C Pregnant translator (w/ secretsparrow)

Dave got up early the next morning, as he habitually did so. He was enjoying his coffee when he noticed Noah hadn't made an appearance yet. His butler was about to go wake up Noah when Dave stopped him. "Let me do it." He said as he became curious of how Noah would appear in his sleeping shirt, even though he wouldn't admit that to anyone.

He knocked on the tightly shut door. "*Noah? Just want to make sure you are up.*" He asked again when he heard nothing. "*Noah? This is Dave. I didn't want to interrupt you but we are about to depart in 30 minutes. Are you awake?*"

Noah's eyes opened and he groaned, he knew he had to get up but he felt like he had just gone to sleep. He might have for all he knew the baby had kept him up for a long time. Still he was up. He stood to his feet, in his half awake state he moved towards the door and opened it not really thinking much of it. He was dressed in a pair of shorts and a simple T-shirt that didn't even really cover his belly. If he was embarrassed then he was likely much to tired to show it. "*I'm up, sorry I'll be right down.*" She said looking back at Dave. The he seemed a bit surprised, he had not expected Dave to be the one to wake him.

Noah looked dreadful, like he hadn't even slept for an hour. Dave frowned seeing him obviously fussy. "*You alright? If you aren't feeling well we could always...*" He said even though he found himself unable to really offer a solution. Even just as a gesture, he needed a translator in these meetings. It was more like a ceremonial arrnagement but still, Noah's presence is essential. He patted his shoulder and provided. "*Breakfast's ready downstairs. Just voice out if you need anything.*" He said resisting the urge to ruffle the fussy hair of Noah, making him look strikingly young and innocent.

Noah nodded, he already knew that no one else would make it before the meeting, it was fine he could manage. He took a quick shower and got dressed before coming down stairs to sit at the tabel and have breakfast. He looked a bit more awake now at least he was functioning. He didn't have much time to eat sense he had woken up late and it wasn't long before he found himself grabbing his jacket and getting ready to leave the hotel once more.

What followed was a whirlwind of greetings and handshakes, with lots of media and reporters yelling questions and snapping photos. Dave was quite at ease handling the situation. He had abundant experience in the field and frankly, sometimes the paparazzis back at home were even more eager and agressive. As they got down from the car, he grinned and waved at the crowd, some of which were from his own country while he subtly waited for Noah to catch up. Him and his secretary were sitting in another vehicle. By the corner of his eyes, Dave could see Noah shuffling off the car with noted difficulty, but he managed and soon they were entering the building together.

Inside wasn't much better, he had known there would be a lot of people but suddenly he felt himself even more nevious. This meeting was important he knew the language well but what if he messed something up? With all these people watching him.. He tried to calm down as they headed for the meeting room. It was a large room with many people and a long table. Noah sat to the right of Dave, he felt a dull ache move threw his lower back and he shifted slightly in his chair trying to ease it as he waited for people to begin speaking. At the moment not much was happening they were still waiting on a few pople.

Dave mingled with the others, inclusive his own group of people. He then went to Noah's side, hovering over him with a hand on the back of his chair. "*You feeling ok?*" He frowned seeing the cup of coffee served up by the servants. "*Did you order that? Is it decaf?*" He asked pointing at the dark beverage. He gave his secretary a look and the man went on to arrange. "*Don't worry. It's going to be easy. I believe in you and your expertise.*" He smiled at Noah, encouraging him before he got called away by another acquiantance.

The meeting started right on time, with the usual greetings and media time over, the discussion started. The opening speech was long, and Dave hid his smile seeing how Noah diligently scribbled down his notes. He squeezed Noah's thigh as he did the translation perfectly.

The pain in his back didn't ease up, or rather it did, but it would come back at random times. It was uncomfortable but he focused on the meeting at hand translating everything as it was given to him. It was kind of interesting but at the same time long and.. well.. meetings were often boring. At least he didn't have to do much speaking at the moment it was mostly just writing the speaking would be latter. It was towards the end of the first speaker that the ache in his back became enough to make him pause for a moment he had been in the middle of writing something when it became more then it had been, the pain almost seemed to wrap around to his sides. It wasn't that strong just vary annoying..

Dave somewhat felt Noah tensing up midway through the speaker's conversation. He saw the grimace on his face and subtly put his warm hand around Noah's back where it seemed to be hurting the most with how he was touching on it constantly. He kneaded the area, warming it up and rubbed it gently. IT went unnoticed by everyone, as it was obscured by the table. He hoped it wouldn't be thought as too intimate a touch as Dave thought wildly. He could be accused of conducting sexual harrassment really.

Noah was surprised at first but the touch wasn't unwelcome, he let out a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding and managed to finish the translation he was on. He glanced toward Dave for a moment giving him a silent thank you he hoped the male understood. This really was helping quiet a bit.

For a long time Dave helped, in fact the pain in his back seemed be be fading for awhile. During a short break Noah got up to move around a bit and stretch though he stayed close to Dave just encase the boy needed his help in translating. The next part, Noah guessed would be more speaking, that, made him nervious but he tried to brush it off it couldn't be that bad honestly.

"*You know you don't really need to babysit me right?*" Dave smirked taking 2 glasses from the passing waiters. He waved over one of his assistants and muttered a few quick instructions. "*I am heading to the balcony. Do you want to join me? IF you prefer the warmth here, I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself.*" he said drinking down the oragne juice while handing over the other to Noah. "*Though I guess you could do with a bit more stretching. I noticed your cramps back then... are those normal?*"

"*I know I don't have to, your perfectly capable of getting into trouble on you're own.*" He teased giving Dave a smirk bac that is until he brought up the cramps. "*Normal, pretty much just braxton hicks, they aren't a big deal I promise. *" He didn't want to worry Dave and besides, Noah was right it was more or less fine, Braxton hicks were more then normal they seemed to have died away for the moment anyway. "*I'll join you, lead the way.*" He didn't want to crowd him, but at the same time he really did want to get some air for a moment.

They were moving slowly through the crowd to the balcony. It was much clearer than indoor and at the back, there weren't any cameras pointing at them. Dave stretched as well before leaning over the side, looking out to the fresh garden and the fountain below them. "*It's a nice place. Later the president would most likely give us a tour, if you don't find it too comfortable to be on your feet so long, just signal it. Let's get some subtle gestures as our agreed way to communicate shall we? I always do that. Whenever we felt too overwhelmed by those long and boring meetings, I would usually rub my nose to tell whoever was arranging it that I wanted to cut it short. Give me yours?*"

Noah had to think about it for a moment he was quiet "*I'll touch my hair." He didn't normally do that anyway, so it wasn't something he would do by mistake and it wasn't anything he could mess up. Noah liked how organized Dave was he had defiantly done things like this before. "*Anything else I need to know?*" Noah asked looking back at him for a moment. It was relaxing being outside and he stretched a bit.

After awhile they would head back in, and as Dave had warned they did go on a tour, That was when the cramps returned at random times, but a bit stronger then before, probably caused by so much walking but still it was unpleasant.

Dave was walking in front with the president, Noah was keeping reasonably close together was they toured. He sensed some steps were faltered and Noah was touching his back and the side of his belly frequently. He didn't see him touching his hair though, so he didn't do anything else other than giving him a hand when they ascended the stairs. It was crowded with their respective groups, and the staris was definitely one of the bottlenecks as lots of people were trying to go up at the same time. Dave took Noah's arm and escorted him up, wary of the potential danger the chaos could pose on his safety.

Noah took his arm and allowed Dave to help him on the steps, he was actually vary thankful for the help and mutter a quick thanks as they continued on there way.

The fact that the baby had also become vary active wasn't helping a lot the pain would die away for a few minutes only to come back, Noah was verbally translating now and if one of the cramps happened to catch him off guard he would stutter slightly. Honestly, he thought it was fine, the cramps were super annoying, they had started to hurt but he was ok. Honestly no one besides Dave seemed to notice anything was up with Noah, to the others he seemed, vary pregnant but probably otherwise fine.

Noah was doing a remarkably good job. Dave was finding himself paying more attention to Noah than the conversation itself. He seemed perfectly at ease translating, the fluency he possessed in both languages were imrpressive. He even translated the jokes perfectly well. Dave got closer to Dave in his conversation, at first because the room was noisy and he had to raise his voice to make sure he could hear it, then later just got close because of the stutters. He observed a pattern now, he would stutter in time with a grasp on either his back or his belly, though he kept both movements subtle. He pretended to have great interest in the gallery, and stopped to admire each drawing on the way, keeping both the president and the translator close but not moving too much, saving Noah some trouble of watching out his steps while doing his job.

Noah, all considering did pretty good at keeping focused as they moved threw the tour. Even during the cramps he didn't seem to really miss information that was good at least. Dave was helping, he noted he was staying closer to the president so he wouldn't have to worry as much. Honestly, Noah was preety sure he was the only one that had picked up on anything strange or odd. He continued for awhile the tour was almost over, and by that time Noah was vary glad. he wanted to be able to sit down again just for a few minutes. They had a bit of sit down meeting he ended translating a bit more back at the large table they had first arived before anther small break was called. Noah leaned back one hand resting on the side of his belly, partly trying to help with the cramp and partly trying to calm the child.

(to many time skips? I don't know kinda just going with it let me know if you want me to add anything or do something diffrent.)

(Nah it's good. I am thinking maybe there would be another emergency meeting much later on, say after a few days, which was where the braxtons picked up and became almost regular like? I dunno, or it could happen at this last session of meeting that could drag on for way longer than expected. What do you think?)

Dave's assistant came at this time and handed a cushion with built-in heating function to him, which Dave stuffed it behind Noah. "*This should help a little. Anything you need? A hot glass of milk, tea?*" He could see even through the suit that the baby's been very active, the belly was almost moving on its own. He acted before he thought thoroughly and touched on the belly, which miraculously seemed to calm the baby. "*Oh well, seemed like the little one liked me. Perhaps I should keep my hand here so you would be in less discomfort. this naughty little one must felt ignored by his father to be protesting this hard.*"

Noah smiled, "*It does seem like it likes you doesn't it.*" He gave a small chuckle and let out a breath as he felt the pillow placed behind him. "*thank you*" It helped actually a lot and now that he was sitting and able to rest again the cramps died away. He drank some water relaxed and he continued with his job, Dave had a way of calming the child whenever it would squirm to much and Noah was rather happy about that.

(I like that last one having it drag on for a really long time, I do have to go to bed though so I shall respond in the morning.)

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