C Pregnant translator (w/ secretsparrow)

Dave washed his hands again and then pressed at the side of Noah's opening, gnetly spreading his puckered hole as he pushed. The little feet of the baby was just there, looking more like a doll than a real baby, and while Noah pushed, his moans resonated in the compact area, and the feet just dropped that much lower. Dave pressed from teh top of the belly to help Noah, and the feet just slipped out.

Noah groaned loudly, he could feel the feet slipping out, he could also feel a lot more pressure now. He was making progress but the rest of the baby was going to be difficult. Despite being early, it wasn't as if it was exactly a small child. He knew he couldn't over think it to much and so letting out a breath he tried to relax for a moment.

When Noah relaxed from teh contraction, he almost slipped right forward with his bottom sliding down the chair. Dave cuaght him mid-fall and both gasped. Dave wiped away teh sweat on his forehead with this near-accident and let out a sigh of relief. "God...." This is so tough, he thoguth to himself but dare not say it out loud. NOah's belly softened a bit and Dave made use of this precious little few seconds to rub it, almost pushing the baby further down Noah's cervix.

Noah gasped until he was back in the position he had been before. HE would need to be more careful but it was hard when he was so tired and in pain. The next pain came and he repeated what he had done before gripping the back of his legs and pulling back as he pushed.

This push had been more effective despite noah's waning energy. Dave pushed down continuously at the top of Noah's belly assisting the baby to come down, and there, the foot came all the way out dangling, but the trunck of the baby and the leg awkwardly stuck was thick. Dave pushed down even harder, and held the baby down when the contraction receded, then pushed further that caused the bottom of the baby to finally breach the cervix.

Noah cried out his back archeched slightly it hurt the progress was good but his body was shaking his muscles tense even after the contraction had ended. "H-hurts" He whimpered quietly

Noah was shaking so violently Dave feared for him to fall off the seat. He grabbed NOah from behind and once again placed him between his legs. With that, he released NOah's belly and the pressure on his pelvis lessened. He hugged Noah and fed him some more water. "Yea it hurts, but think about Emma. This would turn out to be alright. Think about the baby, he's trying so hard wtih you as well, he's trying to come out." He said pulling over Noah's hand and put the tiny leg on his palm. "See? THat's our boy..."

Noah smiled as he felt the foot in his hand, it gave him a bit of strength, maybe he could do this, maybe, just maybe, it would be ok. He took a few sips of water trying not to focus on the pain. "UGGGHHHHHHHHH!" A minute later the rest was over and a contraction hit just as hard as ever. His teeth clenched as he continued trying to ease the child down. His hips and lower back ached as more strain was put on them with the child's position.

The baby was squeezing his way through the very tight canal of Noah's. Dave tried to help in wahtever ways he could. He held the baby's little feet and pushed down on NOah's belly to keep the momentum going. Noah's face was so flushed, he strained to push and the baby was inching its way down, the torso and the foot remaining instead making it's difficult way pass the bottleneck that's Noah's cervix. "Come on, just push down another few seconds... and yes! The baby's bottom's just coming out! Almost visible now."

He collapsed back against the seat taking quick breaths. It was getting closer but thanks to Dave's help he was making progress. Outside rain still pounded against the car, it wasn't letting up. Noah was tired and he knew the next part wasn't going to get easier.

At least now it's two steps forward one step back. Both Dave and Noah knew the next part was the harshest challenge, and they were on their own. Dave kissed Noah's face, silently encouraging him while lisentning to the raindrops hitting the glass. It's almost 4am now. Most likely the baby would be born when the sun rise up again. "noah...." dave muttered suddenly, his voice almost imperceptable. "Just stay with me.... we are going to make this together." He said rubbing Noah's belly that's beginning to tight up again. Courage and determination were what they needed now.

Noah smiled lightly as he looked back at Dave. "Of course we will." He said in agreement closing his eyes for a moment. He knew it was late. They had been at this for hours but they also didn't have a choice but to keep going. Noah groaned when he felt the contractions start again he gripped the back of his knees and pushed. He cried out in pain with the little progress that was made. He tried to move his hips apart a bit more but there was only so far they could go in the car.

The butt of the baby was wide, and Dave tried to make more room for Noah. He tried to spread Noah's legs wider but he himself was a large man, and 2 large men cramped at the back of the seat just occupied too much space for any manipulation to work. Dave instead tried to hold on the little foot that was pushing out, and pressed on Noah's opening that was beginning to bulge out with his push. At this point he could only hold onto the skin hoping it would prevent a tear.

Noah's groan turned into cries of pain as he pushed and he felt the child move out more. The progress was slow but at least it was something. When he stopped pushing the progress disappeared When the contraction ended Noah leaned back letting out a groan of frustration. He was getting tried and wasn't making much progress.

Dave suspected the baby appeared to be just stuck at that position due to the cervix unable to accommodate for the large girth. The baby would appear to be pressing forward whenever a contraction hit and Noah pushed, but it would slip back right away when it stopped. "Noah... I am reaching in to see what's wrong. Take a deep breath and relax as much as you could ok?" He said and when Noah took a breath as he was told, he pushed a finger in and reached all the way to the cervix where the bottom fo the baby was trying to make its way out.

(Sorry I've been away crazy week with school and stuff.)

Noah groaned loudly, he tried to stay relaxed but it hurt and his first instinct was to pull away. He didn't instead he just clenched his jaw tightly. He wasn't sure if Dave would be much help, even if there was something else wrong how much could be done from the backseat of the car?

(Aww it's alright. i know how it could be ;))

It's a tight fit with the baby's leg in the canal, but Dave managed to push through and squeeze his way into the channel. At the very end, he could feel a ring of muscle getting stretched and pushed from within of noah. His predictions was right, the diltaion wasn't enough for the baby to pass, but all he could do was to stretch the cervix as much as he could with his fingertip, just like what he would do with his opening, trying to encourage its dilationa nd thus, allow the baby to pass.

Noah cried out at the start of a contraction. His breath quickened and he froze he wasn't sure what to do. His body tensed up clearly unprepared for this kind of pain. However, whatever Dave was doing helped a little bit, or at least it seemed that way. "S-stop." Noah groaned when the pain ended and he laid back on the bed still trying to catch his breath. However,r it was hard when he couldn't get comfortable in the slightest.

This contraction seemed violent, even Dave could feel how noah was trembling hard with the pain. He forced himself to ignore his discomfort though, continuing to do what he was trying to od, working side by side with the contraction in clearing the way for the baby. He looked up at noah, he knew his legs twitched, borderlining from spasming with being trapped for too long, but he had to continue this. Evnetually his cervix felt soft and a little bit more stretched, and Dave withdrew his finger and let out a deep breath. "right.. let's see waht happens next, push when the contraction hit?" he suggested rubbing Noah's thighs.

They wouldn't have long to wait soon Noah was leaning forward and bearing down like he had been before. He gripped the back of his legs as he pushed groaning and crying out as he felt himself making more progress than before. Dave had helped Noah was stretching more his body slowly making room for the large baby.

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