C Dragon Breeding Facility (Closed)

"Mmmm... Alright." Demus grinned and his voice seemed to drop a whole octave lower as he let himself fully roll over onto Lago, giving the other dragon a series of hot, breathy kisses that started with his lips and trailed down to his chest. His hands ran through Lago's long, knotted hair, and then to his sweaty shoulders down to his hips, hesitating for just a moment before he reached to slip two fingers into Lago's opening and thrusted a couple times. Lago was definitely wet and ready for him, and it shot a sense of pure desire shoot through Demus. "Let's-" He started in a husky breath, almost a moan. "Get you loosened up, shall we?"

Demus continued the motion, sure to keep to a steady pace as he prepared both he and Lago for the pure bliss he was sure was about to unfold, forcing a build up of want and need for it.

All of this, would have perhaps been more bizarre to Demus, if before his coming to Avalon he hadn't been forced to be alone and locked from all sorts of contact for months on end. It might have been different if he knew the motives of Han, Reva, and the other scientists, and their money lust for kits. He probably would have been more hesitant and careful if he'd been here longer, gotten to know Lago, and hadn't stumbled in on a day that everything and everyone seemed to be hormonal frenzy. If Kia was still around, he was sure he wouldn't even be here at all.... There were a million reason as to why he should perhaps not be doing this, but they didn't matter, because it was happening... Lago was here, and wonderful, and in the back of his mind somewhere Demus was convincing himself that it would all be fine.


Nym shifted a bit in his sleep, eyebrows knit together, lips pulled into a frown. He was dreaming... Of a lot of things. Mostly of things that had been plaguing his mind most recently. He dreamed of kits with long horns and simmering forest wings, about humans, about Avalon... And Ky. He dreamed of the silly carriers in the forest and their seeders going to find them on the new moon, ritual and-

And when he heard Ivan and Ky talking, or rather yelling, Nym suddenly stirred awake. He was turned away from the other two, so he simply blinked and listened for a moment. When he realized what they were up to however, he tensed up. He suddenly remembered what he and Ky had done... And now with Ivan here suddenly felt intrusive all over again. It wasn't going to matter how many times Ky protested about it. Ivan had come to Avalon first, and Nym simply couldn't view the water dragon as anything but Ky's true mate. Which was fine. He liked Ivan, a lot actually. It seemed as if Ky and Ivan got along splendidly well... And besides, Nym wasn't meant to be a mate anyway... As he had been told, he was being loaned. He was supposed to stay here for however long, produce the kits they wanted, and then go back home... To the sterile mansion, and to the humans who seemed to have completely forgotten about him as of late. He was nothing permanent, here in Avalon.

At Ivan's mention of Demus and Lago, Nym wrinkled his nose, trying to understand if he'd heard that right. Demus hadn't been here for longer than a few hours as far as he was aware... And it was at that point Nym figured that he had heard enough and shifted to get up. He needed to get out of this stuffy cave. His heat seemed to be all but gone, but it didn't change the fact that lower body temperature was meant for tundras, not forest caves.

He gave Ky and Ivan a sheepish glance before he ducked out of the cave, not even sure if they saw it, but he didn't stick around to find out. Once he was outside, he felt a little calmer. His legs were a little weak and he felt slightly bloated, but other than that he was fine. If he could meander off and find somewhere to sit for a little while he realized it would be his first chance at being alone since coming into Avalon.

Lago felt Demus put his fingers into the opening, eliciting a loud gasp and moan from his throat. He could barely stand all of this build up to the main event. He knew the prairie dragon was teasing him, trying to rile up his desire even more. That totally wasn't necessary, but he wasn't in any position to argue. All of Demus' touches felt like lightning striking Lago and running through his nerves. His breathing increased and his face clenched and he bared his teeth. He leaned his head back, and speaking through his teeth, he practically started begging for release. "Oh please, oh please, please, please, please...I...I need you!"

Without fail, Lago was the same way with his other mates, entirely wanton, and with little reason. For some reason he remembered back to his other mates from the past, all of them being other swamp dragons. Korga was his first, and oh boy did she leave a lasting impression. Of course it was his first time so of course she did. No clutch ever came to be, but they still had fun none the less. After his heat ended, they went their separate ways. The way Demus' touched him reminded him of her.

At this point, he was practically thrusting his hips toward Demus' fingers, chomping at the proverbial bit for his mate to enter him.

Lago needed him. Demus didn't need any other encouragement than that. Almost without any hesitation at all, he lined himself up, pulled the other dragon's legs around his waist, and eased himself down, fully relishing the feeling of tightness as he eased his his eager cock into Lago. He silenced the other dragon's pleading for a moment with a sloppy, burning kiss, tongue tracing and searching between and over the swamp dragon's lips. He pulled away, just slightly, with a sharp gasp for air as he began to rock, hips bucking, hands shaking as he thrusted repeatedly, suddenly determined to breed this strange, new, wonderful, dragon as thoroughly and passionately as he could muster.

"Oh god, yes... Yes." Demus started to babble feverishly, repeating himself a few times. His head was whirling."Yes. You feel so good." He moaned at Lago loudly, though he was sure that neither one of them was really cognitive of what the other was saying. All Demus knew was that this ecstasy, this connection was something he had craved for a long time. He'd been cruelly isolated for too long, this was almost too wonderful. In turn, it didn't seem to take long for his release to come, pelvis thrusting down he let himself pump Lago as full of as much seed as he could manage, shuddering breaths coming between each thrust. "God, you're amazing."

Lago gasped at the pulse-pounding sensation of Demus finally entering him. His legs gripped harder around Demus' waist as if he was afraid the new comer might try to leave. He craved the flavor of the prairie dragon, basking in the unsophisticated kisses coming his way. He returned the favor with sloppy, fervent kisses of his own. He knew that their faces were probably covered in each others saliva right now. He let out a small giggle at what the sight of them going at it must have looked like. He didn't care in the slightest. If the humans got their rocks off from looking at dragons fuck each others brains out, then so be it.

Once the real sex began, all other thoughts were flushed away. All that was real at the moment was Demus thrusting into him with reckless abandon. Moans and gasps began to unconsciously flow from Lago's mouth. "Oh...oh...ohhhh...mmmmm...YES! Hard! Faster!" He wasn't even sure if Demus heard any of what he was saying, but he seemed to be responding in kind. This new dragon's cock seemed to be the perfect fit for Lago's sex. It fit snugly around Demus's cock, as if they had been tailor made for each other.

Even though almost all thoughts but the sex at hand had vacated his lust-filled mind, Lago couldn't help but think back to his second mate, Holar. Their chemistry was so perfect, physically and emotionally. It was as if they had been tailor made for each other too. It was not meant to be though. Once they had raised and weened their young, Holar said his goodbyes, and moved on. Lago really thought they were going to be life mates. He'd be lying if he said it didn't cut him to the core. He had learned from that experience not to get too emotionally attached to mates.

Lago flexed the muscles in his opening and tightened his grip around Demus' cock. He rocked his own hips back against Demus, eager for climax. He suddenly felt the countdown to ecstasy as his orgasm was coming. "D-Demus! I'm cumming! I'm cumming! OH SHIT!" It was as if someone set off TNT in his loins and lower belly. That inferno had now gone nuclear, and Lago was trying to catch his breath through it all. He braced his arms against the ground, tilted his head back and screamed into the sky, "GAAAHHHHHHH! YEEESSSSS!"

He could feel himself getting pumped full of Demus' essence. He wanted, no needed, to be filled to the brim with eggs. He pictured himself, once again, with a belly full of young. "Give me your babies...", he pleaded. He looked at Demus and smiled at the compliment. "You...you are too handsome." He reached his hand out and ran his fingers through Demus' hair.

Demus complied, though he was only catching every other word that Lago was shouting out at him. He went faster, and thrust himself as deep as he could manage, becoming more riled up as Lago gripped at him. A low rumble, a growl started in his chest. His own hormones were skyrocketing now. The sudden territorial sense that Lago was somehow his now and that he needed to be protected swept over him. Mixed with the pure, raw feeling of lust, it was like a tsunami was crashing overhead, drenching Demus in a wild, primal sense of want and need. Nothing else mattered, Avalon didn't exist, any future regret was unfathomable. It was just he and Lago.

"Ah, yes, fuck yes-" Demus gasped feeling intense pleasure at the idea of bringing Lago to his peak. "Oh god, yes!" He was shouting they were both shouting, everybody else in the enclosure could probably hear them clear as day, but Demus didn't give one singular shit, or at least he wouldn't have if he had even been able to ponder on the fact that there were indeed other dragons and humans around that could easily be watching them. "I'm going... To... Fill you, so well." Demus panted as he concentrated on bringing Lago through his climax and emptying himself of every last bit of his seed he had to offer. "You're gorgeous-" He breathed into the crook of Lago's neck as things seemed to ease off slightly. "Our kits will be gorgeous."

At the nest, Ivy took Ceral again. Slow and sweet until all his nerve endings were tingling and a puff of hot air would send him into spasms. Then she filled him with seed until his stomach bloated out the tiniest bit.


"Ivan," Ky growled as his little mate went on to describe the 'hot primal sex' he'd been an observer to. "Stop." Lust and anger coiled hot his groin and chest. "I don't want to hear....ah....how hot another seed...er...makes you!" He pounded into Ivan heat and tension building up in a blazing inferno.

"It wasn't like I joined," Ivan panted, eye rolling back in his head. He whined, words loosing meaning in the heat of desire.

Ky painted Ivan's skin with hickeys down his slender pale neck and back. Marking him. It wasn't until after they'd both come and had started to drift to sleep that Ky remembered Nym. He burst to his feet searching the cave for sign of him, but Nymir wasn't anywhere in sight. "Ivan, I'm going to look for Nym," Ky called.

Ivan shrugged and rolled over, pulling a blanket farther over his shoulders. The blankets were one of the few things Ivan appreciated about the facility. "He's fine, Ky. But if you want to check on him," Ivan yawned. "Be my guest."

After leaving the cave, Nym had wandered some. He wasn't necessarily a fan of the little pond he'd been by earlier, so he walked a bit until he came to the little lake that the pond seemed to bleed from. Being alone for while seemed to be what he needed at the moment. Some time to just recharge and think, because boy, did he have a lot to think about...

Eventually he resigned from chasing his mind in circles and to cleaning himself up instead. He was sure that he looked like a regular mess. So he dipped in the water and combed the grass and dirt out of his hair with his fingers. Shampoo was definitely something he missed about home... One thing among many.


"Ah I have just word than Nymir has been bred... Wonderful." Mr. Fiske was grinning like a cat as he sat down for dinner. He glanced over at his wife, obviously pleased with himself.

"Austin, it's only been three days!" Janelle seemed surprised. "Already?"

"I told you, those scientists know what they're doing ." Austin shrugged, still seeming pleased.

Addie Fiske on the other hand, seemed completely dismayed. "Does that mean he can come home now, Daddy?" She looked hopeful. All seventeen years of her life Nym had been there, not having him around was strange. Surely now that he was bred and pregnant he could be here at home again.

"Of course not." Austin snorted. "Where are we to house twelve eggs in six months? No, he'll be staying there, they know how to handle all of that for him better than we do, they'll be monitoring him... Besides, one clutch out of him isn't all we're hoping for."

"Twelves eggs?" Addie looked dubious and her eyebrows scrunched together. If her brother Sean were here, she wasn't sure if he'd like the sound of this either.

"Dr. Reva said ten to fourteen in about six months." Austin said coolly. He had already sent his return email to the doctor, expressing his pleasure with the situation. "Don't worry Addison, he'll be fine."

Ceral had to laugh because dick drunk was definitely the phrase he could use to describe his... condition? Was it even a condition? When he'd gotten taken once more by Ivy, he couldn't care less about the other dragons in the vicinity; he hoped that the nest was above them, far enough that maybe they wouldn't hear his moans of pleasure and the way he whimpered out Ivy's name with each passionate thrust into his body. It was a shame cave dragons were such isolated creatures because Ceral wanted to hit himself over the head for not having tried this earlier. But then again, maybe this was all well and good because he didn't have to experience the promiscuity of his kind, and would be more willing to stay with Ivy and only Ivy.

When they'd finished their second go, Ceral laughed, seemingly out of breath. He could just barely register the rays of the sun behind Ivy's figure through the canopy of trees above her. His eyes were on her. "I'm gonna be limping tomorrow," he said jokingly, his mouth opened into a sickeningly sweet smile.

Ivy giggled and snuggled up to Ceral, eyelids drooping in warm blissful peace. "You can't limp if you can't walk. You said I'd even let you out of the nest tomorrow." She nosed his neck breathing in their mixed scents and entwining their legs. "Don't worry. I'll take care of you." She rubbed his stomach. "You wanted to sleep and eat right? Well since we're newly mated... might as well take a short break from reality huh?"
It took a while for Ky to find Nym and when he did he stood quietly for a few minutes watching him bath. Nym looked like he wanted to be alone, but Ky was his mate now. It was Ky's job to take care of him and understand what was wrong.

((So I'm wondering are Sean or Addie ever going to come and visit Nym? Or at least watch him through the vids or are they not allowed))

(( Oh! Sean and Addie might come visit later down the road, (Or sooner if you'd think that'd be interesting?) they'll probably watch videos if they can get their hands on it, we don't have to do anything with them at the moment, but I wanted to open up the possibility for them to be thinking about Nym and the facility and stuff. I also wanted Mr. Fiske to acknowledge Reva's email (Finally). Haha, I'm just a sucker for back/ side story and figured humans, especially dragon master might be useful later.))

Nym was pretty much fully caught up in getting himself clean, humming a little bit as he untangle his hair. He moved from standing in the water to sitting back on the bank to dry off again. Hopefully he wouldn't look as horrible once he was dry and headed back off to the cave. He supposed he couldn't stay out here forever... Even if the quiet was calming to him, it was a little unnerving that he hadn't seen anybody at all while meandering about out here. He knew plenty well where Ivan and Ky were, but then there were Ceral and Ivy and Lago and Demus... And supposedly that giant seeder that had been sedated, but he hadn't heard any news about him in a while, his scent wasn't as pungent anymore. Shouldn't he have seen signs of one of them by now?

Letting out a soft sigh, Nym readied himself to get up and wander somewhere else, as he wanted to be dried off before he circled back to the nesting cave-

"Holy-" Nym let out a surprised gasp as he spotted Ky, and slapped hand over his heart. How long had the other dragon just been there watching him? How had he not noticed him before? Once again Nym was cursing himself for his 'primal' instincts, that were horribly out of touch. If this had been the wild, and Ky had been someone sinister... Nym didn't want to think about what could have happened. "Ky-" Nym finally laughed sheepishly. "You scared me."

"Ah... Yeah." Ceral visibly relaxed in Ivy's hold, his eyes half closed as he made himself comfortable inside the nest. Sleep and eat. Well, he definitely felt like doing the prior, but it still wasn't even night yet. He'd be awake all evening if he were to sleep now, but he knew he wouldn't be able to keep his eyes open for much longer either.

He was half thinking of down the road. Neither of them seemed to be too worried about the possibility of kits right now, but that was no doubt a high concern in any case. He wondered if they should talk about it? Ceral didn't want to bring up the topic but they'd have to rethink a few things other than just the nest if he was really carrying. Ceral pursed his lips and wiggled closer to Ivy instead, gathering that they'd have time soon enough to talk serious, although with the fate of all the kits born in Avalon already sealed, there might not be much anyone could do. "Sleep and eat," he repeated and nodded.

Lago, coming down from his sexual high, wrapped his arm around Demus' neck and shuddered in bliss at the sensation of his mate's breath on his neck. He let out that goofy giggle again. "Gorgeous huh? In all seriousness, you're one of the most beautiful dragons I've ever seen. Our kits are all going to be little hear breakers when they grow up." In the back of his mind, he knew what the ultimate outcome was for his upcoming clutch, but he wanted to push that thought away from his mind for now. He turned his head toward Demus' face and gently kissed his ear and descended to his jawline, planting little kisses along the way.
He pulled away and started laughing. "This has got to be the most awesome first impression either of us has experienced." He ran his hand through his dreads and said, "I don't even know what kind of dragon you are". His laughter was almost uncontrollable at this point. Lago always felt a little light-headed and giggly after sex. "I suppose we'll have seven months to get to know each other."

Demus smiled, and couldn't help but giggle along with Lago as he rolled off of him and flopped down in the tall grass around them. They had seemed to have cleared their own little hiding place among it during the excitement of their 'escapade'. His head was swimming, he felt like he was flying. Gorgeous... He had said that hadn't he?... He wasn't about to take it back either. Again, Lago was probably the most unique looking being he'd ever met, or at least that he had ever mated with. He was vastly different than his previous mate, Kia. She had been a lemon yellow, graceful, dainty, spit fiery thing. A prairie dragon like himself. Lago was none of those things. He didn't really know what he was at all even, he hadn't even known the other dragon for an hour yet. It was both bizarre and fully thrill inducing at the same time.

"I believe, that all first impressions should go exactly as this one just has." Demus threw his hands up in the air and then rolled onto his side to sling an arm over Lago's chest. "You were wonderful..." He purred, leaning in to kiss Lago on the cheek, and then quickly on the lips again. "Seven months? Is that your gestation?" He snaked a hand down to Lago's stomach, which was already rounded. If this breeding had really been successful, Demus wondered how it would look swollen with kits. "I- Hail from the prairie." Demus smiled, addressing Lago's wonderment at what kind of dragon he was. "And you are from where? These little ones of ours... I'm sure they will be quite the head turners, like you said."

(I changed his gestation time to 7 months. I didn't want it to be too drastically different from the other 2 carriers)

Lago smiled lazily at Demus, and blushed a little at his compliment. He returned the kiss in kind. He liked the feeling of Demus' hand on his belly, as if he was already trying to protect their kits. He put his own hand over his mates and nodded in affirmation. "Mmm hmm. I probably won't show right away since I've never really lost any of my previous pregnancy weight", he giggled a little at that. He had always been thick boned, but his pregnancies...enhanced that feature.

"Ahh the prairie, that makes sense. I knew I smelled dry dirt and grass on you. It's a really nice combo actually, more so than I expected. I'm a swamp dragon, I came from the wetlands." Thankfully the two were close enough in proximity that Lago's near-sightedness wasn't much of an issue. Smell can only tell you so much. He admired Demus' streamlined body, it's athletic build, the light golden scales on his arms and legs, and that cute hair of his. He scooted closer to Demus, so his eyesight wasn't an issue at all.

He'd never been with a dragon like this before. Normally Lago liked routine and sameness. It was boring, but comforting and safe. This...this was all exciting. The last time Lago felt excitement, it wasn't necessarily the good kind as he was hauled onto a hoverboat after being tranquilized. This kind of excitement...he could get used to it. If there was one good thing to come from being in this damnable place, he must've found it in this beauty laying next to him.

((Ah ok! I edited my previous post! X3))

Demus felt himself warm at the touch of Lago's hand over his, and he chuckled a bit at the other's comment about his weight. Demus had always been one to have a high metabolism, he wasn't sure if he'd be able to keep on extra poundage even if he tried... But somehow this shape seemed to fit Lago, it suited him. He didn't think he would have cared if Lago were a bean pole either though. This was nice... Simply being touched, feeling wanted, and needed by someone. Even if it wasn't to last, in the moment, all of it was nice. Perhaps being 'dumped' into Avalon wasn't going to be so bad after all.

"Yes, the prairie..." Demus sighed, remembering his old home fondly. It had been mostly quiet, arid and warm. Avalon was warm, but it was humid. He wasn't sure if he was fan of that. "And you're a swamp dragon." Demus said thoughtfully. "The plains I'm used to are quite different than the wetlands you are, I'm afraid.... You might be more suited for this foresty place than me." He smiled softly, and then revealed his white teeth again fully as Lago scooted right up against him, and it stretched into a grin. "You, smell like soil after rain." He commented. It was a scent he'd always been fond of. Prairie rains were scarce, but when they did happen, it left the grass shimmering and the scents of everything potent and fresh. He liked that Lago smelled similarly.

He giggled again as Lago scooted even closer to him. They were both rather a mess, and Demus was still trying to catch his breath slightly, but he didn't care. He was going to be relishing it the close proximity for as long as he could. "Maybe...." Demus snuggled up to Lago cheek to cheek now as he spoke. "You could show me around this place later?" At the moment he wasn't very keen to move, but when he was, he was very much interested in keep in close range with Lago. "Does Avalon have any wetlands?"

((Cool! Can't wait to see more of them.))

"Sorry," Ky said walking out of the shadows and putting his arms around Nym's waist, so that they were face to face. "You looked preoccupied. I didn't want to bother you."


"Yes. Sleep and eat and maybe some more... athletic activities once you've recovered a bit." She snuggled closer to Ceral, starting to drift off a bit when she mumbled, "I think you're the best thing that's ever happen to me."

((Me too! XD I'm now trying to plot some ideas for them!! haha))

"Oh- It's alright. I was pretty preoccupied. Just, getting my hair back in order... It's a little cumbersome when it's this long." Nym nodded and dropped a hand to his waist to place it on Ky's forearm, tracing the other's skin lightly. He almost asked Ky about what he had been up to, out of conversational politeness and habit, but he realized that he already knew exactly what Ky had been busy with.

"Uh, so how's Ivan?" He asked instead. "I haven't seen him all day."

"Really?" Ceral felt flattered at the compliment. He wasn't anything special, and certainly hadn't done anything much over the top to deserve Ivy's love. He was just grateful that she even liked him, because this was one of the first real times he could say he had an actual friend. His siblings had been his friends, but after everyone split... He'd stayed isolated for most of his life. Luckily social needs weren't necessarily a need for cave dragons.

"You're too nice," he chuckled softly and closed his eyes as he curled closer to Ivy. He eventually drifted off as well, probably feeling the best that he'd felt in awhile.

1 month and six days later.

Ivan shook Nym awake, pressing a finger to his lips as a sign for silence. Ivan stood up with effort, grunting. He motioned for Nym to follow and led him outside. "I need your help," he whispered after they had were out of hearing distance of the cave. "But I need you to promise not to tell Ky." Ivan looked up into the taller dragon's eyes to show him how serious he was. His eyes were narrowed into slits, his lips pressed firmly together. "Can I trust you?"

Nym had been sleeping rather deeply. One of the first times he had been in a few days. It was by this time that the tundra dragon knew that he was indeed pregnant, Demus had been the first to declare it. That he could smell the change in scent on him, Ceral and Lago. Only about a month into his gestation period, Nym wasn't showing particularly much at all yet. He mostly just felt a little bloated. It wasn't the physical changes that were happening to him that were keeping him up at night, he could handle those still, but the constant wonderment about how he was going to handle all that was going to take place five months from then, the worry, the stress at how pleased the scientists Reva and Han seemed to be, and even the pangs of excitement he would get sometimes all made him think maybe a little too much and a little too hard.

"What?" Nym blinked an eye open to see Ivan looming over him. Ivan needed his help? The water dragon didn't seem as if he was going to reveal anything more before he darted out of the nesting cave. Nym had no choice but to follow him now, both out of sheer curiosity, and some mild worry about where the heavily pregnant water dragon was wandering off to.

"What's going on?" He followed until they were a good distance off, and then lowered his voice. "Ky can't know about what?"

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