Night Bearing (Closed)

Ryne stared down at the ground, not wanting to answer. "It's nothing, Roy probably is over exaggerating." He said trying to move on from the subject.

" no usually his visions are true..tell me" he whispered taking rynes hand

Ryne gulped. "Okay. He said you were pregnant again but very sick." He said simply.

Damian sighed " that's how my mother died sick and pregnant.."

Ryne gasped in shock. "I'm so sorry Damian. I didn't mean to bring up bad memories, I was just telling you what Roy saw." He stated

Damian nodded "it's fine..." Damian whispered rubbing rynes stomach

Ryne looked down to Damian. "Please, Roy doesn't want to go to the army. It's not what he wants so please considerate." He asked with puppy dog eyes

Damian saw rynes eyes and couldn't resist " yes...yes okay.,,he won't go..." He said making his mind up

Ryne smiled. "Good! Can you take me outside? I need some fresh air." He asked.

Damian smiled and helped pull ryne up " you wanna walk or take a carriage ride..."

Ryne smiled. "That depends. Where are we going for both situations?" He asked seductively.

Damian smiled " we could walk through the forest or make a bed in the carriage and ride around"

Ryne licked his lips at the thought. "I like the latter option." He said as he wrapped his arms around Damian's neck and kissed him.

Damian kissed him back deeply then he called for Lydia his most responsible child

Ryne watched as little Lydia came up to Damian and Ryne. "Lydia, can you take care of the home while me and daddy go out for a while?" He asked sweetly.

Lydia smiled big " of course daddy..."

Ryne smiled at his responsible daughter. A few minutes later, Damian finished setting a bed in the carriage. Ryne rubbed his belly in anticipation, this was going to be new for him and he loved Damian to do these kinds of things.

Damian helped ryne into the carriage

Ryne got into carriage and waited for Damian. He had an idea for the both of them. He shifted uncomfortably in the carriage and looked at Damian with pleading eyes. "Damian, can you help me?"

Damian nodded and help ryne get comfortable putting pillows behind Him so he was comfortably reclined

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Last Post by DragonKnight
11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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