Illegitimate Heir (closed)

"It's just going to fly by though." He sighed. "I'm so nervous."

"No need to be Lucas, I'll be here every step of the way." she said as she kissed his forehead, her being somewhat short in stature, she had to stand on her tiptoes.

Lucas nodded. "I'm glad you are."

"I too am glad that you are here with me." she whispered kissing him again.

Lucas smiled and kissed back.

Silette then smiled and laughed her melodious laugh, "Alright I think the stew is done whilst we were discussing things." she said as she returned her attention to the pot.

"It smells like it," Lucas chuckled.

Silette smiled and spooned the stew into a bowl and handed it to Lucas, "Go on, eat."

Lucas nodded and sat down to eat.

"Does it taste good?" Silette asked nervously.

"It tastes great," Lucas said.

Silette smiled, "Glad for liking it, Thank you."

((Is it possible to do a time skip?))

(We could do a time skip.)

((Okay, so how many weeks/months? You call the shots.))


(A few months?)
Lucas sat up in bed. The past few weeks he had suffered from boughts of false labor and now he was restricted to staying in bed. He felt heavier and bigger with each passing hour as the day for the baby's arrival grew closer.

Silette returned from her enth housecall, some weeks after their arrival, she was recognised as a powerful mage, they then began sending for her and she collected payments of any kind from her customers. Upon enyering the house she called out, "Lucas, I'm back!"

"Welcome home!" Lucas called back. He sat up a bit more in the bed. "Geeze," he wheezed as he rubbed his belly. "You're getting too big for this." He huffed as the child responded with a strong kick to his ribs.

Silette laughed, "Are they bothering you once more?" she asked as she placed a hand on his belly, feeling the flurries of kicks in Lucas' womb.

"They're always bothering me," Lucas sighed. "If it's not the kicking, it's my back or my ankles." He kissed Silette's cheek. "Enough about me, how was your day?"

Silette smiled and began massaging his belly, she kissed him.affectionately, "It was normal, sent to a house because of a demon and had to fight him but otherwise, it was splendid." she said smiling as she rubbed his belly.

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