Night Bearing (Closed)

Ryne breathed slowly, trying to stay awake. "Damian, its okay. But you're drinking animal blood." He said chuckling.

Damian kissed rynes forehead " I'm sorry I'll go hunt for you..."

Ryne nodded as he decided to rest. He had a dream of him and Damian and their large family enjoying a day in the sunlight. Ryne woke up, wondering what that dream meant.

When he woke up strong contractions hit him he was still weak from the blood loss

Ryne felt the contractions and lied on the bed. He didn't have the strength to do anything and simply cried. He wanted Damian with him but he didn't have the strength to push, that was scaring him.

Damian couldn't find anyone to bring back to ryne he looked everywhere the contractions got more intense and all ryne wanted to do was asleep

Ryne was really worried now. He started to push but he was too weak. Tears began to go down his face. He was scared and alone.

The head immediately crowned Damian started his run home and Roy hearing his fathers cries walked in " Daddy you okay?"

Ryne looked to his son. "I'm fine Roy. Daddy's just..." He said before trying to come up with an excuse.

" your what? Where's papa?" He asked scared as ryne got another contraction

Runs grimaced, trying to hold his pain. "Papa just went out to get something. He'll be back, don't worry." He said rubbing his belly.

" you don't look good daddy" Roy stated worried as he came over rubbing rynes stomach

Ryne smiled. "It's okay. The babies are coming so their just telling me that they're coming." He told his son, enjoying his belly rub.

Roy nodded and smiled and Damian walked in

Ryne smiled before grimacing from a contraction. "Damian, please help me. I'm kinda scared." He said

" baby what's wrong? " he rushed to rynes side

Ryne rubbed his belly. "I'm not strong enough. I'm not sure if I can do it this time." He said with tears going down his eyes.

Damian kissed rynes neck " your so strong I know you can"

Ryne shook his head. "I can't. Not this time." He said glumly, crying in fear and defeat.

Damian rubbed rynes stomach " your gonna be fine you just need food...Roy take your brother and sisters and find daddy something to eat if not a person a bear or deer"

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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