Choice of the Minotaur (Closed with Minxveren)

James hated to hear his love in pain, but knew the pain would be over as soon as he got their second child out. Continuing to push on his lovers stomach, James was glad to see it finally pop free of its fathers opening. Looking to his love, James tried to assure him that it was going to be fine, but knew he had to get the shoulders out, "It's almost over love, you can do this."

Zeke had continued to push, trying his very hardest to get the head of the baby out. He had groaned and panted, trying to be strong in what he was doing. He wanted the baby out of him at that exact moment. He had cried out as the baby inside him had begun to struggle with trying to be born fast enough. It had wanted to take it's first breaths of air.

(Why the multiply replys?)

James looked to Zeke knowing he was getting tired. Reaching down, James reached into Zeke beginning to pull the baby free of his love. While pulling, he also pushed on his lovers stomach until he finally got the two shoulders to come out of his lover. Pushing once more, James pulled the baby free from his love, "It's over love, it's a little girl."

(Sorry. I think that I messed up. I recorrected it.)

Zeke had continued to groan in pain and discomfort. He had continued to push for as long as he could, not daring to stop until the baby was freed from him. He had gripped the covers of the bed and had continued to push until their daughter was finally free. Their daughter let out a loud cry, letting the two fathers know that she was hungry. He had held out his arms, wanting to hold their daughter so that she could nurse from him.

(It's alright it happens)

James cleaned off their daughter before placing her into her fathers arms letting her nurse. Moving over, James picked up Jason smiling down at him and their daughter, "What should we name her?" James asked moving to sit beside his love knowing he finally had the family he had wanted.

Zeke had expressed a soft smile up at his beloved husband. He had held their daughter, allowing her to nurse from one of his nipples. He had thought deeply and fondly about what he would name their daughter. "Hmm? .. how about Anna?" He had gazed down at their newborn daughter, feeling her suckling upon his chest.

"Anna is a perfect name. Our little Jason and Anna." James smiled looking down at their son and daughter. Laying beside Zeke, James looked at his new family, "Thank you for going through all this, you gave me the family I always wanted."

Zeke had smiled as well, sighing with relief as the pain was all over. He had also looked down at their newly born son and daughter, stroking their heads gently with one of his hands. "You are welcome love. It was my pleasure to give you a family." He had soon fallen asleep by him and his son and daughter and his husband. He had dreamt soundly about many things.

James laid down watching his lover sleep as well as their children. Placing their kids between them, James soon feel to sleep as well not waking up for some time. Deciding his lover would be hungry when he awoke, James got up going to start fixing some food for them.

Zeke had stayed asleep and the two babies did as well. He had soon awoken, smelling food being prepared by his lover. He had kissed both of the babies heads, leaving the main bed room and walking to the kitchen area of the home where his lover James was at.

James smiled spotting his lover coming into the room, "How are you feeling love?" James asked fixing him a plate of food and placing it at the table in front of his lover. Getting a plate for himself, James sat down beginning to eat smiling to his love.

(What you want to do from here?)

Zeke had smiled as he had walked into the kitchen area. He had eaten his meal and had licked his lips. "Thank you for the meal love."

(I am not sure.)

(Do you want to end it or continue it somehow?)

James smiled looking to his love, "You are welcome my love. Now how about we go see about our little ones?"

(We can end this one.)

"Very well love. Let us see them." Zeke had smiled, following after his beloved James. He was proud of their little family and now he would get a chance to raise a family. He had entered the room that their babies were in and had kissed both of their heads. The twins were sleeping and were dreaming about many things.

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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