Love on Ice (closed)
Victor groans and shakes from pain and exhaustion. He pants heavily and tries to slowly skate around but the contractions began to get too intense and too close together. "Ooh!" He moans lowly and loudly. "Tatsu.." he pleads from pain and exhaustion. "I...let's go home..." he moans,realizing he's going to be giving birth soon and that his water is bulging. He whimpers and tears sneak out of the corners of his eyes and fall on Tatsu's hands. " something.." he cries with fear.

He and Tatsu begin to leave the rink and go home when a strong contraction hits and he sobs trying to handle the pain.
Tatsumi can't help but be filled with worry for this husband. Victor was in so much pain, and he could only hold him as attempts of comfort. "If only I could take all the pain, love. I would."  He kissed him again in the forehead and lifted Victor as the other asked to go home.

"Alright just hold on. Remember to breathe okay." Victor pleads and his anxiety increases. Will they be really alright?

"Hold on, love. When we get back, I'll run a bath for you. They say it helps." Tatsu quickly skated them out of the rink and ran back to their room.

"Wait here, I'll be back soon." He comfortingly rubbed the huge stomach where the babies can be felt squirming inside. "You must be very excited to meet us. But please don't hurt your papa too much."

He went to the bathroom and immediately drew a bath. It was luke warm and he hopes that this is really effective as they say it was. He returned to Victor and carried him to the bath, stripping his clothing off.

"Is the water helping? Is the pain getting less?" He would scoop water to pour into the tense shoulders of the Russian.
He nods. "It feels good.." He moans as he manages to relax against the back of the tub with the lights dimmed. "Mmm..Tatsu.." He moans happily for a little bit before another contraction hit him. "Mmm.. ohh!" He squirmed around trying to get comfortable. "Love!" He calls out, feeling his water begin to break. "Ohhh God!! TATSU!" He shrieks as the contraction causes his water to break.
He gave a sigh of relief, relieved that the pain is alleviating from his husband. "I'm glad you feel more comfortable now, Vi." but all smiles were short-lived when he saw Victor squirming in discomfort, and again letting out a pained moan. He hugged his back and let the silverette hold on to him tightly.

When the once clean water turned pink with the fluids, his eyes widened. "Y-your water broke. Shhh... it's okay; this only means we would get to have our triplets sooner." He smiled at him as if encouraging Victor through his pain.

"Do you want me to call the ambulance, or a midwife, or anyone?" He was starting to be a bit anxious but decided not to show. The triplets are coming for goodness sake!
"Midwife..." he pants heavily as he manages to relax after the contraction. He leans his head over the side of tub as he closes his eyes for a bit. "I'm so scared." He says while looking at Tatsumi. He suddenly gasps and sobs as the first baby dropped into his pelvis.
"O-okay. I-I'll call her, wait for me here." Tatsumi ran for his phone, quickly dialing for the midwife. "Um, yes. Victor's water just broke and can you come over soon? He's in a lot of pain and I don't know what to do. Please come quick!" After the call he ran back to his wife, draining the tub before drying and clothing the male and carrying him to their bed.

Tatsu kissed him as he tucked Victor into bed. Sweat wiped off from the paling skin. "She'll be here soon, love. Everything's going to be fine."
He shrieks as the pressure increases. The urge to push begins to increase as he's in his bed. He growls and. Begins to push as hard as he can. "TATSU!!" He screams as the pain increases even more. He stops pushing and rocks side to side as he labors painfully against the contractions. His stunning blue eyes fill with fear and pain. His silver hair is plastered to his sweaty neck and forehead. "Oh god...Tatsu.." he moans as the contraction ends.
Tatsumi feels so helpless seeing his love writhing in pain. He could only hold him as the other moaned and squirmed, praying to the gods that may things go easier for Victor. When the contraction ended, he wiped of the sweat that had formed on the pale forehead of his lover, and was quick to hand him a glass of water.

"I know, love, I know. You're doing great, so strong for the babies my love." A knock on their front door interrupted them, and Tatsu dashed for it hoping it is the midwife.

"Good evening, where is he?" was the polite question of the midwife that was already rushing in the house. "He's in our room." The midwife quickly went there and in a flash had set her tools.

"Victor, I'll see your progress now alright." She bent in front of his opening, slightly nudging the legs to open wider for her to see below. "Well it seem your babies are quite the excited bunch. Your already at 8 cm, just 2 more and you'll be okay to push. For now just breath for me okay?" She got up and went to rub on the belly. "This might help them faster, dear." Then Tatsumi leaned to press him a kiss.

"Don't be afraid, Vi. You'll be a daddy soon."
He winces and tries to breathe. "H-help.. me up.." He says looking to Tatsumi. He and the midwife help him up and off the bed and kneels against the side of it. He spreads his legs a bit and moans as he rocks his hips through the excruciating contraction. "P-please.. l-let me push!" He cries as he holds the covers tightly in his fists which make his knuckles go white.
"We can't yet, dear, or else you'll tear. Be patient a little more. Hee hoo... that's it breathe for now." The midwife turned to Tatsumi who knelt beside his husband.

"Tatsumi, fetch me some towels and hot water. Your husband is almost ready." He followed obediently after informing Victor of his short leave. He went back, and was met by a loud cry from Victor. The midwife saw him and smiled.

"The 2 cm were reached and now he's beginning to push. Hold his hand. It maybe more comforting to him than grabbing for the sheets." And so he did, returning to the place he had been. "You're amazing, Vi. I'm here for you, so push without fear."
He cries and begins to push as hard he can again. "P-please.. d-dear god.." He strains as hard as he can while holding his lover's hand tightly. The midwife puts a cool cloth on his neck and he rest for a moment. "P-Please pull it out.." He pleads.
"We c-can't just do that, hon. You can do it!" Tatsumi helplessly rubbed the back of his husband as the other pushed. His heart breaks at every groan, and that look of discomfort, oh my he must be able to do something about this. When Victor had found rest, he wiped the face of his love and kiss the drying lips.

"I'm here, Vi. You're amazing you know." another kiss. He slightly turned his head to the midwife in worry. Victor's in so much pain and he still got to push the three babies out.

"The head is already crowning. A few more pushes and it would be out. Your will see your first soon, Victor!" The midwife helped in encouraging the laboring man.
He shrieks at the burning of the head. "Oh!!! God!!" He howls in pain as he strains to push. He sobs as he feels the head push out of him. "Ohh!! Tatsu!" He sobs. " something!!" He pleads in between contractions.
Oh how he really wish he could do something! He eyed the midwife and asked, a thought of solution that had been him for a while.

"Can we have him leaning into me, instead. Maybe it could ease the pain if he would have someone supporting him from behind." The midwife paused to think, Victor panting in front of him.

"He's struggling, maybe a change of position wouldn't be too bad. But still the decision is on Victor." The midwife returned to assisting the man as the head of the baby emerged further.

"That's it Victor, a little more and the head should be out." Tatsumi went to his side again.

"Hear that love, you're doing great! Want to lean on me, it may help lessen the pain." He grabbed a towel and wiped the forehead of his love, kissing it after.
Victor looks to him and nods. "Mhm.." He moans exhaustedly. They help him lean on Tatsumi and he digs his head in his chest and screams into his chest from the burning of the head as he pushes as hard as he can. "OHH IT HURTS!!" He keeps straining to push the large head out. "Ohh god! C-can we h-head to the toilet?!" He asks as he focuses on trying to keep moving the head down.
With the approval of Victor, Tatsumi helped his lover to rest his arms on him and lean on him, his hands wounded at the waist of the man to support him.

"That's it. Does this feel better hon?" When another heart-wrenching cry came from Victor, he worried again. Certainly the change of position didn't help.

Tatsumi was startled when his husband had asked to go to the toilet, but the midwife only sent him an assuring smile. "Victor, why do you want to go to the toilet? Do you perhaps want a water birth instead?" asked the woman gently. She was helping her patient by tugging on the head slightly, and with a few of those  and Victor's pushes, the head of the baby popped free.

"And there we have the head." she cheered, and Tatsumi can only kiss his lover for the great achievement.
"P-please...just... get it out!" He cries out as he rests a bit as the head came out with a rush of amniotic fluid as well. He smiles softly and reaches between his legs and feels the slimy wet big head of his baby. "It's almost here..." he cries happily as he rests against Tatsumi. A few minutes later, he squirms from discomfort from the baby turning. "Ooohhh oww!!! It's stretching!!" He sobs. "Please... owww!!"
"Yes love, we'll be holing our babies very soon." He was filled with pride, and excited even more. He giggled wit his lover and placed another kiss on the silver hair. His hand rubbed the back of Victor, continuously cheering him on, when the pain came.

"Just a little more and... there! Give me strong pushes now, dear." said the midwife.
He screams in agony feeling the shoulders begin to stretch him. "OWWW OHH GOD! IT BURNS!" He sobs and tries to keep pushing through the pain as he feels the first shoulder begin to stretch him to make its way out. He pants heavily and pushes hard, grinding and gritting his teeth as he keeps trying to shove the baby out of him.
"Give me one more big push, dear!" shouted the midwife, she was gently tugging on the shoulders to help the baby slip free already, and as she said one more big push would do it.

Tatsumi continued to rub deep on Victor's back, hugging his lover closer every time the other would howl in pain. He smiled with what the midwife had said.

"Hear that, Vi one more, and we'll have our first born. You can do it!"

And with a loud grunt, another pained scream, the room was filled with the cries of a baby.

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