Super Big Attraction (Closed with HeavyBellyGirl)

"Nice to meet you, Crystal. So, I'm guessing you don't mind that I'm dating your daughter now?" Sam asked as he sat down on the massive couch that was clearly designed for people like him and Crystal.

"Not at all. As a matter of fact, I wanted to have some fun with you before Sakura gets home." Crystal smiled as she sat close beside Sam.

"Uh, what kind of fun do you have in mind?" Sam said, a little uneasy at how Crystal was acting so forward with him.

"I think you know what kind of fun I'm talking about." Crystal smiled as she started to rub Sam's massive cock.

Um, I'm not sure how I feel about this. I mean, I am dating your daughter." Sam tried to protest. But it seems his own body betrayed him as his huge cock started to get hard as it stood up in attention.

"Don't worry. We'll keep this a secret from Sakura." Crystal said as she kissed Sam on the lips.

"Seriously, I really don't think we should be doing this." Sam said after Crystal broke the kiss. He then gasped as Crystal started to strip off their clothes.

"Your mouth is saying no, but your body is saying yes." Crystal smiled as she led Sam to her master bedroom.

Despite his protests, Sam followed Crystal to her room as his cock made a massive tent in his pants.

Once inside, Crystal took Sam's clothes off and her own and led Sam to her bed. "I wanna see if I can make your belly bigger." Crystal smiled.

"And maybe I can make your belly big too?" Sam asked meekly as he rubbed his own belly.

"Exactly what I was thinking." Crystal smiled as she started to grind her cock against Sam's massive belly.

Sam moaned as he felt Crystal's humongous cock rubbing against his expanded belly.

"I really want to see you with a big belly." Sam said.

"Then give it to me." Crystal moaned as laid down on her bed, spreading her legs.

Sam didn't hesitate to plunge his cock deep into Crystal's womanhood as it eagerly took in his entire length.

Crystal moaned softly as he started to rock her hips. "Mmm! Keep going, Sam." She moaned.

Sam started moving his hips back and forth, causing his belly to rub against Crystal's jiggly, elephantine rear end.

"Cum on, Sam. Give me all of your cum."Crystal moaned loudly as she rocked her hips harder and faster.

Soon, Sam gave out a loud moan as gallons of cum started pouring out of his cock and into Crystal.

Crystal moaned as her belly started growing rapidly. "Sam. My belly is growing." She moaned as she rubbed her growing belly.

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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