His. (Closed with Lovebite.)
Devin continued to smile, secretly turning his head and looking back at Nicolas for a second from the corner of his eye. He did that action when his father wasn't looking. He was somehow sad that he was keeping a secret from his stepfather but it was best not to be told to him. He did not know how he would react to the news that he kept secret so well. So he kept that as just that and that alone. He followed beside his stepfather, their steps in perfect sync as they both walked together. For a short while the two men stayed quiet, hearing the sound of rustling leaves and chirping birds above. He loved the forest, it made him sad that he would leave soon but he had a new fate to pursue. Soon before he knew it they were standing upon the back porch. He was surprised at first when his father picked him up in his arms but he was getting used to it. He smirked as he let his father do as he wished with him. He wanted to be with his father one last time.
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.
It was early the next morning, after the long soak with his step father and dinner with his family then the last night of gentle love making that Nicolas came for Devin, he he left him alone for his last night and stood beside the young man's bed where his father had left him to sleep with his wife for the rest of the night. The mage took a careful seat beside the human and reached out gently to push his messy hair back away from his face, leaning in quietly and watching his peaceful face for a moment before he wrapped his arms beneath him to pick him up with his blanket. Not looking to wake him up just yet as he turned away from the now empty bed and faced the full length mirror on the chamber wall, careful with his head as he chanted a low incantation and stepped slowly through it easily like a hot knife through butter. Nicolas laid him down again gently on a small bed, covering him fully with the sheets and standing up straight. Here it was daylight, the sun shone brightly in through the stained glass windows and made the walls dazzle, he grabbed a chair and pulled it up next to the bed and window to sit and await Devin's awakening.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Devin stayed asleep the whole entire time. He did not feel anything as he was asleep. He soon awoke, trying to get the leftover drowsiness from his eyes. He rubbed his eyes gently, looking around the room. He stayed in bed but sat up, feeling wonderful. When he saw Nicolas he smiled, not knowing that he was not with his father anymore. Never again would he be allowed to switch back to his father's realm. Never again and nevermore.He was curious, wanting to explore this new, strange realm.

"Nicolas ..?" Devin said as he got up from the bed and to his feet, yawning once more as he stretched for a minute. He smiled at him. "Nicolas .. do you know where my father went off to? it seems as if I am in a new room of the castle?" He was not ready to hear the news that Nicolas would tell him.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.
The silver haired mage returned the smile softly and scooted his chair forwards a bit more when the human woke up though sat back again when he stood up. "Good morning."He said and watched as he stretched,"He's still in bed."He replied and stood up to his full height as well,"You are in Castle Reich."He corrected him,"Don't you recognize it? It is your room."
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"I see." Devin was quite confused, he saw the room in his dreams night after night. He was not entirely sure if he would be saddened or happy. He got up to his bare feet, not noticing that he was naked. He looked down as a breeze brushed against his bare flesh, gasping in surprise and covering up his nudity with the covers of the bed. He looked around the room, noticing the familiar paintings and furniture. "I recognize it now. Where is the king if I may ask?" He wondered as to if the king would be entering his room soon. He was somehow eager.
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.
Nicholas smiled at Devin only slightly and stepped back, he didn't see the human as someone he was romantically attracted to so it was humorous to see him hide his nudity. "King Reich has trusted me to be your...overseer because I have no interest in things of the romantic nature. Don't worry about showing me anything, I will keep your secrets. All until if and when the King asks answers from me."He turned to head towards the closet in the room and open it, taking out a long silk robe that was patterned in deep colors, coming back towards the man to hand it to him. "You may help yourself to what's in your room, I've made sure it's fully stocked with all that you could need during your stay here."The mage held the robe up to the other and nodded, he liked it,"He's around, doing Kingly things... You will meet him for breakfast."
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Devin bit his lower lip, clearing his throat softly. He nodded, letting his new overseer choose clothing for him. He dropped the covers of the bed, slipping the dark pitch black robe on so that his body was finally clothed. He felt as though he were finally able to sigh with relief. He hummed softly, his voice sweet as honey to any ears who heard it. He may have been a man but he had a feminine like voice. "Thank you Nicolas." He sat down on the bed, relaxing for a while until he was called by the King, his new ruler. He was soon summoned to the kitchen area of the home, finally meeting the powerful, legendary leader of the kingdom. "Thank you Nicolas, you are a tremendous help." He said to the mage, smiling and sitting down on the bed until he was summoned by the new king.
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.
The King was a strong man, he was muscular almost as if made from marble as his skin was a pale grey color, hair long and straight down his back, and eyes a deep red. He stood when he heard the footsteps of the human and smoothed his own robes, watching him come into the dining room where breakfast was spread across the table. A feast fit for nobility, he bowed his head in politeness as a greeting,"I am...delighted to have you join me, Devin."He said, stepping around the table,"Welcome to your new home."He rose his hands as if to physcially show the other what he meant, he was obviously not a human himself as horns grew from his head like the strongest of roots. "I truly hope that you find everything comfortable."
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Devin looked over at the King, noticing just how powerful he was. He noticed that the king seemed demonic like. He felt submissive and quiet beneath the eyes of the man. He spoke only when he was spoken to. It was the way of being when one would grow up in a kingdom. It was his way. He begun to miss his stepfather, wondering as to if he missed his presence like he did of his. As much as he wanted to be back home he said nothing of his stepfather, staying brave and respectful in the new king's presence, his new ruler. "Thank you, my king." He ate quietly, remaining gentlemanly like as he did so. When he was done he smiled happily.
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.
Reich looked a bit disappointed when Devin didn't say much, he expected more though wasn't exactly sure what he was expecting completely as he took his own seat at the head of the table,"So, how are your provisions?"He asked and gave a slight smile, though he looked terrifying either way he tried to seem approachable to the birth father of his child,"Has Nicolas been answering your questions? Anything you wish to ask me myself?"He rose his eyebrows and sat forwards, they both were done eating though he did have some time before he had to get back to his duties, he thought about bringing the human along with him.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"I am sorry that I am not saying much. I am a bit shy." Devin said softly with a shy smile. He cleared his throat softly, learning in his mind to say more. "Um, the provisions are wonderful. Nicolas has been a tremendous help to me. And you are so kind to have done this for me. I have seen you in my dreams since I was a child but I was not entirely sure that it would lead me to you and this kingdom. That is a good thing that it did. I will miss my stepfather though. He must be worried where I am though." He said honestly, frowning slightly. He wondered as to what his stepfather was doing at that moment.
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.
"It's okay. I assumed so."The king, didn't look to him as long as he did at first to not make him nervous about telling him what was on his mind,"I am glad."He gave another half smile at him,"You look wonderful in that robe."He added and grit his teeth at the mention of the others father, although he said nothing about it and nodded,"Nicholas didn't allow you to say your goodbyes?"He asked and looked to the Mage who stood at the dining room archway with his hands behind his back,"Maybe we could arrange something."
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Devin smiled slightly, looking at his new king. He did not wish to talk so much about his stepfather but he missed him. Maybe this new life was meant to be lived by now. He bit his lip, trying to think about many other things. He blushed, his cheeks becoming a bright red as he heard his new husband speak of his robe. "Um, thank you. The robe is quite comfortable on me." When he was told he might see his stepfather again he simply nodded. "And Nicolas is so kind to have brought me here. I belong here. The dreams told me so." He smiled once more but wider. He made sure not to talk about his stepfather. His name would soon be a distant memory.
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.
Reich nodded,"I have had your entire closet made out of the same fabric, I hope you find it suitable. I know it's more...formal than you would be used to."He lifted a hand when a servant came over with more wine, he would cut back his alcohol intake with the human around. Wine caused loose lips. "The child belongs here."He corrected him,"But yes, I assume you do as well."He nodded his head and pushed his empty plate away before standing to his feet,"Shall I give you a quick tour before I have to go?"He asked him and smoothed his own suit as he stepped towards the other end of the table where the human sat. Not mentioning his step father again, he would have to sleep on it. Nicholas readied himself as well to follow behind the King and Devin, a ready servant for his King.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Devin nodded as well, smiling up at the king. He got up to his feet as well, letting the King lead him around."Thank you for the closet full of wardrobes, you are so kind. And yes, I would love for you to tour me around." He felt full of the meal that now was in his stomach, following the king around the massive castle. He missed his stepfather but did not want to make it a habit of speaking of. The new kingdom was where he truly belonged and so was his child. He did not want to annoy the king. He wanted to be a good prince to him.
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.
"You've seen your room, I assume."He said and continued pass the familiar room down the hall, the castle was extensive in design though not as much size. It wasn't over the top,"This is your part of the land. The house, the garden, the servants."He stopped when they had made it back down to the foyer after seeing the few large rooms there were. Then the first floor were there was an office and sitting room,"There will be more entertainment as you settle in. Ask for anything you may desire, there's a maid or two and a cook who will be here for meal times, Nicholas will be there for you during your pregnancy and the birth of the child...."He stopped when they had made it to the back porch, he wasn't fast though he did seem not to want to take too much time on things that weren't necessary. "Any questions?"
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"Yes,  my king. I have." Devin replied with a warm smile. He was excited.He was glad to be where he and his unborn child finally were meant to be. He was a bit saddened as he thought about his stepfather but kept those thoughts to himself. He missed him so much more than anything in the whole entire world. "No. I have no questions at this time. And thank you. I am grateful for this. Thank you." he let his king go about important duties that he needed to tend to for that day.
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.
King Reich was satisfied by that and resumed his duties as normal for a long time, Nicolas told Devin half truths about where the King was when he wasn't with them. That he sent his regards when he couldn't make it to dine with them and at least gave him gifts to entertain himself with during the first few months of his pregnancy. Time seemed to go hastily wherever they were in this new kingdom and it was obvious now after however many nights that Devin was carrying a child. It was then that the human saw Reich for a second time since he had been brought there, Nicolas came to his room with a knock on the door,"Are you properly dressed?"He called.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Devin was foolish to accept Nicolas's words about the king. He was usually with Nicolas, walking around the Kingdom to pass the time. He was sometimes found in his room, writing down poetry about his emotion in a special book. It was like a diary. He wrote about his stepfather, never forgetting his beloved but did not ever bring that topic up in Nicolas or the king's presences. He stayed quiet about that. He tried to put positive thoughts in his jumbled mind. One beautiful day Nicolas came to his door and he answered softly, opening it. "Yes, I am. You can come in." He sat on his bed, listening to exactly what Nicolas would say to hin. He always loved being around Nicolas who was his strong protector.
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.
Nicolas came inside of the bedroom,"So-"He stood beside the bed as he looked at him with a small smile,"-I think you will be happy about this."He said, looking to the bed and moving to sit down on it as well in front of the human, resting his hands,"The King is planning on visiting you, and I hear he has a greater surprise than anything he's gotten you before."He reached out to squeeze his thigh and then brush his hair behind his ear, looking over what Devin was wearing then,"You'll have to change though, it's okay for now, but not when you're going to meet the king."
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

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