C Pregnant translator (w/ secretsparrow)

The groan settled it and Dave rubbed his nose. His assistant then relayed the signal to the opposing party and a break was quickly announced, which Noah staggeringly translated being dilignet as he was. The meeting had been so long that everybody sighed and stood up to stretch. While everybody was moving out of the room, Dave moved closer to Noah and took his hand. "*Are you ok? Can you move? Wnat to take a bathroom break?*" he said using his handkerchief to wipe away the sweat on his face, while Noah was still panting from the hit.

Noah nodded slowly it was yes, to each of his questions. "*I'm alright, sorry I guess, I'm not being that helpful at the moment.*" He said quietly the others in the room It was just Dave and his team. After a moment of catching his breath Noah slowly got to his feet, it might have been his imagination but it almost felt like the baby was resting a bit lower then before. he shrugged it off, the meeting wouldn't last to much longer would it? Noah stretched a bit resting a hand on his belly.

"*Don't worry about that, you are being such a professional.*" He said, then added after catching on Noah's arm when he swayed a little once on his feet. "And also, I am not completely ignorant of the language of English. I hope you wouldn't mind me not demonstrating my proficiency in this foreign language." he said in fluent english, holding Noah's waist as he observed a more prominent waddle. The pregnant man appeared like he was walking with his legs wide apart.

Noah looked surprised, so much so he responded in English. "I didn't know you spoke English, you didn't tell me.." He couldn't keep the surprise from his voice even though he tried to. Dave had hold of Noah's arm and Noah was using him for a bit of balance standing up now, he was definitely sure the baby was resting lower then it had been this morning. It was uncomfortable. "Not to rush you but how much longer do you estimate the meeting to take?" He said again in English simply because it required less thinking and he needed that for a moment. He hoped dave wouldn't take the question the wrong way or worry but Noah was becoming tired and the pains came every few minutes or so.

"yep i didn't tell you... though mostly because i didn't want the extra fuss. it's always best to keep some advantage on your side. Now that i have shared with you this secret of mine, i do hope you would help maintain it a secret. Between us." Dave said quickly, leaning close to Noah. He helped the pregnant man out to the restroom, keeping a firm hold on him as they went down the corridor. Miraculously, no contraction was hitting so far since Dave established his contact with Noah. "It depends... if that randy old man wasn't rambling as much, I am pretty sure it would be ended within another hour. It's late though, so chances are they would keep it simple and short as I am sure a lot of them have their dinners rescheduled because of this already. Speaking of which, would you want something to eat? The cramps could be from how your body's protesting about the low blood sugar."

"Yes of course." He had no intentions of telling anyone else he was right, it probably would be over soon, that was good he wanted to go home and rest. At the mention of food he simply shook his head no. "I'm not hungry." Nowa was Thankfull the bathroom was one stall and he didn't have to worry about anything, he had already blushed slightly embarrassed Dave had to help him though obviously it was helpful at least and if a pain came he would have Dave to catch himself on encase he lost his balance.

"Just grab me if you need some support. I, er, I would turn around." Dave said after helping Noah inside. He stayed close but turned around, though he was soon hearing some grunts and shuffling of a belt. Noah seemed to have trouble unbuckling his belt and removing his pants with how the baby dropped, making the belt biting into his bellly. Dave eventually offered after hearing more than one breathy half whimper. "Er, do you need any help?"

Noah sighed defeated he gave a small nod but knowing Dave couldn't hear that he responded. "Please.." He said vary quietly and stepped closer so that Dave could help him with his belt that had become quiet difficult to get off. He blushed, "Sorry..." He felt stupid for asking, even so pregnant he was used to doing things himself.. but he was honestly glad to have the help, and in an odd sort of way.. he trusted Dave.

Dave knelt down to get a better look. "This looked really uncomfortable. Take a deep breath and suck in your belly a little?" He asked him.looking up, smiling like this was something that was perfectly normal. "On 3." With their coordinated effort, the belt managed to come off with the button. He shoved the pants off and stood back up, shying his eyss away from the underwear and resumed his position. "Tell me when you're done." He said memorizing how sweet noah looked with his.cheeks pink.

With the bit of help he got the belt off and was able to go to the bathroom when he finished he re did it, much loser then it had been before and washed his hands. "Done." He looked up at Dave again the blushing hadn't stopped but it did die down a bit when they left room, at least no one else was around. They had just gotten out in the hall on the way back to the meeting room when Noah stopped a pain had began and he was already starting to lean on the man.

Dave was never as thankful that he had kept close to Noah, or he would stumble when the pain hit him again. His face was contorted and he waved his hand in the air when Dave clutched it and circled an arm around Noah. He frowned hard and looked at Noah with concern. "Are these supposed to be hitting so frequent and strong? Seriously Noah, are you in labor?" He asked urgently, feeling noah's body pressing against him. He held him a little tighter as he whimpered, hand going to his belly again in a face that spoke agony. "I am calling off the meeting. It could wait. You need to get to the hospital."

noah didn't say anything just shook his head. Noah was probably right, he might have vary well have been in labor by now, with the strength of the pains hitting him Noah guessed these were no longer braxton Hicks, or at least he was moving into real labor one of the two. When it passed he let out a long breath and relaxed. "I-it's ok.. It's almost done anyway." Noah pointed out, he did't want to be the reason they stopped the meeting.

"But.... Noah.... you tell me at once of this worsen ok?" Dave sighed though he had to agree it woudlnt be too long. "Just focus on my part. I dont really need that translation. Save half that effort for that old guy...." he conceded. "Let's get back in there. Ready to go?" He asked holding Noah close, stepping forward when he saw his nod.

They entered while it's still chaotic. Dave helped Noah down, the pregnant man groaned as he got lowered. With quick instructions, a cup of hot.chocolate and a heat pad was produced, which Dave insisted Noah to take them. "Drink. You need that."

As they entered he sat back back in his chair the heating pad that was placed behind him did help quiet a bit but not as much as it had before. He was thankful for the drink as well the boy had been right, he needed it and he soon found him self sipping at it. That also seemed to help a bit and he was able to focus. No longer caring a bout the old guy but made sure to translate what Dave would say.

Dave couldnt hide th3 triumphant smile when he saw Noah sipping the drink, which seemed to translate wrong to his opponent as they looked even more defeates in the subsequent discussions, perhaps misunderstanding it as Dave still having some kind of secret weapons up his sleeves. He timed Noah's contrCtions, relieved when they didnt return for a good 15 minutes. This could still be braxtons at this rate.

They indeed, did not return and for that he was vary glad, he needed the little bit of rest he managed to get while the contractions were paused. When they did return the pain wasn't as strong right away but he defiantly noticed it luckily he wasn't speaking at the moment but his hand gripped tightly to his chair and his body tensed. He worked to keep his breathing even and still understand what was being said.

Dave glanced at his watch as soon as he saw Noah tensing up again. He frowned and slowed down his speed a little for Noah to catch up,.speaking until he saw him relax. When he was done, he sneaked a hand to Noah's quivering belly that pressed uncomfortably on the belt. Perhaps it had dropped further, though at least the baby calmed down, which Dave would like to presume was because of.his presence.

Noah smiled lightly and focused on the speech as soon as he could manage it he went over covering everything Dave just had making sure to be clear and not mess anything up. It helped that Dave had been able to calm the child so he wasn't as distracted by it's kicking. He managed to get threw the whole speech without anther problem he now watched for reactions from the other side. However he had finished speaking just in time to be hit by anther pain, If dave's had was still there he might have even felt the muscles tense up. Noah again clutched tightly to the arm of the chair as he waited for it to pass. He had been speaking for awhile he was just lucky he had finished.

Dave again watched the time. It's 7 minutes from th3 last one. He saw Noah's knuckles going white as he endured the pain. He was quite impressed by Noah's energy. Combating with pain was draining, and he had been doing that constanrly through the whole day. He paid attention to what the response was, and therrfore didnt catch on when noah seemed to be tensing up even more as the contraction continued strengthening.

The pain didn't let up right away, when it hit it's peak Noah had to clench his jaw tightly and curl his toes to keep from groaning. Thankfully it began to fade slowly after, he was tired and leaned back in his chair a bit paying attention once again to the other side, he had missed everything they had just said and was glad he was no longer required to pay attention to them.

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