Shelter from the Storm (Closed with BabyDaddy, possibly NSFW)

(I like that idea! Should we advance some now or later?)

(Advancing now would be good- maybe to eight months? Do something there, maybe with the business, and then have him go into labor?)

(Sounds like a plan)

Austen finished eating before he took Aaron by his firm hands again, leading the pregnant male up to their room when he was finished with his meal. He did promise to give him a romantic night in light of the dark weather.

As the month rolled by, Austen was carrying out the tasks with their business while his husband rested as he was required. His belly was not getting smaller after all. It was morning when Austen stepped inside the room, breakfast clad on the tray. He was not the kind of person to usually do such a method, but he did not want Aaron getting out to do a few things that really were not required. After all, he was close to to his due date.

"Morning" he smiled.

" you," Aaron said. At this point, he really could not move much from his bed. The pregnancy was taking its toll, and the babies had grown quite large for twins. He still did some sketching for new designs, but other than that, Aaron's life had been put on hold for the twins.

"This looks amazing. Thank you so much," he said, eagerly digging into the food set before him. Hopefully, the babies would be here soon- he wasn't sure how much more of this he could take.

"No prob" Austen smiled while giving Aaron's belly a large, but soft pat, the children inside of him returning the favor with a kick. "Eat up as much as you can."

He wondered how long it was going to be until he was going to deliver. Sure enough they were nearing the due date, if not sooner, but Austen did worry about if Aaron was to get any bigger than that. He laid next to his husband a bit, not really hungry at the moment, but more so concerned for his mate in him being taken care of well enough.

(Happy New Years! Sorry for the short post.)

The growing babies did not leave much room inside of him, but Aaron did his best to eat anyway. The twins were taking most of the nutrients he took in anyway.

He smiled as Austen laid a hand on his large expanse. "Thanks babe. I can't imagine a better husband to take care of me. They hopefully should be out soon," he said, grunting as one of them kicked him in the bladder.

Austen smiled, though thoughts ran through his head. Aaron was clearly at his limits with the twins. How much larger were they going to get before they decided it was time for them to come out? He was not rushing things, but he had to imagine that even for a guy as big and buff as Aaron, they had to be taking a toll on him. He could not help but blush at the large size Aaron had. Despite whatever was going on inside of him, he was all the more attractive with the belly.

"Hopefully can't come soon enough" he chuckled while lightly poking his belly. "Both of us are ready to see you guys soon."

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