Open Running along together (Centaur Story)
It also brings peace to Lumin's heart that his mother was now free from worries. He had more than enough trust on Gerard and their friends to keep the labor and birth predator-free. Also with Mrs. Dashwood aiding them, he feels assured that all will work well on that day.

There's no need to worry any more, ma. I have My Gerard and friends to keep me well. There was fondness in the eyes of the omega, at the same time it gleamed with love for the taur embracing him.


The gloomy weather didn't hinder the couple from finding joy the next day. As they lay at each other's side, bodies heating in kisses and nips to various pleasure spots, the centaurs smiled at each other, loving every second they can praise the contrasting bodies. The dark, muscled alpha before him, Lumin takes pride with his claim. Such a majestic creature that he once could only phantom of having. He has the best alpha he could ever wish for. And he vowed silently, as intimate touches continued to be exchanged, that he would only offer all his love for this one centaur (that is until the foals come and take places in his heart also, but besides family, there would be none).

Soon they found sleep having been drunk from their love. Mine, and only mine.


The rain had let up and the sun was back to warm up the cold lands. The couple was sleeping when the omega woke for a quick snack. Slowly he pried off the hands of the still asleep alpha and edged to the side of the bed. Still groggy, he stumbled over the fallen sheets. Luckily he was able to regain balance and was then heading to the kitchen. He sat to one of the chairs, munching on honey-glazed apples.

(it's alright!)
The farmer rolled over in bed, holding the name of the golden beauty in his sluggish voice. The scent of the healer blessing the sheets with a peppermint hint, along fresh apples and ..... traces of seed? Not the kind related to plants if the word wasn't clear enough.

... Awesome. He thinks, falling in a weird space between total silence and day light. The mattress hugs him, convincing him of drifting away again, cold rainy air and warm blankets helping on said resolution. He shifts again, stretching his back while his manhood stands proud under the covers. How could you blame him though? He's happier than he has been in years; family around, new mother praising him, four foals on their way and the intoxicating aroma of Lumin filling the room. The alpha on him wakes up before his rational brain, grunting at emptiness at his side. Certain tool goes mad when he remembers the night they conceived their children.

L, gods you are beautiful. Finally he opens his eyes, whinning a bit 'cause his lover isn't there. He stands up ignoring his playful member, yawning, smiling at the taur lovely munching on apples. The prince that lightly snored against his chest the whole night, before the giggles of early morning.

Slowly he walks, remaining unnoticed to the other. Hard to contain desire when he sees that gold and white tail switching side to side, exposing the perfect rump of the omega. Come on Gerard, grow up. He scolds himself, surprising Lumin when big hands travel from his rear, along his coat, massaging his neck and holding his face for a long kiss. The stallion seductively licks the honey from his mate's lips, tongues dancing in sync.

Mornin' love. He manages to say despite his lazy accent. Good choice, but don't worry. I'll make breakfast for ya. They touch foreheads and some minutes pass before the alpha actually starts cooking. Eggs, yogourt, fresh sandwiches and jelly he found on the cooling box. (Thanks mom for that one)

He assaults L's neck and belly while the food is ready. Delicious. He has that unique rumble going again on his chest. Mine


After having breakfast, naked, 'cause why not? ; the lovers take a shower together. The bath was relatively calmed, considering they weren't eating each other in feverish pecks. Instead, Gerard bends down, rubbing the swollen tummy and gently stroking Lumin's tired hoofs. Just one month sweetie. He slowly rises, planting kisses along the way, from legs to cheek. Love you so much.

With the passive already knowing his family customs, dominant places a daisy on the golden tail, struggling to believe how perfect the other looks.

You do realize that I'll have to fight a lot of alphas when we're back on town, right? He recieves a chuckle and a confident, smug face from the omega. Yes!, great to see him this confident, just as it has to be.

Don't laugh!. You look perfec.t I'll defend you with my life. He fakes a hero expression. Not that you can't fight for yourself, my badass mate. He states proudly.


They couldn't leave without a bunch of omegas drowing them with gifts for the babies. They carry as much as they can while Helena sighs, sadly hugging the herd leaders.

Come back whenever you want Helena, plase. Whines Deliah, as Otto hugs the two mares and nuzzles them.

There they go again! Lumin, Chester and Rosa are the ones to use the phrase this time, earning a sudden laugh from everybody, especially their alphas.

The adults just ignore them, hiding grins of their own.
The apples were left forgotten when a hand brushed his rear and came in the view of his mate, seductively coming near to lick the honey he was not aware had spilled on his lips. There was sweetness in the kiss, accented by the sweet treat the omega was eating earlier. Breakfast came after a while, and though it was enjoyed, still the couple can't be relieved from their intimate antics. Only yours.


Even when taking baths the omega gets pampered. He would lean on the wall as the alpha bathed with him. And  he could only smile as his husband encouraged him more, and the active foals as well. Yes, just one more month, and we'll have our stars with us. He would giggle at each peck, and when the dominant had reached his face, after the mate kissed his cheeks, he aimed for the lips, a cheeky smile on his face. I love you, G. So much!

The daisy looked beautiful on the white hair, the omega smiling was also helping. He chuckled at the compliment (?) given to him by his alpha through a confident statement. I'm sure with an over protective alpha in tow, others won't even try getting near me. Lumin chuckled further, amused with the childish side of his mate revealing itself again. I'm sure you would, my hero. And of course, what is a hero without his awesome sidekick.


They were about to leave when omegas of the herd came chasing them with gifts. Thank you very much, for all of this. He saw his mother at the side, bidding her farewell to her new found brother and sister. He laughed but he really hopes that even though his mother had to return back to their home village soon, she would be able to visit more often. She would really miss out if not.


They were heading home, with the gifts mostly carried by Gerard. They were walking slow, and he knew it was because of him. But he didn't mind, the longer he could still spend time with his mother. The omega frowns knowing that she might not be there for the birth at all. In his thoughts, he hadn't noticed that he was starting to space out. Lu, is something wrong? and he has snapped out of it. No, I just... I love you, ma, always. The mother was at first confused as to where this was all coming from but still responded. I love you too my moon, always.


A week had passed since their return. The couple was same as always, all so youthful and loving with each other. Gerard continues to treat his wife like royalty and Lumin a pampered mate indeed. The farmer still goes to the farmlands to attend to his duties and would only return later to his mate. All was assured even though as the alpha trusted his mother-in-law to take care of his mate in his stead. The omega still do light household chores, but more often, his mother and mate would find him sleeping. He's been dong this a lot recently.

When Gerard returned from another day at the fields, Helena greeted him. And when the alpha asked for his omega...

He's asleep, like for almost the whole day. He was awake for about 3 hours doing some chores, and then he was back to sleeping again, saying he feels tired. I'm starting to worry, actually. But Lumin doesn't seem worried, and he's a healer so maybe he is behaving as he should be in this stage? An aroma filled the air and the old mare perked up.

Oh I'm almost done with dinner. Can you help me set up the table, dear?
While Lumin seems to lack on energy close to his due date, Gerard feels his senses sharpen. Adrenaline and testosterone saturate his bloodstream, thanks to the estimulating carrying hormones coming from his mate. On all realms, every healer would tell you that's a natural reaction. The omega needs safety for his children, so his body makes the alpha aware of that, ready for any threat. Centaurs, humans, fauns, satyrs, werewolves... All species follow the same treat.

Now the stallion snaps at every dominant that comes to the door. Thankfully there has been just two. However, he doesn't show his impulses to Lumin, because he's betten than a wild horse, and his angel needs him focused and calmed.


He fondly answers Helena's question. Yes mother, I actually talked with the head healer a few days ago. Is normal for him to feel like that, more considering that there are four foals. He smiles as reality hits him. Yes, four perfect foals.

The mare nodded, requesting help. Gerard placed the plates and some food on the table, leaving the rest to mother as he enters their room. His prince is making a priceless face, barely snoring and swishing his tail as a hand rest on the sacred belly.

Wake up lazy moon. Whispers Gerard, leaving faint kisses on the other's frame. Dinner is ready.
Lumin stirred but still slept on, lost in peaceful rest. Gerard was adamant, though, in waking him up; and after several more attempts (the kisses woke up his senses), the omega slowly woke. Sleepy eyes stared into the greens of his alpha. The sight was adorable; the healer looking like a child confused. G... Dinner?... Can I sleep... more? The omega was helpless as he tried his best to keep his eyes open, only to start dozing off again after every word said. Between the need to eat and the need to rest, seems like the latter is winning for the pregnant taur.

Gerard sighed as he saw this, but still in all its amusement, he chuckled. With his mate not able to stay awake for so long to even go to the kitchen, the dominant opted to bring his passive food, and just woke the centaur to feed him at least half of the food he had brought. It was not an easy feat with the smaller dozing off and on. I'm really sorry for this, love.... I'm just so tired all of a sudden... (yawn).


It was another day of finding something to do for Lumin. Dishes washed, laundry taken care off, floors swept. What was still there to do? And then he saw the small garden outside. Her mother had made it claiming that their home looked dull for a couple who would be starting a family soon. She was just so sure her grand children will adore the flowers as much as she does.

Maybe the flowers need some watering.
And so he went out, a little water can on his hands. Mom, I'll be outside to water the flowers!

-Alright dear. I'll be out to do some errands. Be sure to come inside before the sun sets okay?
-Yes, mom!

The task was relaxing the omega. The flowers looked ethereal being bathe with water drops that appeared like crystals under the shining sun. He felt the foals kicking, and with a smile had rubbed his active belly. The flowers are beautiful, my stars. When you arrive, I promise to show you each and every one that is in your grandmother's little garden. This is her second gift to you. You are really loved you know. He continued to water the plants. Each one he admired and informed to his babies.

It was when he was at the very end that he felt a short slight tightening on his stomach that surprised him and got him a bit breathless, but otherwise fine. He paused to take a break on a bench to soothe the foals who seemed to be worked up. Everything's fine little ones. Daddy's body is just preparing for your arrival. haaa...haaa.. Lumin breathed in and out, deep and slow.

The sun was starting to set and this is what raced the omega's heart more. Gerard was due to return home soon, and if he was to be found by the alpha in this state... who knows how he'll react. He was aware of the farmer's increased protectiveness, and though he found it admirable, he hopes this won't trouble him too much. His husband must be tired and he should really not trouble him more with this.

He tried to get up, but he found his legs have become wobbly; and was forced to remain there, still panting and comforting their anxious stars. He hoped he could recover soon before his love arrives, but alas, the said alpha was already at view heading to their home.

(Mostly a filler, but I want to know what you would prefer to happen next. :) )
(You will see Cool . That was a nice move by the way.)

Gerard indeed enjoyed the grace of his sleepy mate. He managed to feed him some grapes and toast, caressing L's neck and back during the process. How could he drag him out of bed, with such a sweet question? That would have been a crime.

Nothing to be sorry for angel. Just eat something for me, yes? Then you can go back to sleep. He kissed his forehead.


The month continued leaving only 15 days for the due date. Every morning, Gerard feels anxious, leaving Lumin, even if Helena is still joining them at home. Lowering his head, he tries to finish his tasks as soon as posible, praising the help of his friends. Today he put his attention on Chester, while they harvest, along with the other's recently introduced mate. The couple stoped their giggling and focoused on the future dad.

I get your fear G. Actually, even if his healer coworkers say everything is good, I have my doubts. Says Ches, taking a break with his alpha hugging him. Yeah man, no offense but four foals may be too much for his body. You should ask permission and just wait 'till your babies are safe. Adds the beefy taur, plastering a smile on his omega friend's neck.

Gerard would like to thank them properly, acknowledging the effort of the new taur to fit in Chester's group of friends. However, he can't get Lumin out of his head. That's why his omega fellow is walking with him now back to the village.

-Dude, tell me the names-
-What?- The farmer comes back from his train of thought, making Ches laugh.
-The foals, the names for them-
-Ohh, yes. Well, actually we are hoping they are two and two. Boys and girls. Loraine, Louven, Gia and Gabriel, for our initials you know?- He gets lost again in his head, smiling fondly at those names.
-They're great- Assures the smaller partner.
-Thanks bro. I'm still scared though-

Those words would materialize minutes after, when they find the young carrier laying on the grass. Lumin! Gerard yells, quickly bending down to help his lover. The alpha knows it. He feels his omega almost ready, but decides to take his angel to the clinic, just to be sure of what he's thinking.

Chester, go for Scarlet and Rack, please. Anyone who wants to come, I think.... He trails off. Sweetie, tell me, what you feel?
The other omega nods and heads to the farmlands quick.


Stumbling into the emergency room, one of Lumin's colleages recognizes him, taking the couple inmediatly to a private room where Mrs. Dashwood is waiting.

Lad! He greets Gerard first, giving him a look that doesn't need words.

Ma'am, we will have to go to the forest right? He asks with a mix of fear and hope on his face, muscles damped in sweat, mostly from the angst.

Yes lad, I will run a quick test but, you two should prepare for the walk there. The elder mare starts preparing a local sedative, to mantain the pregnant male on his feet until they reach the safe place. The couple is going into primal mode know and a delivery on a crowded clinic would put a lot of stress on them.

Meanwhile on the farm, families and friends split in two. The herd leaders run to town in case their sons are there, finding Helena on their way. Scarlet and Rackli waited on the forest entrance as planned.

Sunset arrives...
 Lumin was still quite breathless when Gerard and his friends arrived. He wasn't aware of their arrival at first having closed his eyes with the hope that it would help him focus on calming his nerves. The foals were starting too tire out, and he smiled liking the thought that he's still be fine. At the same time he heard the deep voice of his lover and only then that he became aware. He looked up with exhaustion evident on his slightly sweaty face. The smile on him was assuring though.

I'm feeling fine. Breathless, but otherwise fine. It just caught me off guard. hoo... He barely sent a smile to Chester and to the other stallion that he assumes to be his mate before he was helped up by Gerard. He gave him a kiss, thankful that his alpha is with him now.

Slowly they headed for the clinic, the omega even more out of breath than before. The heavy weight of the taur was almost all on the supporting mate; the grip on those muscled arms tighter with the fear of falling with how unstable he was walking. Good thing that it was all on the weight and the foals were behaving themselves as they sleep, if it wasn't the case, they might have more problems with traveling there.

Mrs. Dashwood immediately met them and led them to a room so that the struggling taur can be checked by her. She starts by getting the sedative and injecting it to the lower half of the omega. This was followed by a check on the pulse and a feel on the swell. She nodded in understanding the situation. The mare smiled at the omega and caressed the hair of her apprentice who was starting to feel better with the rest and the sedative. The alpha was also acknowledge with a smile.

Lumin is almost ready. Not yet but certainly almost there. It would be best if you start settling at the forest. At the rate he's in we might be expecting some babies before the 15th day arrives. He's literally at the point where he can pop any moment. It can be days from now or even just within hours. Just always be ready from now on, alright. The belly felt lower, if you hadn't notice, and how the foals seemed anxious and squirmy also adds to this conclusion. A kick was seen bulging out from the tummy, and the white omega had reached out to calm that part, excited at the same time nervous of how he'll be a daddy very soon.

Now I don't want to rush you or anything but I advise you start heading for the forest if all things had been set. Gerard, as Lumin might still take time building his nest or be ready to give birth, I would recommend staying at a cabin for the mean time. Do you have one at bay? If so then you should be off then, it would be more dangerous for the both of you to travel and settle when darkness falls.

The herd leaders then came rushing into the room with worried faces. The couple just chuckled at how worked up they seemed. Soon, but not yet. We'll be heading to the forest though. He said as if already knowing the incoming question.

(Thanks, I was worried you won't like it. Lumin will give birth after two days of staying at the cabin. Gerard will be informed when it happens despite being at the farms at that time. Is this alright? Blush I hope this won't ruin any plan, I'm excited of what you'll come up with! )
(Needed translations at the end of this post)

The couple set off. The stallion silent on a sweating competition with his lover. However, Lumin's grace and brave mien were all Gerard needed to cast a calmed stare over the pregnant healer, leaving kisses and marks of strong hands whenever they stopped for a break. The road, considered a shortcut to the outskirts of the village most of the time, now prooves to be a challenge.

They cross tails, staying like that as a symbol of protection (Not to say love). Fortunately, Mrs. Dashwood was there to witness it. An alpha wihtout their omega has not strenght. An omega without their alpha has not safety. [u][/u]She remembers that old statement while keeping an eye on Lumin, happy to be close to her apprentice on his birth.

You are doing great angel, almost there. Says Gerard as the farm appears on the distance. L keeps holding his stomach for dear life, wincing at the increasing pain. A particular scent fills the air and spreads with the breeze. Stress. It slaps the dominant in the face, making him crouch and breathe evenly with his sunshine. He keeps hearing how much it hurts, but crying or saying sorry won't fix anything. Instead, he sings to his family. The wind gives in making possible to hear the low, deep voice of the stallion.

para enamorarme ahora
volverá a mi
la maldita primavera
de sueños y...
para enamorarme basta una hora
pasa ligera
la maldita primavera
pasa ligera
para ti y para mi

The cheering words, usually sung on celebrations of his spanish ancestors during spring, are now charged with love and a soft, slower tone. He knows Lumin doesn't understand it, but by the look they share, it isn't necessary. He does it for his foals. A soothing melody before the storm you could say.

The elder mare encourages them to keep going. The gods seem to be on their side, as Helena comes from another path, herd leaders seconds after her. Inmediatly she helps her son up on one side, alpha on the other, walking the short distance left to the cabins. Two caring mares, boss and mother, lead the carrier to a prepared cabin.

They're close L. Gonna set everyhting. Stay strong, please. G kisses his mate's forehead, covering him in a long hug before speeding to the borderline. Scarlet and Rackli right behind him, taking positions while he and father get the nest ready. Normally with more time, the omega will make the nest and invite his alpha in as a show of trust. There's no time for that though. Not that it makes the ocassion less special. He's proud of doing this for his sunshine.

Hay, blankets, hot water, clean towels, candles. Everything ready under ten minutes, with falling leafs from the big sequoia like a final touch. They have family, a safe place, no wolves on sight and lots of blessings. That only leaves the wait. The pained grunts of his everything coming from the cabin, mixed with the joy of their children almost here, drawing their future.

Chester has to hold his hand, stoping the tremble mass of muscles, while Deliah prepares some tea.

-I know what you thinking son- says Otto, squeezing G's shoulder.
-What dad?- He tries to push away the fear with a weak smile. It doesn't work.
-You only see flashes right? Like, mine, foals, family, love, omega, mine- He sips some of the delicious beverage.
-Yeah, exactly that! How....-
-What do you think I felt when you were born?- He chuckles. -Lumin will be fine. He's stronger than he thinks. That's his advantage-

Gerard just nods. -Can't be truer dad-

He waits for the sign. If Mrs. Dashwood allows it, the couple will be left alone on their nest, experiencing the miracle of life.


(The singing part is the chorus from the spanish version of the song: Maledetta primavera. written by Amerigo Paolo Cassella in Italian. It bacame very popular in Latin America)

To fall in love now
Will come back to me
The damn spring
From dreams and...
Fall in love just needs an hour
lightly passes
The damn spring
lightly passes
For you and for me

(I know, trust me, it sounds a lot better on spanish. Also, don't get confused by the lyrics. There's no hate on the intention, at least not here)
The trip to the cabin was to say the most uncomfortable that Lumin had been. The beautiful scenery of the sun setting, and windy flowery meadows they passed through weren't able to amuse the omega; even the cool breeze of the incoming night wasn't enough to stop sweat from pouring across white fur. He was in pain and wasn't liking it at all. He was excited for the foals, yes, but the spasms weren't making the experience any enjoyable.

The omega was brought back to the comfort of his alpha, a tail intertwining with his and arms strengthening their hold as he felt his knees getting weaker.

G...It hurts... he said pitifully as they continue to travel the now orange paths. He was wincing and moaning and for dear life holding on to his aching stomach as if it would weigh him down to the ground once he let go. He tried to breathe as he would teach his laboring patients, mustering the strength to smile as his mate crouched to level with him and guide him through it.

Lumin didn't understand a single word of what was sung to them, but at the same time he understood every word of it. Strange? Not to the omega who felt all the feelings his love wanted to express with the song. It was as if Gerard's soothing voice had very well translated every bit of Spanish he sung. And for a moment the pain faded, the omega ceasing his heart's numbing ability to reach his free hand to the equally sweating face and to pull the dominant for a chaste kiss.

It's beautiful, G, just like your love that I love. The gods were merciful enough to at least spare them this moment before letting the numbness wash away and the omega back to hurting.

With the encouragement of his boss, and the presence of his mother supporting him at the other side, Lumin trudged on, though by the time they were near, the moon was mostly being dragged by the sun with how exhausted he became.

Lumin's knees buckled at the moment he lost his alpha by his side, thankfully his fall was broken by the makeshift bed he was guided in. He was alright, but Helena was finding herself worrying even more. She turned to look at the head healer who was then beginning to check on the pained student's condition.

- I thought you said it was not yet time, why is it not like so? A groan from her son got her offering her hand only to be squeezed tightly.
- He's not yet ready, there's not indication of it being time, but the foals were tricked otherwise because their mother had been distressed a while ago. She was told about it, the incident at the garden.
- The foals had been restless since then, thinking that the initial stress was their signal to come. Add to that is Lumin nearing his limits. A 20 minute walk with four full term babies who are restless would surely tire any one out. I'm even impressed he didn't pass out.
-What are you going to do then, since as you said it's not time?
- I'm going to inject him a safe suppressant. It would lessen his stress levels and hopefully with that gone his pains will be as well. The mother just nodded as his hand was gripped tighter.

As Gerard had already made the nest, the healer thought best that the omega be brought there first, best in the care of his alpha, before the shot was made. It wasn't easy though as Lumin, already tired, was to be forced to get up again and walk more. I-I can't... hurts... oohh.. Thank the gods he still made it.

In Gerard's hold, both in the nest, he was prepared for the shot, turning him sideways carefully. This would sting, dear.

And it did, really bad, proven by the loud cry Lumin let out as he gripped tighter on the comforting hand of his mate, head burying deeper into the chest.


But after it was the taur finding peace in his womb, and before the two companions were able to realize, our moon had began drifting to sleep.
Lumin. The stalllion whispered. Sleep my angel, you need it. He rests his lips on L's scalp, creating the characteristic rumble of an alpha watching over his family. The warmth of their bodies was enough to ignore the cold breeze prowling thorugh the forest. Just minutes ago, his everything was screaming in pain, and call a lightning if it wasn't the most heart-breaking noise he has ever heard.

It shouldn't be like this. The precious creature at his side has lost so much. Before crossing tails for the first time, Lumin was a brave, smart omega, always keen to put a smile on others, ignoring his it he needed to. He works hard and loves the chestnut mate with all his essence. Then why does he has to go trough pain? Any pain. Gerard wishes he could take it away, oh gods he really does.

Now the taur watches the night sky portion he can from where he's laying, rubbing softly the distened belly. They're restless, like daddy. He thinks. But Papa is here, papa will be always here. He makes the promise with nobody hearing him. Just the stars and a smiling Kean with his two angel colts. Father. He solemnly speaks, not referring to Otto. I hope I have your blessings. A burnt wood aroma brought by the wind fills his nostrils. The same smell Helena catched when she met Lumin's father.

Thank you

He cries quietly, holding for dear life to his white and golden future.

The sky turns a shade of light purple.


Gerard stays awake, soothing his angel when he winced in pain, only to fall asleep seconds after. He wants them already here. The idea of Lumin suffering during birth stops him though. Even with a perfect life ahead of them, that single moment scares him.

Well, look on the bright side! Your friends are just meters away guarding this tree, the most experienced healer of the region has Lumin's back, you feel the blessing of his father and the presence of his mother, not to mention yours. What the hell are you worrying about? His brain questions.

Let me guess. Oh right, the fact that my bonded mate may suffer and I'll be just the fool standing there? Answers his soul.


Gods, centaurs are complicated. The story would be much shorter with orcs. Still, four anxious starts are close to shine on the main scene.


The alpha wakes up from a very short nap, to find his mate breathing slowly, walking around the nest. An equine instinct to help the foals accommodate prior to birth. He walks with him, holding him close.

-G... need to finish this nest-. The omega barely speaks.
-Sure thing my sunshine. Add everything you want, just walk at my side, ok?-

The couple started giggling with no reason. Don't underestimate hormones and musk.
The invisible presence of his father and siblings was also made known to the omega, and suddenly the dreams that made his night became more beautiful. He just felt so sure that the family is watching over him, and proud of their soon to come future.

The dreams were shortly abrupt when a foal was felt causing much pressure on his ribs. It was making it difficult to breathe so Lumin ought to shift his position on Gerard. The shift made him very uncomfortable though that made him wince, but he felt relatively much better having gained more freedom to breathe. A hand unconsciously went to soothe his underbelly, it resting protectively after.

Dream Sequence...

Lumin found himself sitting under a large tree. Leaves were falling behind him, colored with different shades ranging from orange to brown. It must be autumn, he assumes. The place was peaceful, with the winds and gentle rustle of leaves the only music. Then all of a sudden a new sound emerged. It was the laughter of children. Foals? And Lumin thought right as he saw four dripping wet colts running to him, and only then he realized they were near a lake, of the O'Keefe's lands maybe? . They were a mixture of white and chestnut, shining eyes of greens and lavenders.

'Daddy!' they all called out with smiled breaking from their faces. Was these their foals? Two mares and two stallions, a two of each as he predicted. He smiled back, and though he hadn't had a clue what was going on, almost out of instinct he reached in for the towels inside the bag he didn't knew he had and gave one to each colt.

'Did you enjoy your swim?' he said on the spot, not knowing where the thought even came from.

'Yes we did daddy! Swimming is a lot of fun! We found fishies and shells and...' Oh those happy faces were priceless, and as a mother-to-be to these joyous bunch, he feels his heart swell further with love and pride for every one of them. He was sure that these little ones will grow up well.

Another voice came from behind. 'They were really hyped up in the water, had a hard time keeping an eye on them.' He turned to look and certainly it was his mate. But as they were about to kiss, giggles erupted from the children and all became so blindingly bright.

The omega woke with sun already up and warming the cabin. He felt his cheeks slightly moist and thought that he might have cried a little in his dreams. It was really a good motivation, getting him more excited for the foals' arrival. But it also go him more anxious to have the nest finished.

He was feeling better, the pains were gone but still the unsettling heavy feeling was there. Carefully getting out of the alpha's hold and getting up, he circled their nest slowly in deep thought. He kept on scenting the nest, not easily pleased with the amount he already scented on it, circling it even more to think what he felt was still lacking.

In his concentration, he didn't notice his love already beside him, supporting him with his wobbly steps. - G... need to finish this nest. - And if he beamed at the received approval and assistance  from the mate. He feels more assured now, him in a better mood to have his mate with him.

Flowers! That's what this needs. He thought as the scent of it calmed his senses through a strong breeze, but as he was pulled closer to his mate, his head drawn near to his husband's neck, that he thought he wanted it to be scented by another thing or someone. He wanted Gerard's musk to remain strong as he birthed, strong enough to reach him and the babies amidst all pain instantly setting off a calming effect. Dried leaves and a bit of moist mud, that would suffice to hopefully replicate his desired musk.

Love, flowers, drier leaves, and... mud. He knew the last might be a bit strange, but he was feeling for it. C-can you ... help me get them?
(Great dream sequence) :D

The mud certainly sounds out of place, but Gerard just chuckled and went outside with his mate, both enjoying a serene breeze with warm sun rays. Scarlet waved on the distance, smiling at the couple and amazed with the glow coming from the healer. Laughing, they walked a few yards. Lumin focused on getting the desired leafs while his alpha collected some fresh sludge.

The flaring nostrils of his angel weren't unnoticed, so the stallion released more of his musk. Being between salty and relaxing, the smell covered the omega, bringing peace to the foals. They exchanged winks and smiles like partners in crime, tail twitching.

After a while, a pond next to where Gerard was standing gave him an idea. He joined his sunshine, finishing the nest, saving a grin. Every movement of his sunshine stole air from his lungs, increasing his joy. The sun bathing that messy, white fur. Those golden locks and the purple of his deep eyes.

Babe. He whispered, hugging L from behind as he decorated. I love you sweetie. How are you feeling?


They had breakfast on their "secret" place. Yes, that tree that everyone was trying to take a look at from the farm. Totally secret.
Just herbal tea, lots of water, pears and bread were allowed to the carrier. Hunger wasn't a problem though. Lumin rested on G's chest, eating lazily and shifting his weight constantly.

When they finished, the dominant's idea left his lips. Lu, would you like to take a shower by the pound back there? I know you feel sweaty and all. Maybe some fresh water can calm you and our lights. He proposes with the face of a colt.

Hmmm, what a conciedence. Four foals enjoying the water, on the family lands, with Papa watching and daddy smiling. Sounds like a dream, doesn't it? It's almost like their lives were orchestrated by one or more narrators.

Holding hands, the lovers entered the pond, kissing chastely and caressing each others coats. Lumin, you made me the happiest alpha alive. I hope I made you the happiest omega. He whispers, casting his eyes down. Nothing compares to you.
(Thanks! :D )

The hunt for the desired items of the omega wasn't difficult; of course it wouldn't be with the protective alpha making things easier for him. Oh how he wish their friends hadn't gone annoyed with how demanding they had been. But for all they've done, Lumin, surely Gerard, is very grateful to them.

Picking leaves was an everyday task of the healer, as he was expected to keep the herbal medicine supply at stock, and had always found the task to be easy. Now, days away from being due, the task had become more of a challenge. A basket on his arm, the omega would slowly bend down, the other arm cupping and supporting his belly that got active every time he did the motion, and slowly get back up again. He did this for several times aiming to have enough to finish the nest.

Flowers were next, and as much as he liked the scent of them, he wasn't keen on repeatedly reaching for it. He would reach up, reach down, left and right, and all those stretching had always had at least one of the foals to shift position in their mother's womb. It was quite the uncomfortable experience for the first time mother passive.

He was uncomfortable, but still he was thankful that it was just that. He wouldn't be able to thank his mate so much for releasing his relaxing musk, and continuously encouraging him through the smiles and watchful loving smiles that got him feeling energized always. There were even times that they would goof off and would laugh for their silliness (cheesiness.)

A tail intertwined with his and the familiar arms got him from behind. He looked at his basket and saw that the amount he collected would be more than enough.  There was the content smile plastered on him before looking back to stare back into green orbs with weary looking eyes.

Hmmm.... I'm feeling tired, love... and a little hungry, but otherwise we're all doing good. Our stars were very kind not to be so active. He chuckled weakly.

The breakfast at their "secret" place was able to give Lumin some energy back. The bites and amount he had eaten were small, the omega not having much space anymore for food because of the babies. He took his time eating, laying on the grass making him to shift again and again because it wasn't just comfortable, even with Gerard supporting him from behind. His cargo didn't make it quite comfortable.

L almost dropped the pear he was about to eat when the proposal was made, eyes watered secretly before beaming as half-crescents that just screamed how happy he is with the suggestion. Who knew? It was just moments ago that he dreamed of his family and the pond, and now there is this. Thank the gods for  such the coincidence!

I'd love to! A refreshing cool bath sounds good at the moment. But at least I should have you join me.

They came holding hands, but the white taur was sure that his hold had tightened sometime. He was clearly afraid of slipping. Good thing G was there to assist him patiently, and with a kiss and a soothing hand of admiration for each other, all became at peace.

I'm honored, G; and I could assure you that you really did. Nothing pleases me more than being your omega.  He splashed the waters playfully towards the alpha in a fit if giggles. And nothing can compete with you. I love you, my alpha. Thank you for everything! For giving me my happiness, and now these foals that would make our lives brighter and more complete. Whatever distance between them was closed as Lumin led a hand of Gerard to his swell, kissing him at the same time. Their love, the clear sky and calm waters their witness.
He should expect by now that every word coming from the angel's mouth was a direct hit to his heart. Sometimes the dominant asks himself what good action rewarded him with those purple orbs every morning. And the splashing? That was a good touch, considering they ended damped, curled in a ball of giggles and praises for their foals. Actually, you could see the alpha crouching down every hour, kissing his mate's abdomen and talking to their offspring. L's words are still playing on his mind, and he can't avoid but feeling calmer and proud.


The day goes on and with the sun fading, it becomes clear that the foals aren't coming today. They pain still lingers though, so Gerard keeps Lumin close to him at their nest, this time lulling the carrier with a song he understands. Despite that, the passive doesn't fall asleep. Headache and slight pain on lower sides holding him back.

I have no words sweetie. You and all the omegas. I don't know how you can go through all this. He says with admiration, hiding L's head on his semi-haired chest, musk coming to action. Wish I could take the pain away. He finishes, cuddling with his partner in crime. (Yeah right. The most honest couple talking about crime)

The starts begin to caress the night sky.

Lumin is thinking how in some years, Gerard will be keeping away their possible fillies from any interested males.

Gerard is thinking how in some years, Lumin will drop all his shyness, doing all kind of things that are gross but funny. Who snores more? Which of them passed some gas? When are they taking the kids to visit grandmas and grandpa?

Silently, they watch in amazement their future, snuggled under the guardian tree.

(Know you like long posts but I would like to give you more control of this stage. You are the carrier, feel free to add all the details you want during this process) Blush
As expected, the young healer woke late, nearing noon already by that time. The nest only rested him, Gerard probably gone off to attend his duty at the farm already. He was saddened at first at the sight of the empty spot, but having found a folded letter, he lit up. So G didn't just leave him after all, and he made brunch too, already expecting his late rise. He giggled at the sweetness of it.

The foals made their presence known to their daddy with the kicks that was sent to him. He laid on his side to have a better view of his belly. Good morning to you too, my stars. he greeted with a hand rubbing. With a bright start, he was just so sure nothing would go wrong with this day.


The omega now rested at the cabin nearby, always keeping an eye for the nest just outside. He'd become very possessive of it you see; even a mere squirrel can't go near without being scared away by the centaur.

The wooden floor would complain if only it could. With the anxiety for the incoming birth, L would go to and fro between the bed and to some room he found to be needing fixing (even though there was nothing wrong). The nest wasn't spared as well as the white centaur would occasionally go out to add more leaves, or rearrange the sheets. He was anxious, and not even the discomfort of the belly could stop him from doing something. Especially so when he started feeling more off than usual. And then all anxiety was decided to be put on the bed, suddenly finding himself not in the mood to do anything more. Was it the pain on his back, or the unsettled foals? Either way he felt weird.

Babies, is everything alright? Are you okay? He asked as he laid in the bed again. He wasn't sure what those kicks meant.

Helena noticed something too when she came to say her farewell. She had been expecting to see her son in something along doing chores or sleeping. Not in such a worrisome state. Lumin was on the bed, breaths slowly becoming pants and face slightly pale. A hand was rubbing the swell, as his son just stared on the white sheets.

Lu, are you feeling unwell? Lumin was startled by the voice of his mom, not noticing her entrance. Unwell? Not quite. He was feeling different but otherwise fine. He looked at her with his smile, sure that this was nothing serious.

-I'm fine, ma.

-You don't look like it to me.
-I'm just feeling a bit off but I know that it's only normal; besides, this maybe just an effect of all the pre-labor anxiety. The mare had gone to sit with his moon on the bed, rubbing the male's back as she draws him to a hug. The top of the white hair was kissed, as well as both his cheeks, and lastly his children-filled womb.

-Oh I hope I could stay a few days longer. If the school wasn't in dire need of teachers, I'll have this chance to comfort and guide you through all pain. Lumin was hugged tighter, and filled with emotions, he teared up in the embrace, holding his mother as tight like the child he once was.

-Ma! Please stay. I d-don't know if I could do this. I'm scared... please, I need you. Helena was broken with how his son confessed. He was scared, who wouldn't  being so young and already carrying multiples on his first pregnancy. She cried for him, really wishing she could stay.

-I'll always be with you, my precious moon. Don't be scared, and don't doubt yourself if you could do this. You are strong, Lumin. Believe in that. I-I can't stay, I'm sorry. But here's what I'll do okay. The flower necklace on her, made of opal and emerald on golden chains, she took from her neck and wore it on his son.

-With this I give you mine and your father's strength. Always remember that no matter what, we're here for you.

-Thank you, ma. I'll remember you with this, like you said. Helena can't help but chuckle at cute sight. Lumin's face was red and the boy was still sniffling, but he said his words full of sincerity.

(This had been more on Helena leaving. I'll be posting the start of the labor on the next post. Thought that it would be good to have it solely focused on another post rather than make this one long with the labor overshadowed. Hope you don't mind doing a filler post regarding on Gerard's thoughts or fears about the birth. Sorry Blush )
(Don't worry, that was a good choice. :)  Of course I'm doing the filler. ;) )

The stallion hated leaving his mate. Even more in the state he was at the moment, sleeping peacefuly and unconciously protecting their stars with a firm hand. Despite that, he knows that half of the herd must be protecting their nest, leaving daily tasks aside. Our big taur appreciates it, but his family is also important. Wanting to give some of that back, he makes sure to leave a note and a pot with fresh rice, along stewed chicken and salad.

My love

If you are reading this then I'm not at your side. I wanted to stay in our little paradise and watch you sleep. See your chest move with your motherly breathing and that seductive tail poking at my rear. Gods, having distance between you and me drives me mad, even when we are just yards away. In the other hand, I wanted to help with some works at the barns. Say thanks to those guarding us at the woods. Do not fear anything though. Our friends are close enough to the nest to assist you in case our foals get anxious.
They'll also give me a shout.

Enjoy your meal my precious moon.
Your alpha.

P.S  Don't blush at this sweetie. Thinking on your warm body preparing for our little ones already gave me a hard-on. Now you know how much control you have over me, Mr. Luna.

P.S 2 That was my inner alpha talking. Sorry love.

He hopes the words were good enough, heading towards the main hall with a full-red face. Afterall, he had to greet his family with an evident happy friend exposing under his frame.

Rosa slightly squirms at the arousal on the air, while Rackli holds her close and looks at Gerard with a smirk.

-Pheromones messing with your head?- teases his friend.
-How did you know?- He sarcastically answers.

-Not only with his head!!- Yells his father on the distance, bursting in laughter and leaving a very ashamed alpha looking at the ground.
-Dad!!!! Come on!-

Morning flew by but angst didn't. G wonders how is Lumin doing, trying to fix a fence for the third time. When frustation starts tp take over, he sees Helena coming closer. She carries her bag and is properly clothed for a long walk. The farmer sighs.

-Already time mother?-
-Sorry son. I wanted to stay, but my work needs me too, the school...- She trails off.
-I know, it's just .... he will really miss you- Admits the male with a sad look.
-I'll look for you both as soon as I can. You can't keep granma away from her grandkids anyway-

The centaurs laugh softy, falling in a long hug.

-Take care mother. Gods be with you-
-I will. All the blessings for you too my sons. Going to see Lumin before the walk-
-Ok. I will go to him as soon as I finish here. Shouldn't take me long-
-Good to hear. Oh, Gerard..-
-Yes mother?-
-They will be ok. Lumin and the foals. They have a warrior after all-

The alpha blushed for the second time today, taking the mare's air out of her lungs with a crushing embrace. If you say so mom

When she was walking to the private cabins, a last phrase returned the humor to G's veins.

-Tell your parents that I really appreciated the lube-
-The lube? But .... oh, mother!! Don't tell me my folks .... uh-

She disolves in laughter. -Just kidding!-

The alpha thinks that's a weird way to relieve the tension, and for that he's grateful.


Sweetie? You here? He asks entering the cabin. Scarlet told him where the carrier was and how he was walking, waking that thought again. What will I do if something goes wrong?. If something happens to my angels, I... The stallion doesn't know how to finish that sentence.

(Sorry for the erotic parts again. I tried to make them as innocent as possible) Blush
(Thank you, and sorry for the long wait! I'm good with the erotic parts. They're just hinted so its fine. :D )

The mother of Lumin had met up first with his son-in-law before she continued her departure from the farmlands. But as she said her goodbyes, there was some hinted warning, an expression of dread. It was like a favor noted in the end.

Gerard dear, I'm sorry if I should impose but perhaps you can return to Lumin's side earlier? I came to bid my farewells to him, and he wasn't looking all to good. I'm worried that these aren't only the effects of anxiety as he had assumed. Make sure that the foals aren't coming yet.

She paused to come closer, the goofiness she had before replaced with deep sentimental emotions. And as she held gaze with those green eyes and had taken larger hands into her own, she smiled.

Gerard, you don't know how much I would thank the gods for giving you to my son. I'm grateful for loving him, caring for him, and everything. Thank you for making him to be a happier centaur. It was only you who brought honesty to those smiles of his. I'm glad he's not faking them any more and had become more confident of himself. Only you my son did that. Thank you. Take care of him and my grandchildren okay? And with that, she solemnly left.


It may have been better to have the mother warn his husband.

After his mother had made her way back, he was left alone in the cabin again. He was still feeling the same uneasiness and had started to worry. The pale body leaned closer to his belly, frowning as he tried to know what is wrong. The babies had gone quiet and barely active after Helena had left. And this made him sure that the uneasiness isn't just an effect of the anxiety.

My stars, what is wrong? Are you getting ready to come out of daddy? He sighed. The setting sun caught his attention. Gerard would be back soon right? Oh how he wanted to have the comfort of his alpha now, make him feel assured that all will be well; that this feeling he has is nothing he should worry of.

Love, please come home. It was a silent plea the omega hoped would reach the centaur on the fields.


It had been ten minutes since Helena had left. By that time our moon had found sleep again, only to be woken up by a need to urinate. So even though he wasn't up for it, he slowly got up and headed towards the toilet. Now standing up, he realized that the foals had gotten lower, nearer to his exit. The shift of weight made him gasp with the unfamiliar feeling, and he had to adjust his stance just so he could accommodate the change. Four legs spread wider, a hand on his back, and another hand for support. His back was now in more pain than before. Again he sighed.

You must be really excited to meet your daddy and papa, aren't you little ones. You might be born very soon. The daddy-to-be smiled at the thought of it, but inside  he knows that he dreads the labor.

He didn't know that his soon would mean today.

Our moon was heading back to their room when his back pain increased. Mmmhh...He had moaned. His hand pressed deeper into the back but it was to no avail as the pain traveled to his belly, immediately contracting the huge mound of flesh.

Aghhh...! Lumin gasped in pain, gripping hard on the table nearby as he struggled to maintain balance. The pain was different from his braxtons. This was definitely worse. A hand instantly flew to his stomach, lavender eyes widening in fear. He might be in labor, and he was alone.

Love, please come home. Please. Though he knew that his mate would still take a while before he could return to him.

The healer just stood there on his place, mind reeling with all things he should be concerned about. What should he do? Thoughts became jumbled, clarity to think blurred. He wasn't even aware that he had began sweating and breathing hard.

Another contraction, snapped him out of it, bracing himself on the the wooden furniture again. He winced and he groaned, head lowered on the table, and a hand braved to smooth the hardening belly with deep rubs.

Lumin, haa.. b-breathe through... it. He would remind himself, considering himself as a patient of his. Hee hee hoo...

When it ended, his first instinct was to go to his nest. But fear overcoming him, he opted to wait for Gerard before going outside. Night is dawning, beastly creatures might start lurking around. With a new resolve, he headed back to the room, trying with much effort to get on the bed before the next contraction starts. With shaky legs, the task proved challenging.

He was fortunate the he did make it on time. On the bed he had already made a makeshift nest of pillows and sheets, which he had gripped and leaned on when the contraction came. Hands held the stomach firmly, the omega breathing heavily with eyes squinted. The contractions were already about 10 minutes apart. He fears the foals would be impatient for their other father.

My stars...p-please wait for papa... to come home. Hngghh.. He'll be here soon. S-stay with ... daddy longer, yeah....oohhh...This hurts. He had curled around the belly more with his body slightly shaking. The omega was getting teary with the pain and fear he feels at the same time. He needs Gerard.

Gerard... where are you? Please come home.

He thanked all the gods when after another contraction, the voice of his alpha came ringing in to the cabin. The pregnant taur wanted to meet him and just cry into his arms, but the contractions were quicker to return. With all the pain, he tried his best to shout as loud as he could.

Gerard! here!
Gerard snaps at the breathless plead, rushing into the room and laying down at his lover's side. Lumin!! Oh sweetie. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Tell me, what do you feel? Where does it hurt?. The words come out in a blast, mimicking the fast panting of the omega. In just seconds the alpha sees the shift on the other's tummy. The increased movement makes his heart jump both in joy and fear, resulting in a low growl heard by all his followers and a scared Lumin holding for dear life to his chest.

The unique display of dominance has his three brothers entering the room, waiting for orders. Gerard's body shifts, blood pressure raising and muscles twisting, slightly growing. Don't be afraid my angel. I'm just trying to protect you. Think you can make it to our nest? He asks, all kindness in his voice, pushing with a gentle hand L's damped hair aside.

The omega nods between muffled words, his alpha caressing the distended belly in an attempt to win some time. Papa is here my angels. Daddy is gonna be ok. The promise comes as a fresh whisper on Lumin's ear, forcing him to bury his nose on the stallion's neck for comfort. You are my brave soldier Lu, don't give up on me.

Rackli gallops to the forest, surprised to see his head alpha an other five warriors securing the perimeter. He joins Otto near the designated place. Chester goes for Mrs. Dashwood and Scarlet helps Gerard to carry the pregnant taur to the big tree. Now he feels small cristals of pain reflexing on his own body. If this is just a fraction of what his sunshine is feeling, then he swears to pay him with pure affection the rest of his life.

Almost there love. He says, giving his father a hopeful look in the edge of tears, while the older dominant just nods and hugs his trembling wife, now standing at his side.

The outside crowd prays.


Their nest is warm, but the stormy wind dancing throught the holes on the log isn't. No matter how much sweat the passive is producing, he can't avoid feeling cold. His alpha takes action instantly.

My angel, look into my eyes and listen carefully, please? He sounds like a father talking to his colt; the third time in less that six months. I can't imagine how much it hurts. You are doing great with our little ones!!. He pauses. But I need you to walk sweetie. At least for a few minutes. Yes, most mares will walk right before birth to help the foals find the exit channel, but asking Lumin to do this sounds just so unfair. However, the carrier reluctantly accepts, squeezing G's hand as their circle their improvised bed.

That's it sweetie. Just a few rounds and you can stop The stallion speaks as Mrs. Dashwood kneels on the entry, waiting for permission.

Watching her there, takes away some of the pain, as not a single howl is heard on the distance....

(Well Shiro, I hope this suits you for the next reply. The birth sequence is all yours. Sorry if this was short compared to what is coming :D )
The log that resides them was filled with labored pants and groans. Our omega is in pain, and though he  had said confidently that he could bear all through it at the beginning, he was surely doubting it now. Our omega is in pain, and he's slowly tiring out.

Lavender orbs that had turned glossy looked hesitant as they met the encouraging face of the alpha. Fear ran through him, and it was clear in how uncertain he looked. It was a while that the pregnant mate ponder. He believes that it would be a risk to stand and walk having found enough comfort in their nest. He feared that the pain would come again. There was also the matter that their walk to the nest (more like the alphas dragging him) had tired him enough. Would he still have the strength to stand, let alone walk? And this time he feared that he might fall. Yes, he was hesitant for a lot of things

But even in the nest, Lumin found out he wouldn't be safe from the dreaded feeling. A new contraction came and he cupped the belly as much as he could, looking at Gerard with pained eyes briefly before closing them shut again. He tried to breathe through it, but that catching his breath was no easy feat.

It h-hurts so much, G. Aghhnn... The grip on the hand of the farmer tightened; and after much debate, the healer reluctantly agreed. Help me up, hon. But it ended with the dominant doing more of the lifting. Once the white taur had been up, he'd stumbled, and was thankful that Gerard was quick to catch him. He clung to the neck of the darker taur, who held him firmly by the waist.

D-don't let me fall, please love.

He was concentrating on breathing, eyes focused on the chest of his love, when the request came. There was another contraction coming, he could feel; and he had held on tighter as he barely made his approval known with a short nod.

Mrs. Dashwood went to work as soon as she saw the slightest hint of a yes from her pupil. Crouching behind her apprentice, she got a full view of the quivering entrance. The white rear was glimmering with sweat, and the hole was protruding ever so slightly. She wanted to feel some, but as her hands came near, she saw it. Her now-patient had started scrunching his face again, and the old mare had took it as her sign to retreat for the moment.

Just as the head healer had stood at the side, Lumin let out a loud cry of pain, his body pushing forward... Ahhhhhh....! As his water broke and fluids splashed from his behind; good thing they were already at safe distance from the nest. While this relieved some pressure for our moon, he wasn't liking the new sensation that came with. The squirms of their foals he feels all well, too well perhaps.

Oh, and that goes his water. Mrs. Dashwood was cheerful in her voice, trying to lessen the panic that both partners have made obvious of. She came to Lumin's side, hearing the more erratic breaths from the younger.

Lumin, dearie, take deep breaths. That's it hee hee hoo... slow and steady. Fortunately the omega was helped to control his breathing to a more regular level; pale shoulders not appearing so shaky any more. She saw the hesitant look on Gerard.

He would need the help of gravity more than ever, son. Let him walk. But as much as willing the alpha was, his mate remained glued on his spot.

Lumin, what's wrong?

I-I'm scared. I-I can't do this, ma'am.
The voice was weak but you could still hear the tremble that came with it. The older healer came into his side and brought him close to her.

You'll be fine, Lumin. We got you. And I'm sure Gerard won't let anything happen to you. Now you need to do this for the foals, they'd need the help. Do this for them? And the omega was convinced. Maybe he could walk a few rounds still?

(Okay! But do be warned that this is my first ever attempt to do labor on my character, I'm sorry if it wouldn't be so much accurate, or pleasing to you Blush )

(Nah, it was perfect. What I thought is that maybe you wanted to describe the foals after birth, but I will write some of that. ;) I'm never displeased with your work. If I had known earlier that this was your first birth scene I would had skip it. Blush )

The future father felt his heart strangled at every pain expression coming from his mate. He understood what the other was feeling, and trust this narrator when it says the only thing the alpha wanted, was to lay down with the omega in arms and see their foals materialize from pure air. That wasn't the case though, because this is the real word, where giving life includes blood, sweat and tears. Certainly air too; huge amounts entering and exiting the lungs every few seconds as the contractions get closer in frequency and the stress floods the place.

Gerard, despite his modesty and concern, wasn't having it easy either. He wishes to be educated like Lumin, to understand the chemistry clash developing on his head. For starters, the hindbrain of the strong male is experiencing a high amount of activity. You could say that part of the brain has been busy for sevaral months now, controling mating instincs, his domiance display before his lover and production of both, alluring and relaxing musk. However, with pain and survival of their offspring in the way, is incredible the amount of stress the hunter is suffering on that zone right now. Add to the mix the sweet smell of pregnant taur, the shocking sight of breaking water and the fearful gaze of his angel. Is to much, but biology itself doesn't notice that.

Lymbic system and Neocortex are battling themselves deciding wherever is best to use reason and remain calm, or focus in their bond, giving priority to what the omega wants. No what he needs. All this results on constant grunting, increased body temperature and an old fashioned alpha display mixed with kindness.

Want to know the bonus point? For the couple, the night is tortuous, long, sharing uncertain thoughts and an avalanche of short strikes. The clock officially mark the change of day and the carrier still has his babies on the way. That until....

Lumin, you are dilatated enough. I need you to push now, ok? States Mrs. Dashwood in a motherly voice. The omega silently cries, squeezing his alpha's hand with enough force to break a bone. Gerard doesn't mind anyway. He's too concentrated on beautiful lavender eyes.

Lu, listen to me. You can do this. You have been through a lot, but now you can proove what I saw from the beggining. You are the bravest taur I ever met.[i][/i] Whit that, they brought together lips and tears, the first foal moving down the birth canal.

A scream erupted from the nest, turning heads all over the farmlands. Seconds of silence after, the big manly alpha is on the floor beside his mate, crying like a child and holding their first baby on arms. A beautiful white-coated girl, some brown patches already showing and the incomparable whinning of a new-born.

She's beautiful L. He sobs, bringing her closer to the mother that can breath calmly for a short period. Our beautiful Loraine. He finishes.

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