C Pregnant translator (w/ secretsparrow)

This time Noah outright crumbled on Dave and he had for a split second thought Noah had past out, but soon his shaky breath confirmed he wasnt, though the slipping back of the head made Dave huffed out a frustrated sigh as well, the damp hardness once again concealed back into the redhot folds of Noah. Dave knew he shouldnt sound defeated. At this point Noah would only be even more desperate than him. "It's fine Noah. This is natural. The baby would come, you just have to push hard. And continue to push. This is not a battle, this is a campaign and you would have to persist. You are doing everything right, Emma's gonna be here." He kissrd his forehead as encourgaement, his voice unwavering.

Noah managed a small smile when he was kissed but he was already giving it all that he could the baby would come it just felt like it was taking way to long. He could not even manage to properly say anything back to dave before he was pushing again trying once again to free the head. His body tens and shaking slightly from both the force of the contraction and effort of trying to get the child out.

This time progress was good, and the head was coming out more. Noah's face was beetred from the push and holding of breath when he pushed. It was slow but steady progress until the head reached a certain girth and Noah's skin just wouldnt give. His entire bottom was bulging, like a football, but that bit was so hard to overcome. Noah's face was all scrunched up but his breath ran out in the end and he released the tension. Dave coudl swear he heard a whimper. "It's ok babe. It's ok. Now how about I help.you spread your legs wider." Dave suggested.

Noah gasped for breath between pain breathing hard but he would not at the offer slowly allowing Dave to help him Spread his legs a bit more. He whimpered as he did. It felt too big, he was starting to doubt whether or not he could do this he was tired and he just wanted it out but he didn't have long to rest and his body was bearing down again leaning heavily onto dave.

Dave pulled Noah's legs apart, grasping them behind his knees so Noah was at a very deep squat, spreading his bottom as wide as it could. Noah was almost in the air, and Dave could see his toes curling up when he uncontrollably started to push dwon again. This somewhat helped matters, the head was coming out a little more, overcoming the bottleneck. "Come on babe, yes, push, keep on pushing." Dave continued to encourage, unaware of the risk of tearing was imminent.

The burn was growing worse he knew he should be careful it crossed his mind but he was much too tired to care at this point and he continued to push giving a cry of pain when he felt the baby move out further. "T-to big!" He gasped arching his back slightly squirming in dave's arms more then he meant to as if that could help him escape the pain.

If Noah hadnt been in so much pain, Dave would be smiling at how he squirmed and want to climb up on his lap, escaping from the pain. The situation howveer made it impossible to have the heart to smile. Dave was getting quite nervous and frsutrated at not knowing how to help. "Push Noah, that's the only way. Keep going babe, keep going!" His heart was pumping like crazy and he, too, was thinking if the baby's indeed too big to be pushed out.

He took in air and pushed again, without really allowing himself time to stretch he could feel the slow progress his body having trouble adjusting until the baby suddenly moved forward and Noah let out a loud cry his pushing stopped his breath caught. He was pretty sure he had just torn he clung to dave trying to calm himself down.

Dave was quite shocked at the turn of events. Noah was stunned on the spot and Dave was at a lost. He then heard some water droplets. He reached down andfound a handful of blood.... "noah...." he muttered, quite at a lost at how to deal with it. "Noah!" He shook him a little trying to wakr him from his stun. The baby had once again slipped back a little but it was clearly visible, no longer retreating back as much, but the tear wasnt large enough to allow for the baby to pass.

Noah groaned "T-towels, you. have to apply pressure to I the tear, stop the bleeding. Make sure it doesn't get worse." He was shaking slightly, this was bad, it could be dangerous. He moved supporting himself again on the side of the bed so Dave could get up Noah groaned trying to breath and allow himself time to stretch not wanting to make it any worse then it already was.

Dave hurried to get the towels and quickly splashed on his face with water to wake himself up a little from the shock. He had to focus on helping Noah. Coming back, he dropped to his knees and bent down so he could have a better look of the bottom of Noah. It was all bloodied and Dave dabbed it clean with the towel with a steady but gentle touch. It was soon cleared and he could see the tear that was about an inch long, looking horribly painful. He then pressed the towel on the wound, careful to avoid the head to prevenet accidentally pushing the baby back in. "So, we wait? Can you continue to push?" He licked his dry lips and asked.

Noah groaned loudly his entire body was shaking, his breath was shakey. "We w-wait.. for a bit." he said as he began to tense with anther contraction, he tried to breath give himself some time to sretch. He couldn't wait to long though he was tired and he would need to be done soon. Groaning loudly he clung to the edge of the bed and then began pushing again not as hard as before but enough to get it to move.

"Right... you stay focused, never mind me." Dave quickly said seeing Noah's difficulty just to speak those few words. The towel was soon soaked with blood. The wound was low and gravity, while helping with the baby coming out, also encouraged bloodflow and it wasnt like Dave could apply a lot of pressure on the wound while Noha was struggling to makr the baby pass. He could feel more than see thtough the towel that the baby's moving again, pressing against his hand, with another fresh bout of blood oozing out at the same time.

Noah wasn't thinking about the loss of blood, or how much of a problem it could be in a few minutes if they weren't careful. he couldn't think, he just wanted the child out. He pushed through the rest of the contraction until it finally ended and he once again struggled to catch his breath.

Dave held up Noah by his waist as he looked like he could faint any moment from being.out of breath. He was getting more than a little worried at th3 poor state Noah was in. The baby's head's just visible and it looked like some hard work's still required for it to be born, but Niah already looked so exhausted. He could barely kneel at this point and Dave held him up as best as he could when the next contraction hit with a desperate whimper from Noah.

Noah attempted to push gritting his teeth as he did but he didn't let up until the pain had gone away and then once again found himself now leaning on the bed breathing hard. He needed to get it out he was quickly losing strength. This wasn't good. All to quickly anther contraction gripped him and he pushed again groaning loudly as he felt the head stretching him.

The push was remarkably effective and soon Dave was feeling the head pressing out much more. The next push came after just a few moments, and Noah was clearly trying his best with how violently his whole body shook from exertion. Dave just thought it fitting for him to now be spreading Noah's lips.while holding his tear with the towel, doing what little he could do to make the head come forward more. "This is happening.Noah, just hang in with tbe push and the head could come out." He excitedly announced when the head surged forward under a determined push from Noah.

Noah kept going his body tense and shaking with effort. He gave a cry of pain when he finally felt the rest of the head come out of him. He returned to catch his breath, he was exhausted but at least it would seem he was almost done.

Dave was quite startled for subconsciously he had thought it quite impossible for the head to emerge, yet now they had attained that. He bit his quivering lips, cupping and supporting thr head gently, looking up at Noah, speechless. He held the head and lifted Noah a little further up the bed, he had found Noah slipping down slowly with his exhaustion, before he could squeeze out any words. "Emma's almost out, jhst a tiny bit. Gosh that's a huge head that emma got.... must be a clever girl."

Noah smiled lightly at Dave's comment, before anther pain gripped him he breathed through it in quick gasps until the baby turned. At least he hadn't been so tired he had forgotten to wait. Soon he was pushing again gripping the side of the bed and trying to free the shoulders.

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