hearing?" The boy asked.

Heceril nodded. "If Seroteth can prove convincing enough, then yes. I'd begin preparing my statements if I were you."

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac nodded and quietly ate.
"So, Cormac," Marius said. "Have you looked into making that book for Wyn?"
"Um...I might do something else," the young man muttered.
"You seem to be changing your mind a lot," Marius stated.
"So?" Cormac said defensively. "I just want it to be perfect for her, OK?" He shoved food into his mouth.

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