C Pregnant translator (w/ secretsparrow)

"Thinking about us, our family... what exciting future we got ahead." Dave said squeezing Noah's shoulder. "How about you?" He asked looking.at Noah, raising his ringed hand and kissed it, then kissed him.on his cheek. Another breeze brushed through them and it was getting a little chilly, so Dave nudged even.xloser to Noah.

"Us, how we got here." He shivered slightly at the breeze and moved closer to Dave to keep warm. He laid his head on the man's shoulder and smiled he was happy. "You know, when I was little Instead of wishing on a shooting star, I thought I just had to find the brightest one in the sky and that would do just was well. I don't know, it's kinda random but I spent a long time outside at night as a child looking for the brightest one. "

Dave felt the shiver and tightened his grip on Noah's shoulder. He pressed a light kiss on his husaband's forehead and looked up as well. "So, did your wishes come true? " he asked and his eyes were already searching for the brighteset star as well. "We got so many choices here.... difficult to detemrine which is the brightest. hmm or that would perhaps mean we could make many wishes. They really appear to be of the same brightness to me."

"Sometimes." He shrugged "Sometimes they came true." He looked up at the sky searching. "You just have to find one that looks bright, I don't know maybe they are all the same." Noah chuckled " I suppose that would mean more than one wish." For a long time, he stayed out there with Dave gazing up at the stars wrapped up in each other's arms but eventually they did head back inside where it was warm.

The spent a passionate night together and by the morning, noah was still asleep from how they had messed around until almost dawn. Dave woke up with his biological clock still ticking, and made arrangements for breakfast in bed. He got the tray in, careful to ask the waiter to come wihtou ringing the doorbell so Noah could sleep in a little longer. He sat back down on the bed after getting everything ready, and kissed his husband's serene face. "wake up sleepy head......" He said luring him with the taste of food, swirling the plate under his nose.

Noah opened his eyes and looked up at Dave. "Morning." He muttered rubbing his eyes. When he was the food he smiled realizing it must be late. He smiled and sat up a bit giving Dave a proper kiss. "Sleep well?" He asked looking at whatever food had been brought to him.

"Morning babe. Yes indeed i had slept well." He smiled a little suggestively, and kissed Noah deeply on the lips. "I thought breakfast in bed would be suiting.... that's america breakfast, then i got a cake and bread basket here as well. IF you want something else, we could order it." He smiled and suggested. "And of course... coffee! orange juice is also availalbe if you prefer." He offered tilting his head towards the other tray.

"Hmm your very sweet." He gave Dave one more kiss than picked up the cup of coffee drinking it. "Thank you." He patted the spot next to him motion for Dave to join him It had surprised him but Noah was happy everyday Dave just proved that Noah really was very lucky to have him.

"That's some long missed taste right?" Dave got on at the place Noah wanted him to be and teased. Caffeine was on the list of no-no food for breastfeeding individuals as well. TO dave, that got to be one of the biggest sacrifice. He sighed at how good the coffee was. "So, which suited your taste? THe muffins here are quite nice as well, though myself preferred scrambled eggs and bacons." He smiled and offered.

Breakfast was finished nicely, taking a little longer than usual with how they tasted from each other's fork, but eventually they were set for the sightseeing tour around.

He nodded, Noah had missed coffee a lot, he had never really been addicted to it or anything but he did rather like a cup now and then and since he hadn't been getting that for awhile now. He was pretty happy, He had the muffin though stole a bit of eggs from Dave and shared part of his muffin. When they did finally leave to go sight seeing they were just as close as before with Noah's hand intertwined with Dave's.

They went through teh normal spots that tourists would go, occassionally they would be stared at, and people would whisper among themselves, but mostly it was because of how loving they appeared more than being able to recognise them as they had become unwilling celebrities. They even went for a boat trip on the lake for lunch, then another lazy stroll along the lake. The view in the mornign was different and as the sun rose, it got warmer and Dave suggested ice cream for them to share.

By mid-afternoon, Noah thought that suggestion was a great idea. "What kind do you want?" He asked as they went over to the stand to get some. The weather here was different than home, It had been rather cold last night but now it was warming up like this.. When the two had their Icecream he moved over to a quiet spot on a bench and began eating it together.

Whlle Noah was focused on his scoop, Dave got close and quickly stole a lick, then smield. "Hmm yours tastes nice as well, though not as much as my coffee." He chuckled protecting his own scoop, turning slightly away from Noah to prevent him taking revenge

Noah chuckled. "Hey!" He thought his flavor was better but he waited until Dave let his guard down before stealing a lick. He smirked. "Yep, I was right mine is better." He teased grinning up at Dave.

"You just say that because you are jealous." Dave insisted licking his own scoop. He took a big mouthful and then kissed Noah, both flavors got mixed as they got lost in each other. The afternoon was cozy and they smiled at each other when they separated, the atmosphere and everything was wonderful and they leisurely walked back to their hotel hand in hand.

"Sure." Noah laughed as they walked back to the hotel, it wasn't that far and it wasn't as cold as it had been the other day when they did return. Noah held the door for Dave as they entered and let it close behind them "I had fun today." He said wrapping one arm around Dave before he could get too far away.

"Yea? Me too, me too...." Dave muttered gazing at Noah's seductive lips. He cupped his face and kissed it, immitating what Noah had did hugging him tight around his waist. "it's as perfect as it could go...." It was tempting the way Noah looked at him, and they staggered into the bedroom soon.

That night they enjoyed another luxurious dinner right at the hotel restaurant. It faced the lake in front and the moonlight was great. The happy chatter all around them make the dinner even more cozy and delightful. "you should eat more tonight... tomorrow, we would go to the mountains. You know how to ski?"

"Ski? I mean I've tried it once or twice if that's what you mean. But, I've never been very good at it." He smiled the thought of making a fool of himself on the hills tomorrow... well Dave would get a laugh at least It was very likely he would spend half his time on the ground. " I haven't done it in forever." He said taking anther bite of the meal. "Still, it sound like fun. I'm guessing you know how? You'll just have to teach me."

"Yea I know it, and yes i would be delighted to teach you." Dave smiled at Noah. "Falling is unavoidable... you just have to know how to fall. If we are really fed up with it, we could always go visit the glaciers instead." He said after swallowing another mouthful of meat. "And we would settle for the night up in the mountains. Perhaps I would also need to make a fire. Hope my skills didn't go too rusty."

"Guess will both have some brushing up to do tomorrow." When they finished with dinner they headed back to the hotel it was late and it didn't take long for Noah to wrap himself and Dave up in the blankets and sleep.

Noah had actually been pretty excited about skiing, and for once he was up just about the same time that Dave was, of course, it helped that he had set an alarm the night before. It didn't stop him from rolling over once wrapping an arm around Dave and shushing him. It was the alarm making the sound but in his half asleep state, it didn't really register.

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