C Dragon Breeding Facility (Closed)

Ceral was glad that if he had to do this, that it was at least with Ivy. The idea of getting pregnant was at the very back of his mind now - because there was still a chance it might not happen, right? How would you even know after this was all done, how could you tell in the beginning when you didn't have a baby bump to rely on? It didn't quite matter still, not when Ivy was this close to him and their bodies were pressed flushed together, the tingling sensation of pure contact spurring Ceral to want more from the forest dragon. He wanted to caress every bit of her, and he almost moved his shaky hand down towards Ivy's hips but stopped at his climax; he spilled his own seed between their two bodies as Ivy's hand worked around him, his breath hitching and hips bucking momentarily at the release. It felt like a wave of pressure had been taken off his mind and body, and he relaxed for a second into the grass. Resisting this for the time he did seemed like a stupid choice now.

Ceral didn't have much time o register what Ivy had said, but at this point he just wanted for this all to happen. Ugh, he was going to have to clean himself off after... And he already felt awkward doing this right in front of the gate, but it wasn't bad enough to make him want to stop. He kissed Ivy back once more, deeply and probably more sloppily than anything, but he couldn't be worried about how his technique was right now. "Ivy-" He whined against her lips, a needy sound that he accompanied with squirming his hips forward to try to meet hers. He just wanted more.

Ky grabbed Nym's hips so that their sex was flush together. He wrapped Nym's legs around his tan gold speckled waist and groaned as he lined them up. Nym was wet and pulsing. "So good, you feel so good," Ky huffed, his kisses sloppy and uncoordinated.

He couldn't believe that this was happening. His hips shuddered sliding him farther in and he gasped at the tightness. Heat sparked at his mind. He was going to bred Nym so well. He was going to fill him up. Show Nym how virile and strong he was.


Ivan laughed, flinging his head back. "That would be sight! I know what you mean. These kits are making me so damn horny all the time." He rubbed his belly affectionately.


Ivy beamed as Ceral climaxed, her cock twitching as she watched his face burst into raw pleasure. She slipped her fingers into his pulsing hole, fingers seeking the knot of nerves that she knew would drive him wild.

Ceral's fingers curled at the sensation of Ivy's own digits sliding into him. "W-why're you a tease," Ceral groaned, his mouth staying just the slightest bit open as his body shuddered. This wasn't as bad as he'd imagined. He thought it might even hurt at first, but that wasn't the case at all. He couldn't describe what it felt like since he'd never felt anything much like it before. Man, he'd really been missing out...

Ceral reached forward and clumsily took Ivy's member into his hand, offering feather light touches as he spoke, "are y'gonna take me?" His words were slurred, but only out of bliss.

Ivy's eyes dilated. She removed her fingers with a slick pop and trust into Ceral. Her hip undulating in a steady rhythm, hitting Ceral's sweet spot every third thrust. Her mouth slipped open like she means to speak, but all that comes out is a litany of curses of 'yes' and 'fuck' and 'Ceral' over and over again. And then her whole body stiffened, head thrown back, and she's spurts hard and hot into Ceral's virgin body.


Dear Mr. Fiske,

The company is happy to inform you that your dragon has mated with one of our forest dragons. If he isn't already impregnated he will be by the end of the week. We are expecting ten to fourteen kits within a six month time period at the earliest. We plan to keep you aware of further developments.

Sincerely, Dr. Reva

Ceral let out a whimper as Ivy thrusted into him, biting his lip to keep from yelling out in pure pleasure. Why had he waited so long to try this? Actually, maybe the clutch thing was a worry, but if it wasn't for that he'd definitely have hit himself for prolonging an experience like this. When Ivy finally climaxed, an odd sensation of warmth growing in his abdomen, Ceral let out a shaky breath, closing his eyes and smiling like some kind of dope. That felt...

"-amazing." Ceral finished his thought out loud. It'd happened so fast and he half wanted more, but he was coming down from the high, slowly but surely. He couldn't feel remnants of his heat, not that it had been satisfied now. "You're great Ivy," Ceral praised with a small laugh, flitting open his eyes to focus his vision on her.

"Ah! This plan simply couldn't have gone better!" Han was hardly able to control himself as he watched Reva type up the email. It had just been Ky and Ivy for so long, and then some success with Ivan... But now, Avalon would hopefully be graced with very large influx of kits within the year. Between Ivan's already existing pregnancy, and Nym and Ceral's most certainly imminent ones, they would have plenty of slots for potential buyers open up.

"Both Ceral and Nym's masters should be immensely pleased." Han continued to beam. "If we 're lucky, perhaps Lago will breed soon as well, that pretty gold underbelly will certainly cause for some excitement." He tapped his chin thoughtfully and glanced back to the observation desk, the little series of screens they had set were flickering about twenty different observation points in rotation. They were quite lucky that both pairs of dragons had chosen particularly open spots to mate, places where people like he and Reva could observe make sure they were doing it right, whether the dragons knew it or not. "I hope we get a response from Mr. Fiske soon..." Han grinned. He was ready to be praised for their work to get Nym bred so fast.


Nym let out a loud moan that was almost a yelp as Ky's body became flush with his. It was a strange and wonderful sensation to feel Ky on top of him this way, and then suddenly inside him, it made Nym flush with pleasure and his back arched against the grassy bank beneath them. He was suddenly aware of something warm... And sticky, between he and Ky. He was hard, and realized that he must be climaxing himself. Nothing in comparison to the impressive amount of seed a seeder could produce, but it meant that he was indeed fully stimulated, and reveling in every moment of it. He was half drugged with heat and hardly aware of anything around him, everything was happening to fast, but at the same time that just seemed to make everything more intense, wild, and wonderful.

"Ky..." Nym whined a bit and then gripped at Ky's face lightly with both hands, landing a rough, messy kiss at the other dragon's jaw. His shivering hands then moved and were grabbing at Ky's hair, and his shaking legs were wrapped firmly Ky's waist, almost as if he was worried that Ky would simply get up and leave him, which of course was absurd. "Ky-" He repeated, this time huffing breathily. "Don't stop, please don't stop."

Lago giggled at Ivan's admittance to his pregnancy hormones making him want sex too. Lago came up closer to Ivan to get a better look and gave a thoughtful sniff. "Sorry, my eyesight sucks. Heeyy...you're a water dragon aren't you? I knew I recognized that scent from somewhere. Sometimes your kind make their way into the wetlands." He looked down at Ivan rubbing his pregnant belly, a pang of desire running through him. He wanted his own pregnant belly. It'd be happening pretty soon at least, as long as one of seeders got their act together and took him. He tentatively reached his hand out. "Is it okay if I feel it?"

It seemed as if everywhere Demus went, there were strange scents cropping up. Being the type of creature that usually burrowed for his food, he had a very strong nose, and the scent of other dragons was pungent. For a while he was fully overwhelmed with scent of the previous two he had met... Ky and Nym... If he could remember their names correctly. Nym, the carrier, most definitely been having his first heat, from how intense the situation had looked, Demus was rather glad that he was off and away from it now, where he could think more clearly.

It wasn't long though before he was crossed with yet another set of scents... Both of which he had sensed earlier, but they were stronger this time.

"Damn..." Demus snorted. All of the sudden scent changes were beginning to mess with him. It was clear that the two dragons he was coming up on were both carriers. From the subtle flowery scent he was picking up one was pregnant, the other more distinct odor meant that the other was in heat... What was the deal here in Avalon? Were they trying to torture him? Was this some sort of sick game the humans were playing? Forcing all their carriers at once to breed? Kits were going to start coming in waves if they kept this up, and that just didn't seem ideal... Having that many little ones chewing everything up and causing ruckus all at once... It reminded him of breeding seasons at home... Well, not Hundurian, but the wild, before that. It was kind of a strange phenomenon... Entire groups of carriers at once acting strange and getting themselves knocked up. He didn't think the same pattern would be replicated here. He thought that was a prairie dragon thing, and even then 'seasons' like that never happened often. Perhaps he was wrong...

None of that mattered however. The strange situation with Avalon only made him more immensely curious about these two. Demus was highly social creature, even if he could be a little off putting at first. So, he decided to stalk out from the grasses and approach them. He could already tell as he drew nearer that he was right about one being pregnant. The water dragon, (as it turned out the blue one seemed to be), was definitely disproportionately swollen, the other was a round, supple creature, but seemed to be naturally so.

"Afternoon." Demus flashed a white smile and then plopped himself a few feet away. He was catching a small sense that one of these particular dragons belonged to the hot and bothered forest dragon he'd met earlier, Ky... He assumed it to be the water dragon, if he was already knocked up, though he couldn't be sure. His senses were just becoming more frustratedly muddled. "I seem to be running into quite a lot of the residents here today..." He said, almost with a purr, and then switched to his human form, not wishing to be the odd one out. He was curious to ask about Avalon, he wasn't sure if these two really knew anything useful about what was going on, but he was going to be bold enough to find out... "Seems as this place is having quite the strange day." He cocked his head and then leaned forward to rest his chin in his hands. "Name's Demus."

Ivy scooped Ceral up bridal style, purring against his neck. “Let’s get you cleaned up.” She was starting to feel a little sticky herself.

She carried him to a secluded spot on the west wall with several small hot tub sized pools carved into the stone in a descending arch. Water from the top pool flowed over the edge into the one below until it reached the base of the wall. Wisps of steam curled up in lazy spirals. Ivy set her lover on the rim of the bottom pool.


"Yup and I don't mind if you touch. I only have a month and a half left. Eleven eggs." He nodded, proud of himself.

Ivan grinned as he saw Demus come closer. He leaned toward Lago and whispered huskily, "I think I see a solution to your problem big guy." He leaned back ready for a show, he did not plan on moving anytime soon, with the way his back had been hurting earlier. If they wanted privacy that they could leave, plus if Ivan was honest with himself the though of watching the two rut made him uncomfortably wet. "Ivan," he said as way of introduction. "This is Lago. So what do mean strange day? Do you mean the doctors giving Nym a shot?"


Nym whined and it was about the sexist thing ever. Ky's hips sped up, his cock buried to the hilt. Nym was all but trembling, flushed, and incoherent beneath Ky. Ky kissed him wantonly, moaning and growling as his hips pistoned. The carrier tasted so good, like cool mountain air and melted snow. "Gonna.... nnnnhhhh..... gonna fill you..." he bit his lip in a silent cry as his body shuddered, seed shooting into Nym and Ky kept rocking, milking himself of every drop.

"I should be the one carryin' you," Ceral cooed fondly, his mind still in a light haze from the effects of the drug. He could still feel the subtle numbness in his leg, and the throbbing sensation that came with it - or was that from Ivy's turn? - and it would probably take a little bit to fully vanish. An induced heat wasn't so easy to go away as a natural one, but Ceral thought he'd had enough for the evening. Maybe. His body was reeling from the experience, and at the sight of the sauna-like pools, Ceral's mind almost immediately jumped to how hot it might be to have sex here, in both senses of the word.

When Ivy sat Ceral down, he sighed blissfully and crawled forward into the pool, rubbing his body down slowly, not even quite focused on the dried seed he should be washing off. "Come in," he purred softly, offering a hand to Ivy through the steam as he floated back towards the edge of the water. He'd never seen this place before and it was terrible too because this would've been a great place to hide out. It was quiet and peaceful and the water was relaxing.

Ivy crawled in after Ceral, eyelids half masted. "How are you feeling?" she asked straddling his waist and trailing a finger down his collar bone. With her other hand she began washing Ceral's dried seed from his chest, reveling in the feeling of Ceral's wet skin.

For a second she was almost pleased with the humans, glad that they'd forced Ceral into heat, that they build man-made hot springs to encourage intimacy, and then she remembered the kits. Tensing in rage, Ivy pressed her face to the hollow of her lover's neck, breathing in his scent, reminding herself that he was here, that he was safe. They didn't even know if their were kits for her to worry about.

"Nym..." Demus said thoughtfully, one eyebrow raised dubiously at Ivan. He didn't know what the two were snickering about, Ivan's low whisper was too soft a sound for him to pick up clearly, but he did recognize the name.. Nym had been that pitiful looking tundra dragon. He shrugged a little bit and gave a small frown at the pair. "I just mean this breeding frenzy that seems to be going on." He glanced the swamp dragon beside Ivan up and down, his musky heat scent was starting to get to him. "Nym's that tundra dragon, right? Long hair, blue eyes?" He continued and made a motion at his head to indicate long horns. "I don't know anything about any shot... But I saw a dragon get darted a while ago, a little purple thing, but before that he was getting pretty heated with some green forest dragon near that gate they shoved me through earlier." He sounded unhappy about that, the gate. "And anyway, I met Nym and Ky earlier." He was sure they knew who he was talking about. One of them here smelled like Ky. "They're both pretty, heated up too, if you know what I mean..." He grinned, eyebrows dancing a bit. "The Nym kid definitely seemed to be in a dire way... Definitely in heat. " He glanced up at the sky around them. "The humans who run this place sure seem to be up to some crazy shit..."


Suddenly Nym wasn't even on earth anymore... Or at least it didn't feel like it. He hadn't ever realized that he could feel this way... Ky's presence, the way it felt to be filled by him was next level. His fists were balled up tightly in Ky's hair now, he was rigid and gripping the other dragon for dear life, his mouth searching to kiss him in between each huffy breath. He was aware that he was gasping for air now to the point of pain, it was making his lungs burn. He was sure that he was making some more... Obscene sounds too, but he was hardly aware, if anybody heard, they'd have to deal with it. He was wrapped up in what was the ecstasy that was Ky. It left his head spinning. Surely after it was over it would take a while for his cognitive thought to touch down again.

"I feel content." Ceral's tone was relaxed, no tenseness to be heard - something that he hadn't experienced since his time here in Avalon. From hiding away for a week to meeting Ivy, from that awkward first kiss to the dart at the gate, there hadn't been a moment that he could pinpoint where he was totally and thoroughly calm. "Kinda feel bloated," he snickered, slipping closer to Ivy in the water. He let a hand comb lightly through her hair, an easygoing smile quirking the corners of his lips. When Ivy pressed her face against him, he blinked some, regaining focus. Ah... did he do something wrong?

"You okay..?" he asked in an unsure tone. He knew they'd have stuff to worry about in the future if the kits came to be, but that was still a question of if they did. There was always the chance they might not have conceived, wasn't there? It was supposed to be higher during heat, the chance to breed, but his hadn't been natural, and he wondered if that might effect the possibility of him getting pregnant or not. Even if he was, they wouldn't have to worry about it for awhile, or so he was led to believe. They wouldn't even properly know until his scent changed; as Ivan could be known to be pregnant purely by scent, the same looked to be true for other species. Ugh, too much to think about after a great fucking session.

Ky slumped exhausted, rolling carefully to the side to avoid squashing Nym. He pulled the tundra dragon against his chest, touching his horns, mapping the ridges under his fingers. Would their kits have horns, he wondered idly, or would they have a ridged head plate like Ky tapering off to bony points.

"Everything's fine," Ivy let her muscles relax and kissed Ceral some more, hoping to regain the dichotomy of peace and passion that was good sex. "I was just wondering when you'd be ready for round two." She wiggled a little in emphasis. "And what position we should try when you are." She licked his mouth open, twinning their tongues and teaching him new techniques with her mouth. "You realize you're my mate now," she stated matter of fact as they pulled apart. That wasn't necessarily true. Even if he was baring her clutch that wouldn't automatically make him her mate. Ivan hadn't been, she'd never wanted that with him. But she was hardly giving Ceral a choice in the matter unless he down right against it.

"Ah." Ceral smiled cheekily, trying his best to match Ivy's pace when she leaned in a second time to kiss him; he nudged her forward slowly, not once thinking about how sloppy of a kisser he was, and how obscene the sounds of their gesture were. When she pulled away, Ceral whined, but he didn't push for more, confident that they'd be doing more of this in the future. Or so he hoped. Ivy's comment had him thinking. They weren't officially mates, were they? What made a pair officially mates? Was it the clutch? Consent was a part, but Ceral didn't think he would mind being around Ivy. She was pleasant company, and her attractiveness was always a plus, but Ceral thought he'd like her regardless of looks. Her excitable personality was enough to get him going.

"I'm your mate, huh?" He grinned slyly, nuzzling at Ivy's shoulder. Ivy seemed like a perfect mate, dare he say. He was worried a bit about the fact that maybe she'd eventually be more interested in someone else and leave him behind, but that was just something he'd have to risk if he thought he might have anything with her in the future. "What makes me your mate?" He raised his eyebrows at Ivy. "I like you..." Why she loved him so much he hadn't a clue, but he was actually starting to savor the feeling of being loved.

Nym let out a shaky breath against Ky's chest as he slowly came down from the hormonal high he'd just be skyrocketed through. His hair was a wild mess, dirt and grass was stuck to him everywhere, he was sure Ky was a probably in a similar state... But he didn't care in the slightest what the two them looked right like now. He was currently in a wild mixture of feeling pure bliss and gratitude. He was still flushed and warm, especially in his lower abdomen, and he was still practically tingling all over... But he wasn't in pain anymore. The relief he felt was immense, and it was fantastic.

Lazily, groggily, Nym reached to wrap his arms around Ky's shoulders, teasing the other boy's hair a bit as he let out a soft sigh. Any regret he might have about this later... Certainly wasn't present right now. "I'm so sleepy." He hummed, and smiled a bit. "You were wonderful..."

((Sorry it's taken me so long to reply. I had a killer essay due))
"You're my mate," Ivy said brushing tilting Ceral's chin up so that they were looking into each others eyes "because I've claimed you as my own." She smiled coyly. "You did tell me to take you. Though" and her hand trailed down to his stomach "I'm not claiming you just physically, but emotionally as well. I expect, if you accept me, that we'll be faithful to each other. I would give my life for you and do anything in my power to make you happy and content."


Ky smirked and picked up his sleepy little mate, cradling him against his chest. "Then go to sleep. I'll watch over you," he breathed into Nym's locks, his cheek brushing one horn. He headed for the nesting cave where they would both be more comfortable and private. "About what you said earlier, to that Demus guy about not wanting to offend Ivan..."

((No worries! I'm going to be the same way this monday, because I know for a fact, I'm going to be dumb, and put my essay off until last minute, haha. I bet you did great!!))

"Demus guy..." Nym tried for a few moments to recall what Ky was even talking about as they made their way to the cave. It took him a bit to scour through the events that had happened that day. Everything was like a blur. The mention of Ivan suddenly seemed to help him remember though. "Oh- That tawny colored dragon who came out of nowhere.... Right." He wrinkled his nose. He hadn't liked that dragon, not at all... He didn't know if it was because he had come in seemingly from thin air in the middle of him feelings so horrible, or the snide comments Demus had been making, or something else...

"Yeah..." Nym blinked one blue eye at Ky, cheek pressed against his shoulder as he looked up at him, breathing hitching for just a moment. He was completely content to be snuggled up in Ky's arms for as long as he could manage it. "About Ivan then?""

"You don't have to worry about 'interfering' with anything," Ky said shutting the door behind him with his foot. He blinked owlishly, trying to get used to the darkness of the cave. "Remember when I said that some dragons have different ideas about mating?" Setting Nym into the nest, Ky picked up a bucket by the wall and gave Nym a light kiss on his forehead. "Well forest dragons... we often mate more than one carrier and Ivan," Ky bit his lip frowning. "Ivan has some unique views." Ky stood up to leave and said quickly, "I'll be right back. I'm going to get water to clean us up."

"Oh-" Nym nodded slightly, and let Ky deposit him into the nest. It was immediately ten times more comfortable than the grassy pond bank outside. He curled up, tucking his knees partway to this chest. He wasn't sure how he felt about that... About any of it. Was Ky considering him to be his mate now? What did 'unique views' mean? Monogamy was something Nym had been raised on, and not only that, it was the true nature of his breed... What did it mean now that he had just bred with a dragon that was already mated? Was he losing himself, or a part of his culture? Did he even have any real culture to begin with?

Nym let out a slightly irritated sigh. Not one directed at Ky, but one at himself. Maybe he was thinking about all of this too hard... He was tired, and all these questions were ruining the blissful feeling inside him. He glanced up at Ky as he took the bucket and disappeared outside, and just stayed still for a moment. He supposed all that mattered, was that what had just happened to him was very real... And he didn't think he wanted to take it back.

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