C Pregnant translator (w/ secretsparrow)

"That's good..... gosh you are scaring me." He impulsively kissed Noah's forehead for that, the pregnant man slumbering over him as they proceeded. Dave was quite embarrassed at what he did but didnt know how to explian that. He fitted Noah quickly into the car, made sure tbe seatbelt was fitted properly under his belly, and scurried over to get behind the wheels. "Here we go."

As they hit thr road, Dave was still too ashamed to look at Noah, keeping his eyes eveeywhere but him. It had become quite awkward and he wondered if he should apologize.

It had surprised Noah quiet a bit but he wasn't sure that he... didn't like it, if that made sense. He could tell Dave was embarrassed by the kiss, but why? He leaned back when he was in the car turning on the air conditioning, it might have been cold for Dave but Noah was hot. He glanced over at at Dave after the long silence and smiled lightly. "It's ok." His words were vary quiet and soft just barley above a whisper. "Honestly, don't worry so much."

"You wouldnt think that's, i dunno, intimate?" Dave asked after taking a little time to process it. Noah had been very quiet and he was a little lost in his own world. He risked a glance at Noah and was relieved to find a smile on him. "That's, intimate, perhaps too intimate with me, someone you had barely known for more than a day." He drove on turning a corner. He glanced at the mirror, a habit he had to detect any bugs following him.

"Intimate? A kiss on the forhead?" Noah blushed slightly and gave a shrug. "For someone you just met perhaps, but I don't know it didn't bother me at all really." Noah admitted. Sense they had gotten in the car Noah hadn't suffered any pains, that is until now, they were close to home at least but he felt himself tensing. No longer having to worry about keeping quiet he let out a groan when he felt it peak.

The groan had Dave feowning from his.original relieved state of mind knowing Noah didnr mind. He sensed some hope in his tone, for it's sort of implied that he didnt treat him as some mere strangers. Though now his priority became makinf sure they would arrive the hotel as soon as possible. "I hope you wouldnr mind coming to my place for now, i saw several cars following us. Could be paparazzis... so sorry to have dragged you into this. I am sure you would prefer your home.more than anywehre else now."

(Again.... would be off soon..... sorry for that)

Indeed he would have but anywhere would be better then here as long as he could lay down he honestly wouldn't have minded. "It's alright really." He said when the pain had passed. "Honestly don't worry about it. I don't mind." When they arived back he got out of the car with a little help from Dave he noted the cars as well but he had been a bit distracted with everything else to pay them much attention.

Dave proceeded to the private passway that would bring them straight to the rooftop suite. He tried not to arouse too much attention after getting off the car, gently urging Noah forward, helping him with his waddle as much as he could. "Thanks for this, again, so sorry about this..." he said noting the pregnant man's effort in keeping up, there were fresh sweat breaking on his forehead from his effort to moving forward as quickly as possible.

Noah did his best to keep up though it honestly wasn't as easy as it should have been all things considering but they did make it inside and up the apartment. Where he stopped and caught his breath for a moment.

Dave let Noah stay at the doorway while he shooed away his people, leaving only his butler around. He then returned to Noah and lifted him up. "enough exercise for one day. Now you should rest.... tell me anytime if your contractions start up again, use that intercom." He said striding through the almost empty penthouse, his butler bowing down, silently disappeared to the other room.

Noah was surprised when he felt himself be lifted he didn't know Dave could do that though it shouldn't have surprised him to much. "Yea. alright." He was laid back on the bed he took off his shirt and tossed it aside he was to tired to be shy about anything.

Dave helped pull down the shirt and put it on the chair. He then helped remove the belt that was again, tight around Noah's belly as the child within dropped forward down, sitting right on top of it. He was almost caressing his stretchmark littered lower belly when he did so, and had to frown at how the angry red lines marred his perfect belly. As the belt and trousers were removed, Dave was quite sure the belly dropped down for another inch at least, finally getting released from the tight bound. "Before going to sleep, drink this." he scooped Noah up and fed him some water, thoguth the pregnant man already had his eyes closed from exhaustion.

Noah took the glass of water sitting up just enough to drink some of it before he curled up again and closed his eyes drifting off in a matter of minutes honestly it wasn't long before he had fallen asleep. He would sleep peacefully for awhile but outside things were different shortly after the meeting there had been a terrorist threat on the city everyone was on high alert and Dave being as famous as he was would have to be careful.

Dave stayed in Noah's room for a little longer, making sure the man was safe, before quietly closing the door behind himself, only to be surprised by how the butler had been waiting anxiously with a message for him. The night was spent in tensed discussion with his comrades. They had been notified by the local national security department that the nation-wide raise in terrorist attack warning, and the corresponding security measures that would take place. He rejected the offer of briefing from representative of the local government over the potentail evacuation and other safety measures, for those would require the assistnace of a translator again. He glanced at the closed door of Noah and just outright refused to wake Noah up for such standard procedures. he instructed one of his assistant who relayed his message in crappy english. "We would be listening to the briefing when you have more specific instructions and procedures in place. I am not listneing to some bullshit overall pictures."

With that, the nobleman retired into his own room, where reinforcement in security and protective measures from his own peoeple were arranged and strategized.

Noah slept for quiet awhile he wasn't sure what time it was but he was woken up by a pain at first he was to tired to know what it was still half asleep he groaned and brought a hand to his side, it passed and soon he would fall back asleep only for it to happen again awhile latter. It was enough to make him sit up the second time pain moved threw his lower back and around to the front of his belly causing him to groan, the contractions had returned and they were somehow much stronger then before. HE had not a clue as to what had happened or what was going on sense he had been asleep.

Dave dismissed his people having settled everything as far as he could. He then contemplated on wehther he should check on Noah. It could be inappropriate for him to be barging into the room fo a sleeping man, but he had his worry. He just wanted to take care of the man as much as he could. Out of pity or whatever, he wasn't sure himself. He stood at the door of Noah, at almost 3am, and eventually had to laugh at himself for being such an idiot stalking his translator. He frowned as he seemed to hear some moans from the door, and tried to listen more carefully to confirm if that was indeed from Noah.

His back arched against the pain it wasn't letting up right away, had Dave been anywhere but outside the door he probably wouldn't have heard it but it was defiantly Noah. He grew a bit louder when the pain peaked before finally relaxing again and catching his breath. He glanced at the clock, 3am. "Honestly you couldn't have waited until morning to wake me like this?" He mumbled as if the child would listenit was kicking a lot he probably couldn't have gone back to sleep even if he had wanted to so he slowly stood up and flipped on the lamp by the bed.

Dave was almost sure he was hearing Noah speak, his voice muffled by the closed door, but he didn't know if his presence would be welcomed... anyway hearing a knock on his door in the middle of the night would probably spook the pregnant man. It was the light seepign through the door that finally gave him incentive. He skipped the knock altogehter, just asked in a quiet voice. If Noah hadn't wanted his presence, he would just take the cue and leave. "noah? Are you awake? Is it the pain returned? Do you want me.... " He didn't finish it for his presence shouldn't help at all.

Noah looked up a bit surprised still, he smiled lightly giving the man a nod. "Yea. It came back. You're welcome come on.." He sat back down at the edge of bed. He honestly didn't care anymore about being covered it didn't bother him. He wasn't typically a shy person. "You're up pretty early everything ok?" HE asked perhaps sensing some sort of worry from dave.

"More like not gone to bed yet... Just some security issues. There's been terrorist attack alert. I am sorry but you probably need to do more translations tomorrow as there would be national security personnel coming to brief us on the evcuation plan and sorts..... Are you arlight for that? See if the contractions returned, they are probably getting serious... perhaps we could arrange for a backup, at least we need to send you to the hospital just to make sure.... seriously I couldn't imagine to have you endure the ordeal of yesterday."

Was he alright for that? That was a vary good question he wasn't really sure. Yesterday had been vary hard and something he really didn't feel like repeating. "There aren't any others, If I known before maybe but most don't speak your language well, those that do don't live in the city they would have to fly in and by the time arrangements were made.." Noah shook his head. "You could call for backup, I'm just saying it could take awhile and this doesn't sound like something that can wait. As for the hospital not yet, it's alright, besides you just said it yourself there has been a terrorist attack alert it could be dangerous to call for someone and even more so to leave. I'll probably be alright." He tried to be reassuring he honestly did but he was a bit worried was well.

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