The Couple - Closed with Monkeypaws19 (a "The Chosen" sequel) Possible NSFW

(03-15-2015, 05:22 AM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote:  Koji's eyes widen at the sight of the goddess in his home and bowed to her. "It's a honor to meet you in person.  Luna Alpha of the Night Sky. Thank you for everything you, Meji and the Great Spirit have blessed us with". He replied respectfully. Luna smiled at him and gently touched his head. "Please just call me Luna and your welcome". She smiled warmly. "Hello in there, little ones. Please calm down for a moment so I give you and your Mama a check up." She smiled as he pups listened to her. She hummed a lullaby softly to them as her hands ran over Jeremy's belly checking on the pup's health. They are doing wonderful. They are all very healthy and strong. You should be due to give birth to them in five days during the new moon". She told him and turned her attention to Alice. She made herself comfortable on the edge of the bed. Before putting the little girl into her lap in a motherly manner. "I heard about your nightmare and know of your fears. I want you know that you and your family are safe from harm. You have me, your fathers, my brother Meji along with our Mother the Great Spirit of Mother Earth herself watching over you". She told her gently and rocked her in her lap.

(sorry about the late. This month was hard to me. I'm really sorry.)

The last five days passed, and Jeremy and Koji were cuddling at their bed. Jeremy's belly was bigger and rounder than ever. Alice and the twins Luke and Max were at the bed too. Max and Luke were rubbing Jeremy's belly and talking with the babies, and Alice was taking a nap near them. Jeremy was starting to feel his first contractions, and even knowing that it would take some time until he really get in labor, he was feeling good, cause he knew Koji would help him all the way till the babies out.

"Hi babies" said Max. "Here it's uncle Max. How are you feeling today? I can't wait for you come out, so we could play and have fun."

(It's cool)

Koji chuckled at Max's comment. "Yes, I am sure they can't wait to meet you either. I know they are going to have fun playing with you too". He massaged Jeremy's belly and kissed it. "That's right, pups we can't wait to meet you and show the beautiful world outside". He whispered and kissed Jeremy as well. He could sense Luna and Meji's presence near by to assist with the labor if they were needed. Luna was like a second mother to Alice and the boys. Meji was more like another brother to the children. He came for visits during the daytime to play with the children or serve as a teacher.

(04-16-2015, 02:12 AM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote:  (It's cool)

Koji chuckled at Max's comment. "Yes, I am sure they can't wait to meet you either. I know they are going to have fun playing with you too". He massaged Jeremy's belly and kissed it. "That's right, pups we can't wait to meet you and show the beautiful world outside". He whispered and kissed Jeremy as well. He could sense Luna and Meji's presence near by to assist with the labor if they were needed. Luna was like a second mother to Alice and the boys. Meji was more like another brother to the children. He came for visits during the daytime to play with the children or serve as a teacher.

jeremy gently pressed Koji's hand when he felt another contraction harden his round ball belly.

"WOW" said Luke. "Look at this, Max. Jeremy's belly is hard, like a rock."
"Wow" said Max, whose hands were at Jeremy's belly too. Then he looked at Jeremy, who had an expression of pain on his face. "Brother, are you feeling well?" he asked worried.
"Ouch... I'm fine, Max. It's just a... ouch... contraction" Jeremy answered. "though, the contractions are far near. I don't think it's gonna last a lot until my water... OUCH" he shudderedd when he felt another contraction, the most painful until then, reach his belly, making it hard as a rock. And then, he felt a large ammount of water coming out of him, making obvious that his water had broken. "break" he completed his previous sentence

Koji held Jeremy's hands though the contractions and noticed his water break onto the sheets of their bed. "Alright, my love get ready to take deep breathes just like we practiced before". Koji told his lover as Meji appeared in the doorway to lead the children out the room to give the couple privacy. "Hey, who wants to go help make something for the pups?". He offered to distract them and carried Alice out the room. As he escorted the boys out in front of him. "Koji will let us know when the pups are here and we can see them". He assured them

(04-19-2015, 05:47 AM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote:  Koji held Jeremy's hands though the contractions and noticed his water break onto the sheets of their bed. "Alright, my love get ready to take deep breathes just like we practiced before". Koji told his lover as Meji appeared in the doorway to lead the children out the room to give the couple privacy. "Hey, who wants to go help make something for the pups?". He offered to distract them and carried Alice out the room. As he escorted the boys out in front of him. "Koji will let us know when the pups are here and we can see them". He assured them

"They don't need to leave if they don't want to" Jeremy said while Koji helped him taking off his clotches. "I mean, we could have asked them if they want to leave or stay and help... Maybe that would teach them how to be responsable. By the way, when all of this finish, we should teach them the first aid thing, just in case..."

"Yes, you do have a point. He used his magic to summon clean sheets on the bed and covered Jeremy's lower half with a thin sheet. "Boys did you want to learn how to deliver pups?". He asked them Meji stood in the doorway to remain on stand by in case he was needed.

(04-19-2015, 06:10 AM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote:  "Yes, you do have a point. He used his magic to summon clean sheets on the bed and covered Jeremy's lower half with a thin sheet. "Boys did you want to learn how to deliver pups?". He asked them Meji stood in the doorway to remain on stand by in case he was needed.

"Well..." said Luke

"We want to help Jeremy, but..."
"we don't know if we can" completed Luke.
"You don't need to stay if you don't want, boys" said Jeremy.
"Then I... I prefer to wait out there, if it's not a problem" Said Alice.
"Ok, sweetie, you can go." Said Jeremy, smiling to her. She went to him and gave him a kiss on his cheek. "Good luck" she said and followed Meji.
After some minutes looking to each other, in a silent conversation, Luke and Max decided to stay and help. "We will do whatever we can to help our brother and our little nephews"

"Thank you boys, please wash your hands and stand next to me". Koji told them. He summoned a bowl of warmed water and soap with clean towels. He spread Jeremy's legs open and inserted a couple of fingers into his entrance. "This is how you check how far the pups are". He told them after they washed their hands. Meji smiled at Alice and led her to the family to work on a gift for the pups. He decided to teach her how to sew stuffed animals for the pups.

(04-19-2015, 08:47 PM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote:  "Thank you boys, please wash your hands and stand next to me". Koji told them. He summoned a bowl of warmed water and soap with clean towels. He spread Jeremy's legs open and inserted a couple of fingers into his entrance. "This is how you check how far the pups are". He told them after they washed their hands. Meji smiled at Alice and led her to the family to work on a gift for the pups. He decided to teach her how to sew stuffed animals for the pups.

"Thanks Meji and Luna" Jeremy said. "How many centimeters, sweet?" He asked to Koji, and moaned as he felt another contraction

"You're welcome, Jeremy". Luna and Meji whispered into his mind. "You are about five centimeters. You should be able to push soon". He replied and kissed Jeremy. "Luke, please put some extra pillows behind Jeremy's back. Max, I need you to prepare some cool water for Jeremy to sip".

(04-19-2015, 09:14 PM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote:  "You're welcome, Jeremy". Luna and Meji whispered into his mind. "You are about five centimeters. You should be able to push soon". He replied and kissed Jeremy. "Luke, please put some extra pillows behind Jeremy's back. Max, I need you to prepare some cool water for Jeremy to sip".

"Thanks, love" He said to Koji and kissed him sweetly. As Luke came back with the pillows and put them on Jeremy's back, he said "Thanks, Luke" and patted softly his head.

"Are you going to be fine, brother?" Luke asked, and Jeremy saw a little bit of fear on his eyes.
"Hey, don't worry" he answered smiling. "Everything is gonna be okay."
"I love you, brother" Luke said, and hugged him.
"I love you too, little one." Jeremy said, before feeling another contraction. "wow... your little nephews can't wait to see us" he laughed to calm Luke down.

"Your welcome my beautiful one. Yes, that is true. The first one is getting into postion. So I want you get ready to push on the next contraction as hard as you can". Koji replied and kissed Jeremy back. "Don't worry Luke you know me and the Alphas that watch over us wouldn't allow anything to happen to Jeremy or any of you". He assured. "Ok, Luke I need you get a blanket ready soon for the first of the pups".

Jeremy shivered and moaned as he felt another contraction and started to push 
"argh" he sighed when the contraction stopped

"Good you are doing great my love". Koji coached and kissed Jeremy. "Keep breathing and get ready to push again. The first pup is in position now" He massaged Jeremy's help with the pain and coax the pup further down.

(04-20-2015, 12:58 AM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote:  "Good you are doing great my love". Koji coached and kissed Jeremy. "Keep breathing and get ready to push again. The first pup is in position now" He massaged Jeremy's help with the pain and coax the pup further down.

"ouch" Jeremy said when the next contraction started and he started to push. "Mmmmmmmmmmpf...mppppf.... Argh" he moaned. "That was a painful one"

"I know it hurts my love. But our pup is moving down slowly. Can you feel it?". Koji asked and felt the pup was lower in Jeremy's belly. "Get ready to push again". He told him and allowed him to squeeze his hand.

(04-20-2015, 01:07 AM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote:  "I know it hurts my love. But our pup is moving down slowly. Can you feel it?". Koji asked and felt the pup was lower in Jeremy's belly. "Get ready to push again". He told him and allowed him to squeeze his hand.

"Yes, yes, i can feel him" Jeremy said, smiling. He was now swating a bit, specially on his forehead and belly. When the next contraction came, he accepted Koji's hand and squeezed it as he pushed again. "Thank you" he said, trying not to scream. He felt like his ass was in fire, but he wasn't feeling the baby's head yet

"You're welcome my beautiful one". He replied and wiped Jeremy's head with a cold rag. Before holding a cup of cold water to his lips to sip after he pushed again.

(04-20-2015, 02:22 AM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote:  "You're welcome my beautiful one". He replied and wiped Jeremy's head with a cold rag. Before holding a cup of cold water to his lips to sip after he pushed again.

"Thanks, my strong Hero. I love you" Jeremy said. When another contraction started, he began to push again, harder than before. He pushed so hard that tears came out of his eyes, but he wasn't feeling the baby's head yet. only the pain, like a circle of fire on his entrance, and he bit his  lips to avoid screaming

"I know it hurts but let me check on the pup's progress. It wont' be much longer before we are holding our first pup". Koji coached and kissed him. Before moving in between his legs and sniffed at his entrance. Before inserting a couple of fingers. "Yes, wonderful news my beautiful one. Our first pup will be crowing soon. I need you give me a really big push on the next contraction". He replied as he massaged Jeremy's belly. He licked at his entrance to sooth his lover's pain and groom the pup's head inside.

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