Mermens cave (closed)

(Yes that means cas has a penis appear)
Azizi shivers again eyes closing as he writhes trying to get his fingers deeper than just rubbing around the outside "cas please?" He groans trilling again though he seems happier in the nest laying under cas tail twisting and rubbing as much as possible. Hes always been squirmy and has to be help down when hes turned on now is no different as he keeps moving and begging.

(Sorry, I know they are dumb questions, I just wanted to make sure what I did was right)

Cas groaned slightly at the sounds that his almost mate was making, he pushed two fingers inside the slit moving them around shocked at how insanely tight it felt around his fingers, he felt as his penis appeared long and thick and erect from watching his mate. He leaned down kissing Azizi from his mouth and down his throat as he continued moving his fingers in the slit

Azizi warbles as cas gets closer to his gills on his neck. His tail stills. Having fingets moving inside him. He loves every minute of being fingered he reaches a shaking hand to wrap around cas penis stroking trying to be gentle about his claws. "Its alittle uncomfortable... But dont stop. I need you" he whispers

(I work today from 5 until about 11 just letting you know)

Cas trilled loudly as he was touched. He kept moving his fingers inside him gently gaining speed a little and started to stretch the slit gently as he went wanting to make himself entering Azizi as comfortable as possible. "You're so handsome" he murmured touching his face with his free hand

Azizi turns pink again and kisses cas deeply closing his eye he arches his tail up into the touch little bubbles leaving his mouth hes about to start his sirens song demanding more than fingers. The slit is tight but seems to easily stretch. He crys out trying to keep from being demanding "cas please i need you. I need to lock tails" he babbles slightly tail thrashing again as he trembles claws raking at the seaweed nest

Cas moans loudly and kisses him deeply before twisting their tails together and pushes himself into the slit slowly holding his mate close to him "Is that okay?" He asked, shaking himself from the purely blissful feeling that courses through him

Azizi screams loudly it tapers off into him singing eye open and glowing gold as he wraps his tail with cas sinking back against him. Every little twitch of his tail he is very tight but he looks so comfortable trusting cas as he lays there singing softly his praise at having cas inside him. He smiles showing his teeth. The sharp teeth that will be biting cas fairly soon to leave a mating mar.

Cas smiles brightly, his own teeth gleaming in the dark water as he moves his body and tail with Azizi's singing along with him softly, their songs fitting together almost like a puzzle piece.

Azizi twists his tail alittle more and yelps freezing up his whole body shivers when cas hits a very sensitive spot he is seeing stars at the moment clinging to cas. "If you keep hittint there it wont last long" he breathes trying to remember how

Cas moans softly and kissed Azizis neck gently. "If you want me to go slower I will" he said before pulling back and knocking forward making sure to hit that exact spot again loving the noises his mate was making

He groans tilting his head as his tail convulses around cas dick. He closes his eye panting hes become alittle slicker suddenly "please. Cas need you. Fill me with your baby please" he starts begging

Cas bit down into his mates neck as he rocked his fun together with Azizi's gaining speed and strength as he went grunting and moaning loudly as he felt his mate tense in his arms as he too tended and felt his whole body release, he cried out loudly pulling Azizi close to him as he did

Azizi is trembling he freezes up against cas also biting down tje second cas releases his neck he can hardly move panting as hes still locked with cas tjough the brightest smile ever crosses his face and his tail turns purple. Hes pride at the moment grinning at his new mate. "I cant wait" he whispers resting against cas

Cas smiled holding him close kissing his cheek gently. He put his hand on Azizi's stomach gently "I can't wait either" he said stroking it gently smiling happily at his mate "All mine" he said before kissing him gently

Azizi hums slightly arching his tail to push his tummy out "all yours always." He kisses back. Sinking into bed yawning "i guess we will know in the next week or two when i stop wanting to leave the nest or beg you to take care of me" he blushes alittle

Cas smiled brightly and pecks at his lips lightly again "I never mind taking care of you" he stroking Azizi's long hair gently "And I will be even happier to have a little you swimming around so I would be extremely happy to look after you until then" he smiled and hugged him close gently

Azizi hums softly falling asleep in caspers arms just before he passes out he mumbles "mine" the next morning he stretches and rises from the nest to go exploring he forgets his eye patch as he heads towards the surface seeing a boat

Casper curls in on himself as his mate leaves the nest, he can't quite believe how comfortable it was. He stretched out not long afterwards and looked around confused wondering where his mate was. He swam around, not going far from the nest like he assumed Azizi would have

Azizi was looking at the boat in sight of the cave. But way too close to the human boat. He never does go far from home being scared of the surface birds. He is half watching the boat half chasing a fish enough that he does not see a human diving behind him

Casper spotted him and smiled a little watching him for a second before his eyes caught the human "Babe!" He yelled out and swam towards him quickly "Look out!" He yelled swimming as fast as he could towards his mate

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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