Super Big Attraction (Closed with HeavyBellyGirl)

"Thanks." Sam said as Sakura managed to get him back on his feet. He then put a bit of thought on what he wanted to do today, only to draw a blank.

"I don't know, what so you think we should do?" He asked.

"Hmm... I was wodering if you wanna go on a picnic." Sakura replied.

After giving it a bit of thought, Sam answered.

"Yeah, a picnic sounds pretty good actually. But first, I need to deal with this achiness in my breasts." Sam said as he rubbed his massive breasts, a couple trickles of milk squirted from his nipples, indicating that his breasts needed to be milked.

"I'll take care of that for you, Sammy." Sakura smiled as she started to suckle on Sam's left breast.

Sam moaned as he felt Sakura suckle on his left nipple as she used her hand to squeeze his right nipple. The pleasurable sensations caused Sam's massive cock to get hard very quickly.

Sakura moaned as milk flowed into her mouth. She then started to grind her cock against Sam's cock.

"Oh, you make me feel so good Sakura!" Sam shouted as both of their massive cock grinded against each other.

"Mmm. It's because I love you so much, Sammy." Sakura moaned as she humped harder against Sam's cock.

"I love you too, Sakura!" Sam shouted before his immeasurable euphoria made his massive cock release huge loads of cum.

Sakura moaned as she also came into massive loads of cum on Sam and everywhere in her room.

When Sam finished ejaculating, Sam looked around and saw that the two of them, as well as the entire room, were covered in cum.

"Geez, what a mess." Sam said.

"I guess we were a bit horny, babe." Sakura giggled.

"It looks like we gotta clean this place, and ourselves, up before we do anything today." Sam said matter-of-factly as he tried to wipe cum off of his hair.

"Let's head to the shower." Sakura said as she lead Dam to the bathroom.

"Yeah, good idea." Sam said as they waddled out of Sakura's bedroom and entered the bathroom. Like the rest of the house, the room and everything in it has been widened and specially modified to accomodate the massive dimensions of Sakura and her mother, Crystal.

"Wow, I've never seen a bathroom this big before." Sam said. The bathroom he uses in his house is claustrophobic by comparison.

"Well. This house was specially made for my mother and I." Sakura replied as she started the shower.

"I know, but still..." Sam said as he and Sakura got into the extremely spacious shower and started the cum off of each other.

"Still what?" Sakura asked as she was curious to hear what Sam had to say. "It's OK, Sammy. You can tell me."

"Nothing, it's just that the shower in my home is so small compared to this. I always had to squeeze myself into it, and now I can't fit in it at all." Sam sighed as he brought up the inconveniences of being so wide and massive.

"Oh, Sam honey. It's OK. We will get through this together." Sakura smiled as she started was Sam's massive belly.

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