C Pregnant translator (w/ secretsparrow)

With his first push teh baby already surged forward, he was coming out the furthest by far and Dave exclaimed in excitement. "that's it Noah the baby's really coming! look at him... that little butt is already passing!" He said seeing his perineum bulging from the bottom of the baby pressing against the opening, relieved that finally it had passed the bottleneck that's Noah's cervix.

Noah didn't need to be told, he could feel it. However, he was glad to be making progress. When the contraction was over he leaned back breathing hard. He still had the shoulders and the head to get out and he knew neither of those things would be easy. He got only a few moments to rest and he was at it again giving into what his body demanded and bearing down. "uggghh!" he groaned loudly his body shaking with effort.

"easy Noah!" Dave scrambled to hold the baby from surging forward too quickly. It's almost making its way out and noah was dangeroulsy close to tearing, with traces of blood appearing already. Dave pressed his hand around Noah' s opening to hold it back a little. "Pant first, pant!" Every was suddenly going too fast and Dave had to pull him back a little, but it was too late, Noah might have sensed he had little energy left and he pushed so hard he had the bottom popping out with a gush of fluid, and tore himself.

Noah cried out arching his back as he felt the stinging pain. He knew he had torn but he was to tired to care much. It hurt he was bleeding and he wasn't done yet. "s-sorry." Noah whimpered glancing back at Dave for a moment. To be fair Noah hadn't even realized what was happening until it had happened.

Dave shook his head and squeezed Noah's hand. "Dont apologize to me.... I should be the one saying sorry. Should have alerted you earlier. I am so sorry.... pant now?the body should come on its own.... i hope your tear wouldnt grt any worse." To stop the bloodflow Dave ripped his shirt into smaller strands and pressed on Noah's wound.

Noah closed his eyes resting for a few moments. When the pain came back he did his best to just breath and leaned back on Dave. He was tired but he knew he had to keep going.

"Little pushes now...." dave had expected the contraction to be strong enough to get the baby out on their own, but he had been too optimistic. Noah had to push to makr any real progress. "Push down.... just bit by bit..." he muttered beside Noah, watching carefully as the baby didnt feel like moving at all.

Noah nodded and pushed with the next contraction, he tried to be careful but it wasn't easy to really hold back. He just wanted it out. Noah gripped the edge of the car seat as he pushed before once again leaning back into dave at the end of the contraction. He wasn't sure how much progress he was really making but he could feel that there was some

In any other situation, Dave would suggest a change in position feeling the light jerks from Noah's legs showing they were dangerously close to cramping, but they were stuck here, pravtically no other position was possible. Dave rubbed his face against Noah's head when he flopped back down on his chest and encouraged. "Push again, I can feel him coming. Very close now, just his little chest and I am sure the head would just slip through." The baby was awkwardly stuck at mid-torso and the angle wasnt exactly right for him to "slip out", but Dave had decided he would pull as well on next contraction.

Noah managed to nod, his body tensed up again and he pushed. He was aware it wasn't quite at the right angle to just slip out but he could feel the progress. Dave's pulling was helping some but it hurt and Noah couldn't help but cry out again towards the end of the contraction.

They were both drenched in sweat and it felt like the birth would never end. Even Dave was feeling the frustration. Noah had endured all this pain yet the baby's still halfway. He supported his opening with one hand and dragged the baby out with another. "Come on just another bit..." he said amidst Noah's cry and his tremble. He could feel the pain Noah was enduring and for the first time, he feared if his husband.would pass out from pain alone.

Noah could do nothing to fight against what was happening, but it didn't stop him from trying. His back arched and he cried out gripping tightly to the back of his legs. between pains, he rested back against dave struggling to catch his breath but there wasn't much time and he had to push again. He was tired he knew he needed to get it out soon. He had reached just about as much as he could handle. He pushed again crying out as he felt it move again thanks to Dave's help.

The baby finally had moved out enough that both legs were freed, Dave released Noah's opejing and instead pushed down on Noah's belly. "Push! The shoulder's xoming!" Not.coming out the proprr way, both shoulders were crashing into Noah's opening and once again, stretched him to his.limit. his tear started bleeding again, which actually worked like lubricant. Dave also pressed as much forward ss he could while still holding Noah in place, so that his upper torso was almost vertical to get gravity working their way.

Noah cried out but he soon realized that wouldn't do him a lot of good and so he began pushing to make some progress. The burning grew worse but he knew that meant he was at least making progress and tried not to fight against it.

combining the force of noah's contraction and pushes, together with Dave's external push, the baby eventually made its slow way out of Noah. Blood was soaking through the cushioned chair and the baby once again stopped against Noah's horribly stretched hole, and then another push forced it forward a little, but it was still unable to break free, and then finally, a third did the charm and the shoulders slipped through.

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