C Pregnant translator (w/ secretsparrow)

"I could, check? Go through what it should be with me. I know you have an idea.... you couldnt not know anything about this. You are so prepared for everything. Let me help, tell me how to help." Dave said aaking for directions, even though it wouldnt be the best time for a lecture, he needed some instructions. He rolled up his sleeves and rubbed his quivering belly, ready for anything. "Shall I get down? Monitor your progress?"

Noah looked at him a bit unsure for a moment he studied him weighing his options, they were few and after a moment he nodded. "Alright..ok.. first I need you to check for the position of the baby." His words turned to a groan as he was momentairly distracted by the contraction. His first concern was that it might be postioned incorectly, if it wasn't he could focus on other things. He looked up at dave, he could tell the boy wanted to help but he was clearly a bit out of his depth here.

"Ok…how could I check?…" he stopped finding Noah had once again been hit by a contraction. He anxiously waited, staying still clutching Noah's hand while he pushed again. He gave him a smile when he looked up, and kissed him on his eyes wanting to chase the inlaid fears away. "Should I be feeling around your belly to position the head or whatever?" He asked when Noah came out from the push, face still flushed and panting.

still catching his breath he took Noah's hand and guided them low on his belly pretty close to where he thought the baby was positioned. "Feel around there, for where the head is, and anything that might not be... right." Anther pain had already began and he pushed again there was progress he could feel it inching lower but it's progress was slow.

Dave could feel how the belly gradually relax under his palm. He nodded and moved his hand all over, pressing in a little observing Noah slowly for any sign of pain. "I think i feel something.... but that's flat and, I dunno, larger than I thought. It should be a back? And then ..." he moved along the back to the upper side. "I think this is too wide to be a head, so it should be Emma's bottom here." He turned back down but even at the base of the belly, right above Noah's pubic bone, he couldbt feel anything resembling a head. "I dunno, is it the head's too low tobe felt?"

He nodded slowly tringing to process that information before anther pain gripped him and he was forced to push, With Dave's hands no longer holding his he took a fistfull of the sheets. When the pain let up he leaned back and let out a breath breathing hard. With the information given he wasn't sure what was wrong. "Where do you feel the feet?" given the words it didn't sound like it was but he had to be sure. "also.. when your done help me up I'm going to change positions."

"Let me...." dave trailed off as he felt again on the upper side, but once again he couldnt feel it. "I think her bum's just pushing out and hiding her legs. I dunno, is she curled up real hard? I mean, your belly certainly is quite round and, outward if that's a good word?" He provided and climbed back up to get Noah. "How do you want to change position? You wanna, get up?" He asked offering his hands, ready to scoop him up.

Noah nodded. "Yea.. up.." he leaned on Dave quiet a bit slowly standing to his feet his legs remaining wide apart. He had just gotten up in time to be hit with a pain and he gripped tightly to Dave's shoulders bearing down her knees shook threatening to give out if he stayed like this to long but he could feel gravity helping pull it down. He knelt down at the side of the bed so he could rest his head on the matress but also so that gravity would still be helping to move the baby. The next pain that gripped him was strong and he almost forgot to push his eyes went wide, he hadn't expected to feel it yet the burning had started he gasaped arching his back slightly. "D-dave.. c-can you see it?"

Noah was leaning heavily against him and seeing hsi wish, Dave lowered him onto the ground so he could kneel facing the bed, and Noah was for a second looking much shocked, his face contorted and he didn't breath, his body tensed up so much Dave dare not touch him at all, up until the shaky question. Dave gently pushed Noah's legs further apart. "I guess that's some bulging here.... i don' tthink i'ts been there before?" He gingerly touched the area and heard an uncomfortable moan and hiss by Noah, and quickly withdrew his hand. The area felt hot, but the change was almost imperceptable Dave wasn't sure if he was imagingin things.

Noah groaned it was progress but it did not make the pain less the next pain gripped him and he arched his back bearing down as hard as he could manage the burning grew worse until he finaly let out a cry of pain. Breathing hard he leaned foreword leaning onto the bed again. "Dave.." His words were quiet he was practicly whimpering at this point. "rub my back.. please." It wouldn't fix the burning but Noah was hopeing it might at the vary least provide a distraction. Besides it gave the male something to do and he said he wanted to help..

"Yea.... yea of course. Here?" Dave scrambled into motion. He placed his palms on the lower back right above Noah's pelvis and started rubbing with his.fingertips. when he heard a muffled moan and some relaxing of his body, he used his knuckles to drill into the tight knots of muscle, gradually increasing in strength. "If i gets too hard on you, let me know." He said skillfully continued to rub, like how he would serve his grandfather when he was young during one of their huntig trips.

Noah gave a small nod it was helping more then he had expected it to though when the contractions hit it did little and he could only gasp between pains as the burning continued to grow worse with every push. it had been a solid few minutes of the growing intensity until he finnaly shook his head. "I-I can't he said threw gritted teeth. "It hurts... ugghhh just get it out.." he was starting to get tired he felt like he had been at this for a long time with little to show for it, which honestly was more or less the truth.

The fatigue showed with how much Noah was trembling on his knees. His hands grapsing on teh bedsheets were gradually losing their strength. Dave didn't know what to do except for telling Noah to continue. "You aren't gonna give up.... think about Emma. How she has always kicked so happily in you. Don't you want to see her? She wouldn't come out unless you push... Here I got you. Would this save some energy for you?" he asked pulling Noah back onto him, so that instead of supporting himself, Dave was there to hold him upright in a crouch, his legs spread wide apart.

Noah groaned he was obviosly tired but Dave was right, besides, he couldn't exactly stop even if he had wanted to. He pushed again crying out as he felt it push foreword the burning growing worse he stiffined but tried to push threw it. When the contraction ended he wwas leaning on Dave catching his breath.

"I am reaching down to check the progress. Is that alright for you?" Through the push the strained cry of Noah was in fact considered as a good sign for Dave. Apparently there's some significant changes for Noah to yell so suddenly, so it must be a good thing. He still asked for permission before touvhing though, even though the purpose was more on not startling the laboring man.

Noah nodded when the pain let up. "G-go ahead." He said trying to catch his breath he would have asked Dave to check anyway if he hadn't just volunteered. He was breathing quickly slowly focusing enough to relax slightly before the next contraction would take hold of him.

Dave had to huff out a breath to keep his hands steady. Reaching down blindly, his finger got in touch with something solid, wet, but soon he came into contact with redhot skin stretching tightly over the solid patch of hair, to which Noah flinched, but didnt complain. "That's the baby..... gosh that's the baby's head! I.could feel it. Just a little bit." He withdrew his hand to show how big that patch was. "Like it's just the tip of a finger. It's amazing!"

Noah despite the fact that this was all rather painful, was glad to be making some progress at least it was crowning. When the next pain gripped him he pushed trying to ignore the increasing pain of the burn as he did. He would gasp and cry out when it finally became too much for him to handle.

The enormity of Emma's size, however, made it impossible for th4 birth to be an easy job. Everytime when Dave could feel more head coming out, the contraction would eithrr end or Noah would stop.pushing from the burn. With his ignorance in childbirth, Dave had no sense to support Noah, nor was he aware what caused Noah to.stop pushing everytime. He just got nervous as time and time again Noah tremble with exertion yet still rendered limited results.

Noah was shaking by now exhausted he was breathing hard and Dave was pretty much holding him up at this point.What if he couldn't do it? What if the baby was simply too big. His thoughts were interrupted by anther pain he clung to dave as he pushed desperately trying to free the head. He clenched his jaw tightly to keep himself from crying out and tried to push through the whole of the contraction he could feel it stretching him. when he finally did stop his vision blurred slightly, the head slipped back he could feel it. Not quite as much as it had before but still erasing a lot of his progress.

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