C Pregnant translator (w/ secretsparrow)

"It's been 12 hours since we knocked you out.... by the time of your country, it's almost midnight. Here, it is 8am. You gotta adjust a little bit... though I ma pretty sure Emma would make it all impossible. We would be awake at whatever hour it is." Dave said closing his eyes as well, dwelling in the sweet and comforting scent of Noah.

"She's that fussy hu?" Noah mumbled closing his eyes again. he did suppose it made sense. oh well, she certainly would be a handful no matter how she ended up looking at it. Noah was just glad he wouldn't have to take care of the child all alone.

Dave had already snaked his hands under the sheets to rest on Noah's puffy belly. He tamgled himself with Noah, though miraculously he managed it without disturbing any of his stitches, and mumbled something suspciiously sounding like "a nap" but he was out of it before the last syllable left his mouth. He would sleep for a blissful few moments before getting aroused by Emma's cries.

Noah had closed his eyes as well but when he heard the sound of the crying he opened them again and glanced around at his surroundings "So. you were right, looks like shes awake." Noah mumbled giving Dave a quick kiss not sure if it would surprise him or not but watching for his reaction.

Dave was still confused in his sleep-clouded mind, though when he realised what's that warm and soft feeling on his lips, his pupils dilated and a big smile slowly broke through. "Oh my Noah that's definitely a really great wakeup kiss...." He said holding Noah tight, surprised and thrilled by the small gesture. He rewarded Noah with lots of kisses, until Emma's cry elevated reminding them that their little princess was starving.

Noah sighed when he once again heard the cry. "We should probably get up hmm?" he didn't want to, not yet but he did want to see Emma and they couldn't just leave her to cry. Being very careful not to move too quickly or in the wrong way Noah began trying to get up

Noah was stiff and ginger in his movement, and Dave could guess how he was trying hard to not trigger any of the sore spots, even though that was plentiful. Dave just let Noah try out his "new" body and gave him a hand when he wobbled a little getting on his foot for the first time in more than a day. "I would suggest you don't attempt to hold Emma on your own now." He smield and teased, helping Noah in maneuvoring next door.

Noah moved slowly and even the short walk seemed to tire him a bit but when he saw Emma he smiled, He hadn't been able to see her properly before, he had been much to tried but now that he was looking at her like this... she really was perfect. Exsept, as Dave had said she must be a handful to deal with

Dave gently led Noah to the armchair beside and helprd him sit down on the well-padded chair. He then took Emma to lay on his lap, himself sitting down at the arm of the chair so he could hold Noah's arm as well in case he didnt have enough strength. "Emma's really a devil disguised in an angel... look at this face, how could she cry and yell so loud whenever she didnt get things her way." He teased.

Noah chuckled holding the crying Emma close to him for a moment before attempting to feed her, the baby struggled at first but then she seemed to calm. Noah was glad Dave was there but he seemed to manage ok holding Emma, big as she was. She would quickly stop fussing so much and callmed down in Noah's arms.

Dave cleared his throat and tried to look away to give Noah some.modesty, but it was difficult and he soon found his eyes glued to Noah's. He cooed over the eager sucking of Emma and caressed Noah's head, stroking his hair and pressing gentle kisses on him.

Noah didn't care, Honestly, Dave had delivered the child he had seen much more then this it didn't bother him. And he kissed back giving Dave a smile. When Emma was finished she would soon fall asleep again and after a few more minutes she let Dave placed the child back in the crib.

Dave smiled turning back to Noah. Deciding he had enough practice walking. Coming close, he went to pick Noah up just when he was yawning cutely, his eyes rimmed red. He put Noah back on their bed and slipped in beside him. "I cant wait to bring you to look around.. i think.you would love here."

Noah smiled. "Yea me too, I'm sure I will." He gave Dave anther kiss and cuddled into him closing his eyes and soon falling back to sleep. It was to be expected after all it would take him a bit to recover after all that had happened. But he was happy, and at least... he wasn't alone.

Time after that past quickly. It took more than a week for Noah to be able to walk properly, and then Emma's constnat feeding forced them to stay mostly indoor. Then it was the issue with Noah's employment back in his home country, so it was all chaotic. It was also a little awkward, Noah's position. As a public image, Dave had to come up with something to release to the press about Noah, so he soon came to a decision that would give Noah a reason to stay, and to stay for good.

It was a romantic night out. Dave was keeping this strictly confidential so that the increasingly curious paparrazzis wouldn't catch on with it. He was keeping his fingers crossed everything would work out alright, and it would work the way he wanted.

Noah smiled at Dave even he hadn't heard a lot about tonight's plans but hey, he didn't mind honestly he was just happy to get out of the house for awhile and they had found someone to watch Emma for a bit so the two were free for the night and that could be fun.

(forgive the short responce tired about to sleep soon.)

(Sure thing! I would see you tomorrow then ;))

Dave had planned for a dinner in their hunting lodge that belonged to his family. It had since transformed into a fine dining place for all. It's at the outskirt of the city, right in the middle of a forest facing a lake. The view was stunning and tonight there was high chance they could see fireflies. "i hope you like the nature.... I personally like this place a lot. we have a similar property a little higher up, closer to the peak. We could bring Emma here when she is a little older." George told Noah as he led him out of the car. noah looked stunning in his impeccable tuxedo that Dave inssited on tailormaking for him. There wasn't a trace of pregnancy remnant on him, aside from the slightly bulged chest, and his height carried the suit well.

"I think that would be a good idea." Noah agreed fallowing along beside him. the suit had felt a bit strange at first, mostly because it had been so long since he had had to wear one. However, he didn't dislike it and after a bit, it felt almost normal honestly. "Ah, and don't worry I like nature, despite living in the city before I grew up in the country. Middle of nowhere kinda place." Noah chuckled lightly smiling back at Dave.

"That's great! We could even bring Emma to hike up. There are several trials.... wait. Enough for Emma tonight. I want this to be special for the two of us." Dave stopped himself before he managed to makr tonight "Emma's future planning". "By the way ... you cleared up matters with your university?" Dave asked referring to Noah's previous employment. "I am thinking if you could get a place here. You are more than capable of teachibg English here in any college." He suggested. It would be great as wsll if tonight he was to be successful. The waiter led them to their lounge that would be theirs exclusively.

"Yea, they weren't necessarily happy about it, which I suppose makes sense but whoever was covering for me probably was I think they took my position so it should be fine." That was the only real downside of having moved so quickly. In a perfect world, he would have been able to at least say goodbye to his students, after all he had become one of those teachers that, despite how hard he could be at times was often caring and would go out of his way to help someone in the class. Dave was right though, it shouldn't be too hard for him to get a job here. "I like that idea, teaching English would be fun."

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