Milk and Honeymoon (Closed RP with Pregali64)

"Ok, let's get you back so you can lay down." Chloe said as she continued to help Sam back to their villa. She was mentally going over all of the items she would need for the delivery. She was brought back to reality when Sam lat out a yelp and dropped into a squat on the beach.

Sam gave out a groan as he felt a contraction coursing through him.

"Honey, I'm not sure if I can make it to the villa." Sam said as he tried to remember the breathing exercises from his lamaze classes.

"Sweetheart, you have to try. It's too dark to deliver the babies here." Chloe was trying to figure out a way to get Sam bavk yo the villa safely.

"Okay, I'll try." Sam groaned as he tried to push through the pain. One step at a time.

Chloe did her best to hold Sam up as they made their way to their villa. Once they got inside, Chloe helped him get to the bed and get comfortable. She sat beside him on the bed and took his hand. "Everything is going to be ok baby." Chloe as she rubbed the top of his belly.

Sam grabbed Chloe's hand as she lied down on the bed. But then, another contraction hit him and he squeezed her hand tightly.

"Breathe through the contractions babe." Chloe held Sam's hand and helped coach him through the contraction.

"I don't think they could wait to meet their daddy." Chloe says as she kisses Sam's cheek when the contraction ended.

Sam did as Chloe told her to and took deep breaths. Sam tried to strip off his clothes while Chloe got the essential items, such as towels and hot water.

Chloe came back to fing Sam struggling through a hard contraction. She immediately set everything down and rushed to Sam's side. She was scared, but she knew she couldn't let Sam know that. "Keep breathing throuhj the pain baby. You're doing great."

Sam tried to keep breathing, but he just wanted the pain to stop. And he knew why he was feeling so much pain. His first baby was starting to crown.

"Talk to me honey. I can't help you if I don't know what you are feeling." Chloe says, desperate to help her laboring husband.

"I think the first one's coming out!" Sam shouted as he tried to breathe through the pain.

"Don't push! I need to get your shorts off, and we need to get you in a better position to deliver." Chloe said as she started to help prep Sam for delivery.

"Okay." Sam said as Chloe pulled his shorts off. He then pushed himself forward and spread his legs wide as he prepared to give birth.

Chloe positioned herself to where she could deliver their baby, but still be close to Sam if he needed her for support. She took his hand, "Ok baby, on the next contraction, I need you to push as hard as you can. I'm right here."

"Okay." Sam said before he felt another contraction. He grunted loudly as he did what Chloe told her to and pushed with all his might.

Chloe watched as their first baby's head slowly started to merge from Sam's body. The sounds of his cried of pain were breaking her heart.

"Give me your hand baby."

Sam eagerly grabbed Chloe's hand as tears were squeezed out of his eyes due to the pain.

"It hurts so much." Sam said in almost a whimper.

"I know it hurts sweetie. You're doing so well. One more big push, and the baby's head will be at a full crown." Chloe had tears in her eyes from seeing her husband in so much pain.

Sam pushed one more time and he gasped as he felt the baby's head come out!

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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