Forsaken One (Closed with MinxVeren)

"Thank you master." Koi had laid there on the pallet that was made out of sticks, letting his master help him back to the house after he had shifted to his massive snake form. He had soon seen the house come into view, getting up from the pallet and waddling to the front door and walking into the home that him and his master had both shared together. He had laid on the bed that they had also shared, closing his eyes and falling asleep for a while.

Ash allowed Koi to head to their bed, watching him lay down and going to sleep. After a while, Ash began to worry if he had made Koi too tired, knowing he needed all his strength for when the eggs came. Placing a kiss on Koi's forehead, Ash went outside for a little bit deciding they needed more wood to cook some food. Coming back later on, Ash changed back to human form sitting at the table drinking some water.

Koi had slept for a while, tossing and turning a little bit because of the pain of the eggs. He had soon gotten up, gasping as the eggs had begun to move more rougher. He had slipped from the bed, stretching his arms and legs out and heading off downstairs to where his master was. He had sat down at the kitchen table, watching his master drink his nice cold glass of water.

Ash hearing Koi coming into the room got up looking at Koi. Ash could tell something wasn't right as he looked to his love. Grabbing a glass of water, Ash handed it to Koi, "Love I'm sorry I shouldn't have walked too much today. You look terrible, did the sleep not help you any?" Ash became scared that the eggs were becoming too much for his body but knew nothing could be done until they came out.

Koi had been restless because of the pain that he had felt. He had rubbed his aching and swollen stomach stomach, trying so very hard not to get his master worked up and worried. "I am feeling a little bit of pain master." He had groaned softly, not able to keep back all of the pain that he had experienced. He had massaged his stomach area, hunching over slightly as he had felt the need to cry out but had clenched his teeth together and had kept it back.

Ash noticed the pain on his lovers face. Rushing around the table, Ash picked Koi up in his strong arms carrying him to their bed laying him down. Ash made sure he was comfortable before he began to massage Koi's stomach. Ash could feel the eggs moving around underneath his skin, realizing they should be moving so much or being so big, "I knew something was wrong. You shouldn't be in this much pain this early. The eggs can't be coming now, it's too soon. Tell me what I can do to help."

Koi had wrapped his arms around his beloved master as he was carried. He had panted heavily and had groaned, moaning with pleasure as his sensitive stomach was being massaged by his loving and caring master. He had laid his head down, letting his master do what he had wished. "Can you pleasure me master? .. I think that it will take the pain away for a bit." He had sighed with pleasure, feeling himself become terribly aroused from his master's touch.

Ash nodded, "Of course my love, however I fear it will only help some." Ash knowing having sex with him could cause the eggs to come to early decided to use his fingers. Inserting his fingers into Koi, Ash began moving them up and down in his hole while his other hand kept massaging his stomach. Ash watched as pain left and was replaced with pleasure on his loves face, "Love if the pain keeps coming, I don't think you will handle it. We might have to let the eggs come early, I don't want to loose you."

Koi had spread his legs for his master, gripping to the covers of the bed and holding them tight. He had cried out with a pleasurable moan, closing his eyes as he had focused on the delightful feeling of being thrusted in with his master's fingers and had bitten his lower lip and squirmed on the bed as he had felt his climax began to build deep within his body.

Ash continued to pleasure Koi watching him squirm on the bed. Moving his hand faster over Kois manhood, Ash smiled at Koi, "Come for me love, don't hold it back. I want you to come as hard as you ever have." Ash moved his fingers inside and out of Koi faster and harder not stopping until he watched Koi's climax go all over his body, "How do you feel now my love? Please tell me the truth."

Koi did as his beloved master had wanted, moaning louder and louder for a few hours until he had fallen victim to a hard and harsh orgasm that had had left him gasping for breath in a positive sort of way. He had felt his manhood squirting his creamy essence, thrusting his hips slightly after he had felt sensitive because of his orgasm. He had sighed with pleasure, feeling the pain that he had once felt seem to go away. "I feel alright master. The pain went away for a while. Thank you."

Ash sighed in relief glad to hear the news. Nodding Ash decided to let Koi rest for a while as he began to leave, "I'm going to wash up a little but I'll be in the other room if you need me. Lay there and rest, try to get some sleep this time. If the pain returns I can pleasure you again." Ash hoped the pain wouldn't return but knew there was still a little ways to go before the eggs were ready to come.

Koi had nodded, laying on his back on the bed as he had rested. He had closed his eyes and had fallen asleep, dreaming about many things as he had been sleep. He had slumbered soundly, his slumber not being interrupted by any nightmares. The eggs that were inside the depths of his womb had moved slightly but not enough to wake him up.

Ash returned shortly after washing finding Koi in a deep sleep. Glad to see him resting, Ash laid down beside him deciding to get some sleep as well. Laying his hand on Koi's stomach, Ash could feel the eggs moving some, but not as bad as before glad to know they had calmed down. Falling to sleep Ash kept his hand around Koi not wanting to wake for a while.

Koi had sighed softly in his sleep in a good way, nuzzling his master's muscular and strong chest unconsciously. He had slumbered soundly and quietly, breathing softly with each breath he had taken. He had soon woke up in a few hours, getting up from the bed to use the restroom because of the weight of the eggs pressing down on his bladder. He had used the bathroom and had walked back to the bedroom and had laid back down beside his master and had fallen back asleep.

Ash woke slowly glad to see Koi still sleeping beside him. Not sure what time it was, Ash got up going out of the home realizing it was night and that his stomach was hungry. Going back inside Ash decided to fix some food for both of them, taking it up on a tray to their bedroom. Laying it on the table, Ash woke Koi, "Love time to eat."

Koi was curled up beside his beloved master Ash. He had yawned softly as he was awakened by Ash's voice speaking to him, stretching out his tensed muscles and bones from sleeping in one position the whole time. He had sat up on the bed, smiling up at his master and beginning to eat his share of the food that was offered to him. "Thank you master. I was so hungry." He had soon rubbed his full stomach and had licked his lips in delight to the delicious meal that he had previously eaten.

Ash smiled watching Koi eating his share. Smiling down at Koi, Ash put the tray away before coming back to him, "You are welcome, you are eating for a couple eggs inside you now." Ash kissed Koi on the lips before rubbing his stomach feeling the eggs moving around knowing they were not liking being stuck but they had a while to go.

(What if in a months time the eggs grow to the size of the ostrich. Ash realizes they are growing too big so suggest to Koi they should start labor knowing if they don't the eggs grow too big.)

Koi had smiled up at Ash, kissing his lips back in the same loving way. He had been afraid of the eggs becoming too large. "I know love." He had said softly to his master, felt one of his master's hands rubbing his swollen stomach, gazing up into his handsome eyes.

(I am up for that. :))

(Sounds great, I'll start it)

A month seemed to fly by as Ash made sure he was there for Koi knowing they still had a month to go before the eggs came out. However Ash noticed the eggs growing bigger than he thought as Koi looked ready to give birth anytime. Knowing if something wasn't done, Ash could loose Koi and he wasn't going to do that. Entering into the bedroom one day, Ash rubbed Kois stomach looking to him, "Koi there's something we need to talk about."

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