I Put A Spell on You (closed with SeanWoods221)

Cal looked down for a moment at Sean's belly, then back to his own and then to their intertwined hands stroking his roundness. 'We're having each other's babies...' he thought. 'But how... why?' It was a moment before the answer struck him: the ritual. That box had arranged it, somehow. The hormones swimming in his brain began to swamp his train of thought, and it was then that he did something he had never expected to do...

Cal squeezed Sean's hands with his fingers, bringing them to a halt on the upper slopes of the sides of his tummy, then turned back towards his friend, leaned up... and pressed their lips together.

Sean jumped, but kissed Cal back and squeezed Cal's hands.

Cal's head was fit to burst. His friend's lips were rougher and less full than those of the girls he'd kissed, but even the act of kissing Sean felt completely different. There was a joining of sparks at their mouths, sparks which became a current, a flow, a connection. He could feel Sean's babies inside him, wiggling and pushing against him in the depths of his belly, and somehow he felt his own babies inside Sean, shifting and moving about. The six of them were in this together, he concluded -- they were a family in the making, though he still didn't quite get how...

And then the feeling of a flash grenade going off in his head sent him reeling, the connection lost as his and Sean's lips parted suddenly, both men thrown away from each other as a tingling sensation overcame their brains. Cal grabbed hold of whatever he could recall and held on tight as the inexplicable feeling overwhelmed him...

"Cal, I... I love you so much." Sean said lovingly.

When the dust settled inside his head, Cal opened his eyes and looked up at Sean, gazing up at him lovingly. His memories of what had come between them and what they had been before were strained, but gradually returned.

He now remembered that Sean was his boyfriend, both of them having had a crush on each other for years but only admitting it near the end of high school, and they had been together for years. He was initially bewildered at the feeling of something hard and heavy pressing down on him, but soon he remembered that he was pregnant with Sean's babies, and likewise that Sean was with his; their conception was planned-for, although having two sets of twins was accidental. Affection, trust and even desire welled in him as he smiled up at his lover...

His right hand found Sean's left where it had been stroking his wonderful tummy and interwined their fingers, both hands resting together atop their babies. His other hand flattened against Sean's cheek, unspoken words passing between them.

"I love you too, Sean," he said, without hesitation. One of his babies fluttered against his hand, and he cooed.

"Can I drink your milk, Cal?" Sean asked

Cal chuckled, a laugh more joyous and less sardonic than any he had in years. "Later," he said, reaching for the ultrasound gel. "Right now, I want to see my babies."

Sean squirted the gel on Cal's belly and rubbed the gel in his belly.

Giggling briefly at the sensation, after Sean had finished Cal found the stick and placed it gently on his dome-like belly. He searched for a view of the babies -- his babies -- and when he saw them for the first time he was stunned.

"You're having twins like me, Cal." Sean said.

Cal moved the stick this way and that, staring at the screen with a smile. He couldn't get over the prospect that within his body -- within the hidden womb he, like Sean, had been born with -- two little lives were growing. Two seeds, created through his and Sean's love, had taken root in his secret uterus and grown into babies. It hadn't always been easy, but they had changed and transformed his body as they grew, and through Sean's ministrations he had come to love the swell of his belly and his milk-inflated breasts, just as he loved the babies inside it -- and their father.

Putting the joystick away and just staring at his ever-round belly, Cal choked for a moment, a happy sob and sniffle leaving him as he cradled the overgrown mass in his arms, unable to say anything as he sat/lay there in contentment and revelry.

"Can I drink your milk now, Cal?" Sean begged.

Cal blew his nose into a tissue from a pack he kept in his poket for whenever he got all weepy. His hands holding his belly from underneath, he nodded gently. "Get me to our bed, first," he smiled. "I want us to be comfortable as we do it."

Sean helped Cal out of the recliner and waddled to the bedroom.

They got to the bedroom slowly due to their late condition, but there was no hurry. Cal sat on the bed heavily, pulling the straining t-shirt over his head and removing the merciful nursing bra he'd been wearing to contain himself. His nipples stood erect, his manhood stood erect and he felt himself getting wet in the pussy a small distance below it. "O-okay, Sean, you can drink my milk now," he said shakily, the gel on his belly shining in the low light. "Just... rub my tummy as well, please... your babies want you to pet them."

Sean drank Cal's milk and rubbed his belly.

Cal rested back on his hands, closed his eyes and lost himself in sensation. The feeling of Sean suckling his breasts, alternating every few seconds... his lover's hands stroking and caressing his belly, his skin warm and pulled-taut and tingling... the tickles and flutters of his babies as they moved, trying to reach out to their father... and the gel. It slipped and slid all over his bump as Sean's hands petted him and the babies. He sighed, biting his lip to contain a giggle. "Mmmm... Yes, that's it love," the now-hermaphroditic boy crowed. "I love it... the babies love it... we love it! We love it when you pet us! We love you, period!"

"We love you too." Sean moaned.

Cal smiled dizzily. He sat up slightly and gently pulled Sean's head away from his breasts, catching the last leaking drops before wiping them off on the quilt and holding Sean's face in his hands, leaving his hands on his much-adored belly. "Sean," Cal said. "When this is over, and the babies are born... I want to be pregnant again. I love this feeling... I love being ripe and luscious... I want to be able to caress my taut, voluptuous belly and feel the babies inside me again... and maybe again and again..."

"I do too." Sean agreed.

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