C Pregnant translator (w/ secretsparrow)

It was March, and they were stretching thrir time to hide the secret for the thicker clothes would soon be too odd to put on. Dave went down the stairs and smiled. "Hey professor, I just have a few questions. That's the latest draft I had, do you think it's done right?" He asked, handing Noah the statement. "I think it's time....when you have corrected me, i would ask them to send it out." He said holding Noah's waist amd kissed his cheek, subtly starting to rub his back that must be tired after a whole day of lesson.

(I am thinking Noah would be 6.... 7 months?)

Noah kissed back relaxing slightly now that his back had been rubbed. "Hmm? I don't know let me take a look." He was joking lightly but he did take the time to read over the paper before handing it back."I think that will work just fine." Noah gave him a quick kiss before pulling away. He would be glad when he didn't have to hide it anymore and where oversize clothing all the time. Besides, dave was right, people had already suspected something was up.

(yea, works for me. )

"Ok, thanks for approving it, professor. So what grade did i earn myself?" Dave smiled and quickly sent a text to hsi secretary to arrange for the release of the statement. "Can I get home quick so that I could share the good grade that I had with my dearest husband?" He smiled and took Noah's hand, bringing him to the door. They should have a bit of time before the reporters oculd arrive after getting the news. Just in case it got chaotic or somehow it was leaked early, Dave had come to pick his husband up so that he wouldn't be alone.

Noah happily went with Dave he was glad to be with the man, especially after everything was released. "Hmm I think I'de give it at least a B." He joked as they left the school to head home. Noah wasn't sure what to expect from all of this but it would likely only be a matter of time before they had press at the door wanting to talk to them both. Hopefuly, the statement would prove to be enough for now.

"Only a B!" Dave exclaimed with a smile. "I thought that deserved at least an A-." Everything was smooth but even from afar, it was obvious their home's doorstep was crowded with reporters. Dave groaned and cursed. Giving quick instructions to the driver, they got home through another secret entrance. Dave scolded himself for once again, underestimating the ability of reporters. He squeezed Noah's hand and helped him out of the car. He put a jacket over Noah and took out both of their sunglasses to brave the short way from their garage to the front door. Even though the reporters were all a few feet away from them, separated by a guilted gate, they were able to hear the questions shouted out by the crowd.

Noah moved quickly-well, was quick as he was able to. He had no intentions of dealing with the reporters. There would come a time when they would probably have to but for now, at least he didn't want anything to do with it. He was very glad the gate was there otherwise they would be completely swarmed. Once inside Noah let out a breath glancing at the door behind him. "Well, that was interesting." At least Noah didn't seem mad, clearly, a bit irritated just like Dave, but not mad.

(welcome back! How's the camp?)

"let's hope they wouldn't have captured anything other than a blurry image of us both." Dave sighed and rubbed his face. "That's too careless of me... we shouldn't have bumped into this chaos as all..... " He quickly glanced at NOah and was almost relieved when he saw only mild annoyance. The jacket should also do a great job at concealing how far along Noah was. He had deliberately been ambiguous on when the baby would be due, so hopefully they wouldn't be surrounded by more reporters around teh hospital when the time came.

Dave helped Noah undress. Finally in looser and much more comfortable clothes, Noah's belly was freed. They sat down at tehir living room and Dave had taken out the lotion. "You had been on your feet all day again, right?" He asked squinting at Noah while taking one of his feet and started massaging his swollen calf.

Noah let out a sigh, he had to be when he was teaching, he tended to move around a lot and plus he was often writing on the board. "Yea." He muttered softly starting to relax now that Dave was massaging his feet. "Thanks for this." It wasn't the first time Dave had done it, it had become a bit of a routine Dave had been doing this most nights and Noah was pretty thankful for it.

(Not my best reply, it's getting late but it was a lot of fun, I have another week on Saturday but I'm back until then. )

(haha great, good to know that. I am all envious for your camps.... so much fun! Hmm i know i had been stalling a bit on the storyline... i just love to describe all the inconvenience of pregnancy, i would make it a little faster so it would become interesting! And don't worry about the replies, whenever you feel like it!)

From what Dave saw this afternoon, he could understand why Noah's feet were often swollen by the end of the day. His pregnant husband had been walking around and writing so much. The cutest thing was Noah would be holding his belly when he wrote, and he was guessing most students would have guessed he's pregnant for it was pretty obvious Noah was precarious in handling his midsection. He extended his massage from his feet up to his thighs, then later, massaged his shoulders and back. Dave had been ignorant before, but now he knew those parts would also be sore now that he witnessed how Noah had been raising up his arms to write all the time. By now, Dave was sitting behind Noah, his breath brushing against the back of noah's neck.

(Na you're good don't worry. )

Noah leaned into him as a small shiver went through him. He tilted his head back to look up at Dave giving him a soft smile. Noah has relaxed actually, he had almost managed to fall asleep on Dave. "Thank you." She said looking up at Dave with a soft smile. He really was glad to be around the man. Noah loved him, this was all so different than it had been with Emma. last time he had been alone and this time he wasn't. Noah was glad he wasn't alone. It was times like this he wondered what would have happened if he hadn't met Dave.

(Awww you'ee too nice ;) i try hard to keep up with you!)

"You're welcome darling." Dave gave Noah a huge smile and kissed him back. It was great seeing Noah relax. Even his belly looked larger, when his back was able to arch forward and he let himself loose. "Sleep if you want babe, I would take care of it all." He smiled and considered if he could persuade Noah into taking a photoshoot. His husband's so cute with the belly. It would be great to mark this occassion. He stroked the compact belly and wondered if he could convince Noah ina month's time, when his curves would be even more attractive.

(ahhh I'm sorry I forgot to tell you i was going to be gone again, anyway I have returned again.)

Noah glanced at Dave for a moment considering his words and then he gave a small nod closing his eyes again, it wouldn't be too long before the male fell asleep. Noah was honestly kinda cute like this curled up in this position one hand resting on his belly the other on the side of the couch. He was clearly happy, then again he almost always was when he was around Dave.

(It's good! You did mention about another camp coming up last time ;))

Dave couldnt help but snap a shot. Perhaps he could do that himself, being the photographer for his husband. If the press got too annoying, he was thinking maybe they could go for a trip overseas. All news would become old if the reporters dont have anything new to add on. It would be a getaway that would be relaxing for the both of them.

As expected, the reporters were bugging them everywhere the following weekend, especially near the hospital where royals usually go. They were there almost all the time, determined to at least snap a shot of the couple. Dave couldnt be more thankful their next appointment is in 3 weeks' time when hopefully, the public would lost interest.

Noah had expected this, the press was annoying as ever. Already, people were trying to make up things that weren't true. Roomers spread but it would in theory all die down in a few days. They would lose interest, it was just until then the two of them were more or less stuck inside. They wouldn't be getting any peace if they tried to leave now. Noah didn't know if he really liked it, being stuck inside like this but it wasn't horrible at least Dave was around, and Emma of course. They still got outside, into the back yard where Emma played in the evenings before bed.

Some of the rumors were getting quite ridiculous, including Noah had spelt himself inot the pregnancy to secure his position, and in genearl Dave just had a good laugh at it. He even sometimes shared it with his husband. Dave usually spent some time in his office to deal with urgent matters, then joined his husband and daughter in whatevre game they had, just like today. When he went into Emma's room, he could see Noah sitting on the floor, with a rather massive belly, playing lego with their daughter. "Hey princess, what are you building today?" He asked sitting down himself on the carpet, smiling at the little girl. He wasn't in too great a mood before but now all troubles left him the moment he saw his family. Not even the bad news that he would have to host a formal banquet, with Noah, to welcome the president of Noah's country, could bother him now. He would just have to break the news to Noah later.

Noah smiled when he saw Dave, Emma had built a tower, It was curently taller than Emma was and Noah was helping her stack blocks on the very top. "A tower!" Emma said as if it were much more interesting than it acutaly was. Noah only laughed taking anther lego and placed it at the top. "how was work?" He asked with a smile, he was in a good mood today. Emma had been pretty easy to handle and the two had spent a lot of time playing together. Emma set down a block and looked up at Dave, a few moments later she was hugging him. It wasn't unusual she typically did this when Dave got off work and joined them.

Dave smiled happily. His heart always melted when his little princess showed him affcetion. If he could get the moon for.her, he really would. He picked Emma up and leaned sideways so he could kiss Noah. "It's not my perfect day. Maybe i.would need to talk eith you later...." he hesitantly said. Tbis would be th3 first time he shared hsi troubles with Noah. He had a feeling Noah would be able to share it and make him feel tremendously better, but it's still awkward for him for he had never tried before.

He truned his attention to Emma and smiled. "A tower! That's so great... so our little princess woudl live in that like Rapunzel?"

Emma laughed and clapped her hands pulling away. "Yea!" She clearly thought that ideas was the best and grinned up at Dave.

Noah looked at Dave a bit concerned, he could sense something was up and nodded. "Yea, of course." He said softly and after Emma had gone to bed and the door was shut he looked back at Dave. "So what was it you wanted to talk about? Everything ok?" He asked as they headed towards the bed room for the night. Noah was tired and both would probably turn in shortly.

Dave hugged Noah from behind and waddled back to their room together. When they are at home, it's more relaxing and the waddle would come out more for Noah, which is so cute, him looking like a penguin. He buried his head intp the neck of Noah and said in a muffled voice. "We need to host a banquet later.... in 2 month's time." He said sneaking his hands down to hold his belly. It would be dangerously close to Noah's due date and he didnt want to risk it if he had a choice.

Noah looked at Dave with a bit of surprise, despite the muffled voice he had heard the man loud and clear. "Host a banquet?" He muttered quietly. "In two months?" Noah knew right away why this wouldn't be a good idea. It would be close to his due date. "Do we really have to?" He muttered quietly. curling up next to Dave, "I mean, can't someone else do it?"

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