Different Kind of Magic (closed with C Wolf)
"The hammer handle would have been smaller," Wynon said as he rubbed the knuckles against the human's tight hole, "I would have started with that and worked you open slowly but you didn't want that."

He used another arm to brace the human by the shoulder. "Instead I get you use this big, strong arm." He teased just before he pushed on the limb. He felt the resistance of the tight ring. "You haven't had anything up here." He knew it was true - his breeder hadn't used this hole at all. It was a pleasant surprise, getting to force the muscles to part then spread. "This will be so much fun."
He knew there had to be a reason for that little story of his, about the mage who was forced to take up his own stick. In a way, he was partially glad he denied the figure of this opportunity, but it landed him in an even worse situation. He felt the large hand rest on his shoulder, keeping him firmly in place. Firmly in place for his own fist to begin entering inside of him, slowly pushing his tight hole open. Of course what left of his body he had, he struggled, the pain ever evident on his face as he was being forced to take up his own fist.
"Struggling just hurts you more," Wynon sing songed as he pushed harder on the limb and finally felt the muscles give away. "And now look, you have your own hand up your ass." He laughed as he waved the other arm in front of his face. "And I have another one to use." He grinned wildly as he used one of his thighs to push more of the forearm up his breeder. He wanted to make sure that one would stay in place as he prepared the second.

"I thought you would be more chatty about this, yelling and screaming about how I should be ashamed." He looked down at the broken human in front of him. He did that and would do more.
He couldn't keep it back as much as he wanted to. He let out a pained gasp from his slightly large fist entering inside of him. That wasn't the worst of it though. He had to feel how his own knuckles were feeling the insides of his body and on top of it all, how his own butt muscles were clenching around his fist and wrist. Then he had the nerve to speak of shame.

"Something like you wouldn't know dignity, so why..." he grunted. "...bother?"

Clearly he had plans to put the other one up inside of him. Vaaris saw the monstrous member on the figure before him. He was preparing him for his own and maybe two fists were enough for it. He just hoped it wasn't his own that he had to feel, from both the hands themselves to his hole forced to keep hold of them.
Wynon smirked down at the human under his control. "See that's where you humans are wrong," he knew how to break humans but seducing them could be just as fun, "demons have dignity. It's just different than yours." He pushed the limb forward until half the limb was inside his toy. He slowly turned the arm making the fist massage the inner walls of the human. The movement also loosened up the human's tight ass. "There we are. You're opening up."

He picked up the other arm and pressed it against the still tight rim. "Make noises for me, little human." He said before he pushed on the arm.
He tried to fight against the pressure, but it was too intense. Pushing it further inside of him only made it worse. The blood was rushing through his body to a certain point, pumping and pumping it until it began to fatten up. He couldn't hide away his embarrassment. There were no arms or legs for him to cover up with. That meant the huge seven inch member was in front of his assaulter's face and Vaaris felt even more ashamed. He was far from finished however. He began to grunt when he felt his other hand began to enter inside his already distended hole.
Wynon looked up and found his little human's cock slowly pumping it with blood. So the warrior found some kind of enjoyment from this? Oh that was perfect. He leaned forward a bit just enough so his breath drifted over the tip of that cock. It wasn't hard by demon standards but his toy was human. He supposed it was a good size for a human.

"You like this." He decided to play with his human, see if he could get him to make some more noise. He opened his mouth and licked at the head. "Your body seems to find pleasure in this treatment," he cooed as he applied more pressure to the arm. It wouldn't take much, just a bit more and the second fist would be inside.
That was a lie. Vaaris didn't find pleasure in being tortured this way, but his options were few. That and when his own hand was literally pushing up against his organs on the inside, an erection forming was the only given response. His arm moved to try and get the demon not to lick it, but he was acting on what used to be there. There was nothing present to push the demon away even if he could. The more pressure he applied, the more Vaaris grunted and the more it made his own member Twitch.
Wynon chuckled at the grunts and the sight of the human's twitching member. He licked around the head using his long tongue to tease the glands. Humans were so fun to play with and would be even more fun if they didn't try to fight every single little bit. Oh well, one way or another, Wynon would have his toy.

As he licked, he pushed more of the arm into his plaything watching the muscles stretch around the insertions. He lifted off of the human's cock then sat back and took one arm in each hand. "This should be a great workout for you. And I know that warriors like you need to work their bodies to keep them in prime shape." He smirked making sure he had a good grip on the arms then pulled one back until the wrist came out the rim while the other stayed still. He pushed that arm back as he pulled the other back. "One, two, one, two," he counted the beat as he moved.
Vaaris attempted to fight the urge. Almost every passing second, he could feel his own hand hitting his colon the "right" way, which prompted a reaction out of him all the same. Not only was his hole getting stretched by his own hands, he was trying to fight the one urge that was building and it was building long and hard. Each time it was hit, it clenched and throbbed. Panic rode his face when he knew what was coming: the climax.

"No...nonononononono" he panted, an effort to stop it from happening. It was all in vain and minutes after being stretched by his own hands, he released his own seed in four large spurts. He hated every second of this, feeling humiliated.
Wynon watched the toy fight his body's urges. The human struggled so much against the stretching and the pounding. He knew exactly what he was doing, where the fists landed as he moved them. He wanted to make this last but his little toy clenched and throbbed so devilishly. Oh, his poor little plaything. No one bothered to make sure he climaxed enough. Instead he was backed up from going so long without release. He would have to help the little human with that problem.

"There you go, my little toy," Wynon chuckled as he leaned over and licked the human's climax from his body. He smirked up letting his toy see the remnants of his climax on Wynon's pale lips. "You should do that more often." He explained. "You taste like you don't release often."

He kept up the movements letting his toy ride out his release until the muscles relaxed. "Now you want to feel something amazing." He asked as he let the human's arms rest inside the man. "I want you to focus on slowly turning your arm as you open your fists. Do that for me."
He finally stopped but Wynon had not. His hole was still stretched by his arms and this figure before him was now lapping up his release, commenting on it being a bit old. Vaaris never took into account such a thing. Most occasions when the mood came and became too intense, he handled it alone.

"You want me to what?" Vaaris couldn't feel his arms or at least he thought he couldn't. It wasn't that he actually tried that he felt his hands begin to move a bit. That caused him to jump or at least attempt to given that he had no arms or legs attached to his body. That made him feel even more freaked out, his hole completely stretched around his arms.
Wynon watched as his human moved his hands inside the stretched hole. "You should take care of yourself more often," he said as he rubbed one of his hands over the human's stomach like he was petting a cat. "At least once a day, you will climax. Either by your own hand while I watch, or I will ring one out of you."

He leaned over and licked around the toy's cock. "Now you're probably wondering what's going on with your arms. Just because your limbs are detached right now doesn't mean you don't have some control over them. You can't use them against me but you can use them to pleasure yourself. Plus, I can reattach them at any time. Like if I want to feel your legs wrapped around my waist or thrown over my shoulders."
Climax once a day? Vaaris hardly wanted to do it once a week! He heard those tales of a person becoming exhausted down there from excessive use. What was this demon trying to do to him? Ruin him? He tried his best to push the hands out from his own hole, but they were too close to each other and his butt muscle just refused to budge, especially when it kept clenching down against them, preventing them from budging much. He let out a pained moan, wanting to be done with this nightmare more than anything, but chances were he wasn't going to get that.
Wynon watched the confusion dance over his toy's face. He wasn't sure what was wrong with his suggestion. He knew that humans had desires and wants but apparently his little toy either didn't understand or was one of those types that believed that denying those urges was some form of enlightenment. He rolled his eyes then wrapped his serpentine tongue around the base of his toy's cock.

He wrapped his hands around his toy's arms then pushed the forearms further into the hole. He could find the muscles stretch as he pushed more and more into his human. He was going to make his toy climax again and again until the human broke himself of denying pleasure.
Vaaris paled as the figure began to coil his tongue around his already used up cock. He didn't have much time as he grunted from his hands being pushed in further. He had a look, mixed of anger or pain and a bit of distress. He didn't want to do this again. Why was he being tortured to do so!? His cock began to fatten up, painfully from already having let out an orgasm, causing him to grunt at the discomfort. He just wanted his hands and legs back.
Wynon grinned a wicked, dangerous smirk showing off his rows of cylindrical teeth as his tongue moved up and down the toy's cock. He liked the way the human's cock plumped under his skilled torture. He pumped the toy's hands inside the hole stretching the muscles. Why was his cock so tense now? He was supposed to be looser, the muscles more relaxed from the climax. But for some reason, his little human seemed more tense almost like it didn't want to climax again.

He rolled his eyes. How dare this toy not want this pleasure, his attention? He was going to make his toy climax again and again until those muscles relaxed completely, the toy enjoyed the demon's attention, craved and cried out for it.
It was happening again. Vaaris had tried to resist, but his mind was pulling away bit by bit. The sensitive feeling he felt before, that sweet release; it was begging to release again and the large figure who wanted him to do so was being stuck at the top of his mind. He tried to resist, but his body could no longer resist to urges welling up inside of him. Vaaris wanted Wynon to the extreme, a sexual appetite working well within his body. He moaned deeply from the figure sucking him off and working his hole.
"Oh I like that sound," Wynon said as he continued the sexual torment.  His tongue moved up and down the length licking and teasing the hardened organ.  "Your moans are beautiful music," he explained with a wide grin.  He watched his human try and fight then give in to his urging.  He saw the exact moment when Vaaris' will broke and he gave himself over to Wynon's desires.  "Yes, yes, my little toy.  You're mine now.  And what do you want to feel next?"
Vaaris tried to discipline himself, but he couldn't anymore. This large figure was breaking his will bit by bit. It was too intense for him to keep fighting. If this was his fate for wanting to keep his kingdom safe, so be it? Why not be this demon's chubby pregnant---what did he even want to be? Either way, the thought turned the knight on as much as he didn't want it to occur. That was unfortunately what happened when someone like him never had a sexual experience before.

"You," he panted deeply. "I want to feel you."

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